tj hates hot weather

I had the same prob after doing everything all the way to wiring harness it was ecu that was bad good luck
Happened to mine as well... Found out the third fuel injector is too close to the exhaust and gets way too hot on hot days. I got an insulator for the injector (prob around 6 bucks) and it (knock on wood) hasn't given me a problem since.

i have the same set up 97 with 2.5L i find my jeep starts and runs way better when its cooler out but that just hast to do with more air
but to deal with high heat low speeds i am putting electric cooling fan as well as cold air intake
i have been told this will help with the low speed city driving and low, rough idle
hope it helps but is sounds like the other know better what they are talking about
I dont know if this will help but im going to put it out there anyway. I had a 4 cyl plymouth horizon that done the same thing and we found out it was the fuel cap..... something to do with the pressure. I dont know but wanted to mention it.