TJ tub shifted


New member
I've got a 97 TJ, no body lift. I just noticed that the tub/body has shifted forward on the frame. The body mounts/bushings are all in tact and look like they're in good condition. I'm not sure if anyones ever had this happen.
The question is do I lift the tub and put in new mounts or maybe neoprene ones or do I just try to slide her back? Shes only been wheelin a couple times, no jumps or really radical climbs..???????

What made you think it's shifted? And are the body mount bolts loose?

If it's really shifted, it's most likely because they (most of them, if not all) are loose.
Youre not far from JCWhitney (neither am I BTW) go there and get some new urethane mounts; preferably as part of a "lift lit" LOL;
BTW I gotta go thru your town every time I make the 2 hour ride to JCW; I remember alot of time spent there at Illini State Park as a kid; can never forget that huge old "Nabisco" sign!
What made you think it's shifted? And are the body mount bolts loose?

If it's really shifted, it's most likely because they (most of them, if not all) are loose.

The gap around the rear wheel wells are what caught my eye. There is no gap to the rear (where there was before) and a big gap in front. Looking at the bolts they seem forward in the mounts. The first thing I did was check the mounts and I took one off to check the condition of the mount, all good.

I guess I'll go with neoprene mounts and a little body lift.

Youre not far from JCWhitney (neither am I BTW) go there and get some new urethane mounts; preferably as part of a "lift lit" LOL;
BTW I gotta go thru your town every time I make the 2 hour ride to JCW; I remember alot of time spent there at Illini State Park as a kid; can never forget that huge old "Nabisco" sign!

Haven't been out here that long for Nabisco to have been still in Operation.
Look me up next time your headin out Whitneys and we can hit the Cliffs for an afternoon run...
Does the Jeep have a suspension lift? If you lift a TJ and leave the control arms stock the wheels will "move" in the wheel wells. There are 11 body mounts under there - I would find it hard to believe that they all moved without breaking any bolts. Other places to look for alignment are... Has the firewall got closer to the engine? Is your shift lever still centered in the boot? Have a look at the rear crossmember body mounts. Any shifting will be really obvious here - the bolts should be vertical. Best of luck - John
When I get my TJ done I will give you a call and meet you guys at the cliffs. I think weather radar when I hear Marseilles because of the big radar station out there. I am about an hour or so northwest.
I will say your issue is not known to be a common problem. I can see with the age and road salt you might have some rust causing the body and frame areas to compress effectively loosening the mounts.

My TJ is a 97 as well; and earlier this year I had to transplant the whole body and drivetrain to a replacement frame. Mine rotted out on the driver side just ahead of the rear wheel arch. (I didn't put a lift on mine either; I just had to get it back running again safely ASAP, since I have a 16 yo that just got his license) and I didn't think that he needed any help as a "cop magnet" beyond simply being a new driver! I have had my 97 since "Y2K" got it with 19K on it now has 91K, 6 cyl stick, what gets me is that 18 months of the 9 years I have owned it my TJ sat in a dry garage since I was laid up and under Dr's orders not to drive a stick (THAT sucked) so the timing of that all meant that it missed out on 2 whole winters, definitely the 2 worst winters we've had since owning that Jeep; 2 years less salt exposure; yet the body is about an 8.5 out of a 10 (dings and scratches here and there NO rust) I'm surprised that the body is so good when the frame was so bad on mine! I POR 15'd the replacement frame and undercoated the snot out of every square inch I could, with Dupli Color truck bed coating while the body was sitting on sawhorses and/or suspended in my garage by 2 come-a-longs from the ceiling joists to keep it that way; I mean I had that stuff sitting here on the shelf anyhow, may as well use it up

I hope to have my Jeep another 20 years especially since it was (1) the closest thing to brand new that I'll probably ever have back when I got it it was 3 years old with 19K on it then; (2) it cost me as much as all the other vehicles I have owned in 26 years of driving put together, back when I got it, especially considering the interest on the 5 yr loan; (3) I still have not "grown tired" of it; (4) I tend to drive the snot out of my vehicles to get my "money's worth" (5) it's a 4.0 which is pretty much indestructible with a little maintenance

I found a '99 frame from Craigslist for $500 that had been stored in a garage since it was parted in '01; (at least that's the story the seller gave me, he'd bought it for a now-abandoned project) and boy that frame was night n day, in better shape than my original frame. so I figured I'd do what I could, to keep it that way. I also have an 01 XJ and father-son buddies with both a XJ and a TJ that have been asking me about teh Cliffs. I may have to show them the way out there one weekend.
BTW neither of my Jeeps have ever been "wheeled" beyond what was needed to get thru unplowed roads in these Chicago winters. Yet anyway.