This Jeep hater got what he deserved


New member
Ok so me and some friends go over to Bojangles after exams today for lunch in my jeep. So we eat and I walk out to see a few underclassmen around my jeep. It looked kinda sketchy and plus they were lookin at me and snickering. So we pile in the jeep and go around to the other side of the restaraunt to check out what they did. Ends up 2 or 3 of em hocked loogies on my side. :evil: . So I pull back around to pass em saying "Hey fellas, F U" with my finger out the window. haha. (There was about 15 of em). So two of them get in an 80's something tbird and try to follow me. so i get to a stop sign at a busy intersection and get out alright and stop at the redlight 100 feet away. So I'm watchin this kid in my mirror when the dumb a$$ doesn't even look and pulls out and nails a brand new eclipse. No one was hurt it was barely an accident.

What a bunch of jerks.......they had it coming.
today someone tried to ram the back of my jeep on the way to school
i kinda hoped they would considering as they were in a 2003 nissan maxima(practically no bumper- what it does have is plastic sheel and foam inside)

that woulda been a blast

ha. ha. he got what he deserved all right. one wrecked camero comin up! i hate to say this but it seems you can tell alot about the driver by the vechical he/she is driving.
yeah i was comming in one night from a little afternoon 4wheelin.......i had a group of us in my CJ and some redneck launced a beer on to my hood and it exploded. i was pissed. then i saw him a couple of miles up on the side of the road tryin to flag someone down for help. looked like a flat.

i hate to say this but it seems you can tell alot about the driver by the vechical he/she is driving.

something wrong with a 3rd gen F-Body?
I was checking up at a railroad crossing one time (bars were coming down) and an old guy in an LTD plowed into the back of my old XJ. I had the clutch in and no feet on the brake. I barely made it under the bars and looked to the right to see an AMTRAK hauling A$$ right toward me. I quickly grabbed a gear and got the hell out of the way.
After the train passed the guy crossed and apologized. He was more scared than I was. He offered to pay for the bumper but I declined (I had already bent and straightened it once). It was a close call. That train almost bit the dust.
Jeeping around Michigan?

If neone spit on my jeep or did nething to it, i would beat their rear end, or do the same to them and their car, even if he was bigger than me i'd dropkick his knees and nut check him...either way i think we all feel the same about someone 'harassing' our beloved cjs, yjs, tjs, xjs, wjs, etc.