torn seat?


New member
My driver side seat has about a six inch rip or more like a crack just in the vinly not in the cloth under it, yet. Has anyone had any luck with a patch, or any ideas? My rear seats started coming apart at the corners, but I was able to remove the stitch and run some more thread through them............... w/out sticking myself.

Not really sure how to patch something like that b/c its vinyl but i know you can just slab some seat covers over them and forget about it . . . . proboly not the best solution but it would work , or just slab some ductape on it . . you know the saying, if you cant duck it f*** it.
never tried to fix it , but its caused from "sliding" off your seat instead of getting up and off it. common on jeeps/trucks with bigger tires or lifts.
thanks guys, maybe I will go with the quick fix right now, slap some ductape to keep out the rain and slide my covers back on. One more question..... should I go with the camo or the 200mph nascar ductape? :lol:

when that happened to me, I just bought a cheapy seat cover at wal mart and put a towel over the crack until i could get a local upolsterer to fix them all for about 150 bucks.

4wheelparts and quadratech both have several replacement seats for $114 for low backs, but that's a lot for seats that will just get rained, mudded, sunned on again...