

VT Hokie
heres my story guys, im not totally coherent right now so bear with me

so teusday night i went o my buddys house to pick up a ranger with a built 302 in it that my dad and i are using in a project jeep. well his mom and my dad got to talking construction and i jumped on my buddys dirtbike to ride it around the neighborhood. cruised around the neighborhood once and came back to get russell, my buddy, and his bike (an actual street legal motorcycle) i dont remember much past this point and this is what i can piece together but i wound up under a ford taurus after coming out of a curve. the bike and i were sandwiched under the taurus. i think after coming out of the curve i rode the front brakes too hard, didnt see the car till it was too late and slid under it. so anyways the cops apparently gave me five tickets and handcuffed russell, who is one of the nicest guys i know and doesnt give anyone with authority any lip nor poses a threat in anyway. the five tickets i got were riding w/o a headlight (the bike has one that turns on automatically when the key is on), riding an unlicenesed vehicle, riding an uninsured vehicle, and i dont remember the other two. i dont remember teusday or wednesday hardly at all, and just a liuttle bit of thursday. im still not totally straight today but doing a lot better. i lost quite a bit of skin and so on. heres the good news though. my dad knows the ex chief of police mr corvella, and he called corvella up and corvella thought that the police were way out of line for giving me so much hell and 5 tickets and that i should get an attorney and that most likely all of this will be dropped. so right now im in recovery stage and should be better after this weekend but yea, i got the crap knocked out of me.

this and a number of other things is why i havent been around so give me a while to catch up to everything

sorry to hear youve been doin good on the upgrades lately guess tahts on hold huh... hope you feel better and get the 5-0s back man tahts just wrong what they did to ya
Dude, sorry to hear that! I was in an accident tuesday myself and feel like I'm a hundred years old still. I spent some time in ER that night and the last two daze at home. I can't get enough meds to make the pain stop and they say there is nothing wrong with me! lol I hope you heal up soon, road rash is most painful. I feel for you.

RE: Re: RE: Adventures in the Gadget Cave

That really sucks Corrupt. I sure hope everything works out well and those tickets are handled the way that they should be.

I had a little incident about two weeks ago involving a 1200 Ninja and drinking stuff that should not be drunk before riding! I won't go into any details here about that one though...

Once again, I hope it all straightens out and that you get better real soon.

Wow, currupt. Glad you weren't hurt any worse than that. I hope you feel better soon.

Side note: Lady, what happened? Did I miss something? Glad you're ok as well.

Everybody else...Be Careful!
RE: Manual Transmission Rattle in Neutral, TJ

Ouch! That hurt just reading about it.

Hope you and LadyJeepFreak get well soon.
YOU ride an unlicensed uninsured dirtbike on the road and YOU cause an accident that could have injured somebody else and YOUhave the nerve to think the cops were harsh?

I hope you feel better soon and your head clears up.

And I'm sure the cops handcuffed Russell just because he was there, it gives them something to talk about back at the station :roll: Since you don't remember what happened after the crash, this is only heresay, correct? Great how the entire story comes out.

RE: suspension lift+hinge shackles

sorry bounty it was almost 11 30 at night and my father knows the ex chief of police and even the ex chief of police said that he would have just let me off with a nice "hope you learned your lesson" the ex chief of police specifically said "they were too harsh on him". thanks for the feel betters though everyone
The 'ex' chief is a friend of your dads, do you really think he would say "He got off easy, they should have wrote him 5 more"? He's got nothing to lose by siding with your father.

Here ya go: "I hope you learned your lesson" :D

And I am glad you're okay, not trying to kick you while you're down, I just get tired of the cop bashing.
Cheap 4X4

Have to go with Bounty on this one... I am glad you're okay first and foremost but I also feel that you got off more than a little lucky.

As far as your buddy getting handcuffed? Investigative detention sound familier? I know to some folks it does...

Five tickets? Look at it from the other side of things... if someone had done the same thing to your car or Jeep would you have sat back and said "well, he learned his lesson" or would you want to see that person charged?

I'm no longer wearing a shield but the whole cop-bashing thing stills gets me going. ALOT! Until you've worn the steel, and to use the cliche "been there, done that", don't judge the officers. They have a job to do, a damn tough one and more than a little thankless as well.

At any rate, glad you're okay and that things didn't turn out worse than they did.


well thanks for constructive criticism guys, i appreciate both sides of the story but corvella (the ex chief) is really only a buisness associate of my fathers so he is in no way partil to my family. he was astonished at what happened between my friend and i and the officers. apparently one of the officers might have what is being referred to as a vendetta b/c he lives in the neighborhood and hears my buddy on his bike all the time, his motorcycle, were not at all sure and i cant get into the officers mind but from what ive gathered from dr's and police friends of mine the officers were a bit excessive. also, the owners of the car were apparently more concerned about me and i didnt do any significant damage to the car, no visible body damage or anything. and i still do not see why they had to place my friend in investigative detention as he posed absolutely no threat to them or anyone else nor was his manner degrading or dangerous, so they should have just handcuffed everyone out there.
i dont mean to seem ungratefull for the criticism but some of it have to disagree with.
but i dont want to say thanks for the feel betters
amc 304`

Dang, sounds like another unlucky spell for Jeepers everywhere, best be on my guard... All I have to complain about are minor lacerations and puncture wounds :lol:

Glad you're on the mend, sounds like a hell of an accident... Feel better, get well, and keep on keepin on :)
RE: Hey Mingez, Is this true?

Wearing a helmet, I presume? If not, then you were D#@* lucky!! Hope ya mend up quick! Road rash sucks!

RE: Yep

Sounds like the tickets were most likely called for. As for why your friend was cuffed, I can't comment, though I've been on accident scenes with EMS and PD where more than one person had to be cuffed for "their safety and the safety of the officials (EMS and PD)" because in their haste to make sure their friends were alright, they disobeyed an order by LEO to stay back.....maybe that's what your friend was doing, just trying to stay by your side and disobeying the order from the cops to stay back.

That aside, I'm very thankful that you're well enough to post the message!! No helmet against a Taurus usually isn't a battle the skull and it's contents wins!! A handful of tickets is nothing compared to a life in the produce section of the local Skilled Nursing Unit. Take care of yourself and get back in that Jeep, ok? I'd rather hear stories of your Jeeping adventures and mods than stories of how much skin you have to have grafted back onto that thick skull of yours! :lol: You know I'm kidding, right? Just get better, bud!!

And Lady, let's hear about your accident! Am I gonna have to come up there and take care of you? You be careful, too, and get yerself mended up pronto!! Sparky don't like to have his Lady Jeeperz hurt!!
RE: Ever see these pictures

Well I hadn't posted to ya'll aobut mine. I was with my aunt tuesday afternoon after school (buses were out). We were rear ended and then plowed into the car in front of us. I had lower back pain instantly, and left hip pain. My left hip has been replaced so there was concern that it was damaged. I was taken to ER (my first ambulance ride). It was scary! I had a zillion xrays and was released without anything noted. They gave me two days off work and some pain meds, etc. I go for a check up next week.

I'm fine really, just real sore. I haven't been in an accident since I was a teen. I think it's all impact soreness but I have a checkup next week.

RE: Re: RE:

thanks guys i know where everyone is coming from and appreciate the support of everyone. ill keep you udapted

RE: 700R4 compatability & TH400

Well i'm on your side about the cops Corrupt. I have been harrassed WAAAAYYY too many times by the local ones here. Even got two of them fired. Yes most (or some...not sure which way it is) are good...but there's definatly the stuck-up ones that just like to abuse their "power".

Lady, where you in your Jeep??? I hope you get feeling better real soon and everything ends up being alright (just soreness and nothing major).
currupt4130 said:
i didnt do any significant damage to the car, no visible body damage or anything.

This (in addition to not being maimed or killed) is where you were really fortunate. Driving illegally and uninsured, it could have cost you alot of money for damages.

I'd be hesitant to judge the police for handcuffing your friend. I'm assuming he was not hurt nor charged with anything? They may have been overly cautious with him, but think of yourself in their position - not being too cautious could cost them dearly. Sure his pride was hurt breifly, but everyone went home safe, and that I am sure is their #1 priority - to get home at the end of their shift in one piece.

As for the tickets you got, be glad there wasn't an injury to someone else. It could've gotten real ugly for you. The hard reality is you took a seemingly harmless risk (but an illegal one) and it unfortunately backfired. Hopefully your father's friend is right and you'll get out of this with scrapes, bruises, and a hard lesson learned, but I think it unfair to get angry with the police. I mean none of it wouldn't have happened if...

Get better, and keep the dirtbikes in the dirt :lol:
though its good to hear you were not hurt, i'd have to agree that the cops were not in the wrong in this situation.

i'm a CJ major and have taken plenty of law classes and the sort, they didnt do anything wrong, they didnt violate anyone's rights. like sparky said, if they thought your friend might have done anything at all irrational, they were justified in cuffing him, and you, well, maybe you think they were excessive in handing out charges, but none were really made without grounds to on. just MHO.

Glad you are doing ok now. Get better soon and take care.

We have severe problems with people riding dirt bikes, ATV's etc on roads here. Even after 2 years of radion, tv, and news papers ads explaining that it is illegal, people still ride on te roads, and yes hit cars. Police have to spend time investigating, and someone got screwed because there car is now damaged. As for an officer handcuffing your friend, you don't really know what he was doing, or not doing. Sometimes the people we have to fear the most are the most compliant and respectful. They are often the ones to "flip" and end up killing officers, and if they were there investigating your accident then no one really had time to watch him. To tell you the truth, i hate when people show up at accident scenes, it makes everything more hectic and delays us clearing the roadway. It also puts more of us in jeopardy as people are known to drive into parked police cars with lights on just because they were rubbernecking.