Thinking of Trading my YJ on this GT


New member
This weather has gotten me down. It's too much of a pain to put the top back up and theres been so much rain. My YJ just sits in the garage waiting for better days. I've been considering selling it and almost did to Ian.
Remember this ad?

Anyway, this is the Car I'm considering. Straight up trade.


I was gonna get one with the cash from the YJ anyway.
I'm having second thoughts. Should I do it?


Just my opinion, keep the Jeep... While the car might be great and awesome, there are some things that a car just cannot do that a Jeep can... I think that, in the long run, you would miss it...

But that's just me.
That's a nice car but your Yj is nicer. I mean, I think your Yj is worth more. There are tons of those 5points all over.
RE: gotta love the marines...

the clouded judgement of many on this board would lead you to believe that the only good thing to drive around is a jeep. in reality, there's nothing wrong with driving something else. while i'm not a fan of mustangs, i say go for it. whatever makes you happy man. you've already tried to do it once, so it seems like you want to do it.

someone said there are things you can do in a jeep that you cant in other vehicles, which is true, but that street is a two way street. the stang you're looking at has a rag top too, so you dont lose that if it does ever get nice out.
That Mustang ain't bad lookin', but you might want to do at least a budget boost and some 31's. It doesn't look like it would drive over a speedbump in it's current condition :?

Seriously though, you will be completely tired of it after a month. Keep the Jeep.

If it were me, I'd keep the Jeep. But it's not me. If you're going to get a Mustang, don't get that one. Those body styles sucked. And, they were built poorly with cheap parts. It'll eventually just fall to pieces around you. Trust me, I sold Fords and have several friends that owned GT's just like the one you pictured. Not wanting to rain on your parade, just giving my honest opinion.
Go for it......the 'stang will look cool cruising the beach with your surf poles up front. There's alot to think about when switching over to a "pavement only" vehicle and only you can decide if you're ready for that kind of switch. Been where you are.......made the sports car back to a Jeep.
Easy Dude! Just hang in this will pass. We all go through these things from time to time. You will be ok, you are among friends. ;)


Sparky-Watts said:
If it were me, I'd keep the Jeep. But it's not me. If you're going to get a Mustang, don't get that one. Those body styles sucked. And, they were built poorly with cheap parts. It'll eventually just fall to pieces around you. Trust me, I sold Fords and have several friends that owned GT's just like the one you pictured. Not wanting to rain on your parade, just giving my honest opinion.

I second sparky on this one. I havent heard too many good things about these mustangs. If your looking to get into a car that is totally the wrong model. I think your jeep would be worth more than that mustang. I dont know about a straight up trade
RE: Gas Tank Leak

My wife looked at me like I had three heads when I told her this morning what I was thinking of doing. She knows how much time and money I've put into the YJ and knows it'll just start over again with a new vehicle. I'll be in the garage all the time again! She's no dummy but she supports me no matter what I want to do.

I'm still walking the fence but I appreciate everyone's advice. I'll do some research on Fox bodied converts. This is the only Jeep forum I know where Jeep enthusiasts will give me rational advice, not just tell me I'm completly nuts for thinking of trading a Jeep on a Ford (a Ford car even). You guys ROCK!!!!

I took the top off before I went to Venezuela and it's been off since, waiting for nice weather again. Maybe what I'll do is put the top on tonight and drive it around for a couple of days. I'll put the new Seether CD in and crank it 'til the windows vibrate while I drive through some big puddles. Sounds like a plan.......

Got a good laugh when a friend called just now. He's a mustang nut but told me to "stay away from the light". He likes my YJ.

Re: RE: Wax stains on plastic parts

If you were trading in the YJ on one of the new Mustang GTs I would say hell yeah. I saw a sweet conv. today...mucho nicito
RE: Anyone going to see Dave Matthews in St Louis?

I'd have to trade 10 YJ's like mine for one of those!!
I love 'em too. Had a '70 Mach 1 that I miss. Sold it for the YJ.

judge09 said:
If you were trading in the YJ on one of the new Mustang GTs I would say hell yeah. I saw a sweet conv. today...mucho nicito

You HAVE to change the wheels and tires on them though!!! Those tires they put on them are like the cheapest, $10 tires you could possibly find!

A 2005 GT with some 20's would be bad@$$ 8)

No clouded judgement around here. It's a jeep board, with jeep enthusiasts. If you asked this question on a mustang board, you'd get skewed answers in the other direction.

What I like to do is make a "Vs." list. "Pro's and Con's" or "Jeep vs. Mustang" in your case.

Some things I would consider:

1- You can do street and offroad in the Jeep, where you'd be limited to street in your Mustang.
Jeep wins.

2- Chicks dig both.

3- Sports cars get "Old" in terms of perception, much faster. A 93 Jeep looks more contemporary than a 93 Mustang. Unless they are in classic status, to me an old sports car (Like a 1980-1995) just looks sad. Just my opinion.

4- Speed

5- Inner City driving

6- Cargo
Jeep ...slight edge.

7- Size - parallel parking downtown in a large auto sucks. Jeeps are compact, short, and have a turning radius which allows you to pull a U turn on a dime so you can snake that parking spot before anyone else.

8- Road Trips, and long distance driving.

9- MPG...

10. My hobbies. Camping, fishing, hunting, wheeling, art, traveling, etc.

Those are some of the things I would personally consider. Do a pro and con list...or a Mustang vs. Jeep list. Think of the elements that are most important to you when considering a car. Make sure it's not just the "grass is greener" cache that's affecting your descision.

Are creature conforts important to you?
What other hobbies are affected by your choice i.e. fishing, camping, racing etc.

Climate? A/C? There are tons of elements. When you are done, total them up, and your choice has been made.

Your personal needs will be different than ours. But I still hope you pick the YJ!! :wink:

But if you go with the Mustang, promise us you'll stick around!!