Turning cigarette lighter into regular plugs


New member
Okay hopefully this wont cause controversy like the remote starter topic...hehe...

Well im a little short on the techincal terms, and since I dont want to get them screwed up im gonna just say it.
Does anyone know anything about the converters that plug into the cigarette lighters that have the regular househould plugs on them that make it so you can plug a regular cord, etc in?

I hate having something I would like to plug in and having to worry about grabbing the wrong cord, or not having one that fits a car. For convience and most of all safety reasons (flashlight chargers, etc etc) id like to have one of these adapters. Itd also be nice to know if I was somewhere remote I could have a regular plug. Itd be like turning your car into a generator where you can plug more than a cell phone charger in.

I was wondering though if these adapters, and the normal outage they give out would tend to drain a car battery faster than normal, or even faster than an alternator could recharge it? Yes itd be nice to have but I dont want to own one if its gonna kill my battery, etc.

P.S. PLEASE NOTE - I am not asking this question so that I can use a whole bunch of useless unsafe gadgets while im driving. To me driving is driving and if thats what your doing you should be doing nothing else. I would apprecaite it if this would not turn into a conversation about that.

Opinions: Soundbar or rear molded boxes

hmm... i'd say that, without personal experience, you'd probably be okay as long as you keep the car running. these alternators (i think) are like 100 amp thingers... they're pretty rugged. they make different power-level converters; some are designed to handle projection TV's. i'd imagine that you'd need at LEAST a dual battery setup to run that...

what exactly do you plan on plugging in?
You can pick a nice power converter from Best Buy for right around 60 bucks. I have a couple of friends that have them, one is to plug in a boombox in a ghetto impala, and one is used for a laptop. They work great if you have a real use for them and the alt. should produce more than enough power. Just make sure you dont leave it plugged in with the car off or youll need some jumper cables. --TJ
Got my 33's mounted

Yes it is possible for very little money.

However, be aware that the power inverter is going from 12 volts DC to 120 volts AC. In this process some energy is lost. What this means is that the power inverter will most likely pull more power from than 12 volt outlet than it is able to produce at the 120 volt outlet.

Under normal usage, such as with cell phone or a laptop plugged into it, your charging system will be able to produce plenty of power without damageing the battery or alternator. But if you try to load it heavily, you could eventually damage your alternator.

I say go for it, as they are worth the money. :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:

I dont really have a plan to plug anything specific in.
I just like the idea that if I needed to I could plug something into my car that normally you couldnt. Im sure itd come in more than handy from time to time, espically for the things with reasons that I cant think of.
i belive xj nick said the proper name, but they are called inverters. when i was little i would ride to flordia w/ a tv/vcr plugged into one... i imangine it would be fine if the jeep was running....
Walmart has them as well. There are different inverters for different loads. They have one that you can actually plug in things like a weed eater, saw, and bigger things for about $100. They also come with a seftey switch that will cut it off and prevent overloads. I beleive you would have to wire these units directly to the battery, and then feed the wire where oyu want it to go. They also have a cheap unit ($14.00) that will take care of all your cel phone and small accessory charging needs. Check out their automotive section when you get a chance.-al
Yes they are called power inverters. Just picked one up. Great for blowing up the air mattress when out camping. You can do way better than $60-100 though. Kragen, Pepboys, Autozone typically have these things on sale. You can get different sizes (i.e. wattage, usually from 50W to 500W). I picked up a 150W inverter for $15 on sale at Fry's Electronics (don't know if you have those where you are) and it does the trick for the air pump which draws a fair amout but only for a short period of time. For light or unknown use I would look for something in the $20-30 range that will handle 150-200W. Should work great.



I do hope your not considering doing this to a manual transmission Jeep. Don't go there!

Oh, and for $100K, firemanharry will sit in your Jeep and hand crank an old U.S. Army field generator to run your stuff.

For a mere $50K, XJNick and I will install several mercury switches and a block heater for you. You have my personal gurantee that the mercury will be tuna-free and no dolphins will have been harmed.

Lasers are an extra-cost option.


Inspector-Gadget said:
I do hope your not considering doing this to a manual transmission Jeep. Don't go there!

Oh no you dih-in't! (finger snap...2 times!) :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have two 140W, one 200W, one 250W, and one 800W inverters.... the 800 requires a direct battery connection... the rest are 12v accessory plug connections. I love them.. during the big power outage this year, I have a friend who runs the local subway restaurant and could stay open by parking all of the employees' cars next to the building and running cords inside... we ran the register, drink fountain, 2 lights, and a computer off from the cars outside. I have ran power tools with the 800W with no problems

i belive xj nick said the proper name, but they are called inverters.

Correct, and just incase your wondering:

A transformer usually refers to a device that changes AC to AC or AC to DC,
An Inverter usually refers to a device that changes DC to AC,
and a Converter usually refers to a device that changes DC to DC.

Inspector-Gadget said:

For a mere $50K, XJNick and I will install several mercury switches and a block heater for you. You have my personal gurantee that the mercury will be tuna-free and no dolphins will have been harmed.

Lasers are an extra-cost option.



Gadget, I'll install the Mercury Switches while you take care of the lasers :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

BTW, was this supposed to be in the other post Gadget?? :p

-Nick :!:
Hello again, ZBT,

Power transformation-conversion gizmos are commonly used in the marine/boating world.

West Marine sells an incredible variety and sizes of "inverters." If you want to read about the various types, prices and load ranges of these gadgets, just for background, try this web page.


For a little theoretical (the light version) background on "inverter" operational characteristics, try this web page, also by West Marine:



*Shamelss promotion coming up for my company* They also have them at Circuit City. Great customer service. I'm sure they will set you up.

Just opened my sunday paper and Pep Boys has a 400 Watt Coleman Power inverter on sale for $29.88. Don't know if you have a Pep Boys nearby or whether it is the same price at their website but this is a pretty good price for this inverter.

Gadget that first post made my day (sorry ive been busy the last couple days). Yea well since my student loans are now due, actually overdue, and its christmas time and I dont have a great job as of right now, I think thisll have to wait, cause food comes first :D

And Hey XJNick, not sure exactaly if I followed you or not, but yes AC/DC does rock..... 8)