those poor people


New member

I really feel sorry for those who never experience driving their vehicle in mud, and through unpaved trails. Every time i go and get the jeep muddy, i get the same reaction... most are good reactions... when i drive through town, EVERY person stares at me. I hear kids as well as adults saying "wow, look at that jeep over there". I often get people covering their mouths to prevent their jaws from falling off, and then there's my share of "HOLY SH!T"... Its great when I get a redneck pulling up next to me in a beat up ford, and I get a big thumbs up with a "yeeha, nice job" heard over their exhaust. But the best is when I get fellow 4x4ers in awe and asking how the hell i did what i did, and asking advice on where to go.

Then there are the people who have never gotten to experience the honor of driving the unpaved highway system, the people who criticize the beautiful new, and free, paint job that makes my jeep look like a chunk of earth on wheels. Most of these people are family, I've put together a list of a few common things I hear:

lets take my mother... "Yeah, its impressive, but why would you want to do that to your vehicle? Its only fun til you break something"... when in fact... if you break something, it usually means you were having more fun than usual

then there's my father... "You shouldn't do that, you just put those new parts on" ...ok?... and?... "You know, those things were made to be driven on the road, they were not meant to go ruin like that"... now how much more wrong can a statement get? i can imagine him wondering at night "now why didn't the military just use sports cars to get around in the jungles?"

brother... "Did you show mom yet? and "That's gonna ruin your paint, what are you going to do when it makes a scratch?" ...Scratches are bad?????

the elderly... "Now what on God's earth would convince you to go ruin your car like that?" and "You work so hard and save money for so long to buy that, and you go out and do this to it" ... Because I know better than to spend that hard earned money on a honda.

\m/ :evil: \m/[addsig]


Nice post Snitty man. I feel pretty much the same way. I get the same reaction with my Jeep from the general public. In fact more people notice it when it is all mudded up than when it is shinny waxed :cool: [addsig]

I like to see any jeep covered in mud,take my friend for example,his mom just bought a brand new wrangler X.I ask my friend if he evr goes offroading or has even used 4wd.He says,"No,I will probly brake something,jeeps arent made for that kind of abuse",mean while my moms parked next to him in her suburban witch is covered in mud.My mom doesnt even haave 4wd :-O I think its saad that my friend doesnt even no how to shift into 4wd. Sully[addsig]

heres some pics of my jeep


Just like I said in another post. There are 2 or 3 Rubicons running around here and I have yet to see one dirty. My YJ is still muddy from wheeling 2 weeks ago :lol:

edited by: jeepin_madness, May 07, 2003 - 01:00 PM[addsig]

every time i see a muddy 4x4, i immediately say to myself, "i want to go where they went!!!" although i've never seen a car totally covered in mud around here. i'm guessing there is no where to go to get muddy like that around here...too many orange no trespassing signs :-? [addsig]

Snitty That was well said and only the ones that use their Jeeps for what they are for will ever understand why you would take an expensive item like a Jeep and add parts and pieces to make even more exspensive and then turn right around and get it Dirty. Take a dented up finder and brag about how you did that. Get in it with you muddy ol boots and not think anything about it. Over used and kind of corny but "It's a Jeep Thing!" tug [addsig]


if there are no places you know of to go get muddy around there, talk to people when you see a muddy vehicle... i got a "I couldn't have done it better with my International" today from a local Scout driver... and he wanted to know where I went. I told him where I went, but told him it was a private lot... if you ask around, you will eventually find a nice place to get dirty[addsig]

I drive around and find Powerlines. to most this may sound a little tame, but you may be amazed. Good Old Georgia Clay deffinantly makes a mess to be admired. The washouts make it even better (adds Obstacles). The only problem with this is the Private Property factor. Well, Vehicular Trespassing is a $75 dollar fine. WOOHOO!!! that isn't even 1/2 the cover charge for a Jeep Jamboree, and these Obstacles are build by nature not a pile of packed down dirt sitting on top of a plastic tarp so that the grass isn't destroyed. :) Kind of like Supercross. I hava found 2 GREAT powerline trails in the Atlanta Area so if anyone is looking in this area, just ask. Powerline Trails = Easy-intermediate trail.[addsig]