We might all be driving hummers this time next year...draft


Remember, Jesus loves you.


Whoa whoa people people....hang on a minute....just for the record here....Darkwolf doea have a few points here. Yes the US has a big army and lots of technology but we are a part of the United Nations after all...you all have to remember that the fight against terrorism is not just a US fight...its everyone's fight. No one wants terrorism in their country. It is also true that Pres. Bush has pissed off some people with his "open a can of whoop ass on em" approach. The fact is we need to get along...and thats not going to happen by us (Americans) telling everyone how badass our military is and how we are the best country in the world. Granted I do love this country and am very thankful for the rights and freedoms I have...wouldn't it be nice if everyone in the world could have the freedoms we have? Darkwolf I am sorry if you were offended by our patriotic comments. We are just a very patriotic nation after all hehe. I wish I had never started this thread because I believe we just lost a valuable member of jeepz.com...I feel somewhat responsible. Sorry guys.[addsig]


I was not trying to start anything by what I said earlier- I was only trying to instill a little pride in our country. I am EXTREMELY patriotic since I joined the military and try to let others know that. We should all be VERY thankful for the rights and freedoms that we enjoy. Often it is things that we take for granted that mean the most to us...

We as a country have changed a lot in the past year and half. We can no longer live as we did before with out image out there of what we can do. It has come to the point where someone finally had the ball$ to call our country on our policy and our big-brother approach to everything.

If the prior post that I made pi$$ed off anyone else that happen to be in other countries, I apologize-

Just remember, who is the country that almost EVERYONE comes to when they need some help???

YUP, good 'ol USA....

Imagine how different your lives would be in Europe if we hadn't stepped in during WWII, hard to say exactly, but I think you all know what would have happened.....


Tug was a bit harsh in the above post! Please re read the above and forgive my out burst, Tug was ugly but he was provoked! thanks all of you and please forgive! Tug

I think a moderator ought to step in and edit Darkwolf's post, that type of language should not be tolerated, regardless of the topic discussed.

Second of all, nobody should think they are better than another, and it's a shame if it came across as that.

I've trained with the Dutch Marines in Aruba, and if I had to go to war, I'd want them by my side
The US could learn a LOT from many foreign militaries and governments

I'm a US Army Veteran, just so you know where I stand.[addsig]



relax folks,don't get me wrong,i still have an american flagg-sticker on my jeep(instead of a dutch one)...

don't get me wrong really,your patriotisme is something to be proud of,dutch people don't have it,trust me on that,and it's a shame...

i have a lot of respect for the us-troops and have a lot reassons to do so,dessert storm is one of them but most of all;the number of american soldiers died here in holland to free my country is not countable!!!!!!

as a truckdriver i know most of the army-grave's here and i can tell you there are many and they are all real big!!!!

please trust me if i say that holland is number 2 after the us....no.1!!

holland has a queen instead of a president and is ruled by ministers that all wan't 1 thing;money!

it sucks!!!!

bob,for you;i can not explain to you how angry i was because at first when america ask for our support the answer was no....i felt 1 inch tall,i felt ashame being dutch,you here me!!??!!i am a free man thanks to english and canadian soldiers but most of all americans....and my country said no!!

thank god they changed there answer in a yes!!!

if it comes to it,i woul'd give my life to keep our country's free,our country's includes america,understand that.

one for all,,,all for one...

i got your back,if you got mine....

i like you folks a lot and hope you understamnd what i mean....if not i will try to explain myself nbetter,just post some reply's just like you did....

god bless us all !!!!

oh..erhild..the warheads ARE pointed in my direction as well..

can't we all get along?

(edited by Terry)


if you agree,understand our whatever please let me know.

this is important stuff and we can learn of this...

bounty hunter 'n ray ovay...thanks for the trust and understanding...

ps. i won't just leave this board....you guys don't get rid of me that easy

I'm glad you posted that last reply I was about to lose all respect for Holland , here in the USA we are so proud sometimes we can't stand ourselves.


I wanted to see a fight
Just kidding

Ok, I think Tug has watched too much Harry Potter. I make a motion that we rename TUG to Dobby. The house elf in Harry Potter 2[addsig]

Yes, Wolf, I am sure they are...

Heat of the battle, my friend... Heat of the battle...

P.S. -> Do you wear wooden shoes??


take one guess.....

no cheese,no wooden shoe's,there are pretty much windmills

also no mountains,but...we have the red-light district...

I was getting ready to lock this topic, but it looks like everything seems to have worked itself out...

hope no one will be offended by my liberal use of the (edited by Terry) button.

Please guys, I want to keep this board open and friendly to everyone, no matter where they come from or what they look like...



gatorade sucks! Everyone knows that POWERADE is way superior to gatorade![addsig]

and other than my beverage preference... not to think that I have any right or responsibility to do this... but even if the post was not worked out like it was... I believe it should have been allowed to go on, and not edited. Each of us makes the choice to click on any particular post, if we want to ignore it, then we can ignore it. If we want to participate, we can as well.. and that shows our participation, which is good.... We learn about who is with who and how they are. before this... I did not know everyone's view on patriotism, reliance on God(s), or anything.... I didn't know darkwolf was from holland, and nobody knew that I like drinking Gatorade. I think we are (or should be) responsible enough to know whether or not to get into something, as well as mature enough to understand that everyone has their opinions, and that whether they voice them or not, its still their opinion. If someone thinks something that I don't agree with, I'd rather know that fact than for them to keep quiet and leave me in the dark about their opinion, which is part of who they are.... Learning is NEVER a bad thing, you might not like the particular fact you learn.... but knowledge is precious, and we all gathered some of that during this thread. I thank all of you who participated, and I thank the moderator for leaving the information availible to us.... hmmm... ironic... we were all talking about the ability to enjoy freedoms. Once again... I thank the moderator for NOT taking our freedom to discuss our opinions, even if it is off the Jeep topic. Later all[addsig]