To stroke or not to stroke.


New member
Got ur jeep loaded down with gear and grub, and down the highway we go. The goings good until a long drawn out hill, got ur leg shaken as u try to push the pedal thru the floor. Got a head wind? Forget speed and dignity and draft the semi. Now the proud owner of 3 jeeps i know all to well the power issue with all early models. Poor mans stroker 4.7? What is the most power u can pull out of the 4.0?

Well it depends on how deep your pockets are lol There was a feature in an issue of JP magazine of a 4 liter pushing 1200 horses, but like I said, depends on how deep your pockets are.
A stroked motor that is also reliable and not a bear to drive, you will get about 250hp close to 290 ft-lb. you can get more, no questions about it, but then you start to remove some of the driveability and longevity of the motor.
it was close to 5 liters with a tubro on it.... the one before was in the 500-600 range..

They also had NOS on it to get the extra few ponies. If I remember, it's been a while and I'm getting older, they ended up blowing the motor.

1200 hp for 1200 miles!Maybe?????
I would rather have 300 for 300,000.
Bigger is better but over the years I have learned that too much can cause alot of headaches and constant wrenching.
Unless this is a full time play toy,dont go too big.
do it you will feel like you doubled your power, though you might not have it will be capable of doing all you spoke of in the above thread with not much effort