The OFFICIAL Random thread

Auld Lang Syne is sung at midnight to toast in the New Year. The song was composed by Robert Burns sometimes in the 1700's. The term means "old long ago" or "the good old days."
from the same page as above, :)

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

here is a funny odd fact

if you go to the fuelly sight and look up jeep, as the manufacturer, then hit wrangler, as the model, you can search by year. all the years listed have at least two vehicles except the 87 wrangler. i am the only person listed on the sight as driving a 1987 jeep wrangler.


In the kingdom of Bhutan, all citizens officially become a year older on New Year's Day.



saw thi thing at a car show at the civic center in florida... its impressive
Makes me think of a big bug,fitting for florida. They grow some big ones down there. First time I seen a palmento bug,scared the crap out of me,but it wasn't just one bug but a whole nest of em. Hope they keep that thing down there.

In addition to their birthdays, or instead of them?

Your birthday is your birthday the kingdom leaders or government do not officially recognize the increase until the new year.

Some people consider the $1 bill unlucky because there are so many 13's on it: 13 stars, 13 stripes, 13 steps, 13 arrows and even an olive branch with 13 leaves on it. Of course the $1 bill is unlucky - if it was lucky it would be a $100 bill.
I always know when my Lab's nails need to be trimmed. He sneaks from carpet to carpet because he hates the feeling of hard floors on his claws. He'll just bark sitting on the bottom step if the rug is too far away. Won't even greet me at the door, just starts barking and whining.
Budabump budabump budabump bump bump Budabump budabump budabump bump bump budabump budabump budabump bump bump BAAAAAAAAA budabump bump bump!!!

rules are no bumping... but it doesent say anything about badabumping! :D random thread back from the dead
bugleboy said:
rules are no bumping... but it doesent say anything about badabumping! :D random thread back from the dead

What'cu talking about!!! Thos are just the lyrics to my favorite song!!! ;)