VT Hokie
So it's official. She's a dork. The jury's still out on whether or not I want to keep dating her. It's not that I think it's weird she's a dork, just not sure.
So it's official. She's a dork. The jury's still out on whether or not I want to keep dating her. It's not that I think it's weird she's a dork, just not sure.
I guess that was too much to ask?
What did she do to make you declare her a dork? Are you sure she's not just a free spirit? You know, "Playful?"
I dig chicks that don't care what others think of them.
Besides, she's hot. And isn't that the most important thing of all?
It's effin' snowing here.... AGAIN!!!!!!
Guess what oh Colorado boy...its snowing here...and its moving your way
while all the time my hair is freezing into little icicles on my head, then when I go to pull off my hood, it's stuck and rips out half of my hair with it.
and nobody got a picture?.....dammit!
Potty mouth
We haven't seen temps over 32 degrees in over 2 weeks. It's been cooooooold. I love it.