Thought i would share the news...


New member
I know that I JUST started on this board with hopes on meeting alot of you. However i thought i would share this pieces of news that i found out yesterday morning.

Im going to be a FATHER!!! 8) I have 2 step kids already however this will make one that is MINE. LOL

congradulations!i also have one of my own and two step.i love them all.:lol:
Like redlight said, Congradulations, Im sure news like that is going to make the holidays that much better!!!
Cool and Congrats!!! I don't have any children of my own, but I claim my wife's son as my own, and he calls me "Dad", so I figure that counts. He's gonna make me a Grandpa anytime in the next few weeks!! My very first grandson!! I'm the youngest in my family at 41 and will be the first to be a grandparent.....seems kinda weird, huh?

I'm hoping for a New Year's Baby, but he and his wife want it before then for the tax break.:purple: Either way, I don't care, just as long as he turns out to like Jeeps!!;)
Sparky is 100% right- bonus kids do count. Mud has three bonus sons (mine) and I have one bonus son (his)- I fret over his son as much as I do my own. A new life is always exciting- we 're very happy for you.