Well, a drug dealer is free again.

RE: West Coast Jeepz Location

Were you serving a warrant or did you see him dealing from your stool at Dunkin' Donuts? :lol: :roll: :wink: J/K (from 1 public servant to another)

All I can say is it's BULL$H*T!!!!!
Sorry guys been out for awhile. Well, my head and back are doing better, but my knee blew out today walking up the stairs for my apartment. I tore my minscus and also have a large amount of fluid on my knee all thanks to some guy who didn't want to go to jail. I have to wait for workmans comp to APPROVE further analysis and treatment. Its ridiculous. They should sue him to get the money hes costing them and the PD. Too bad he has more rights than we do. I hate not working, and i hate more the fact the thing i have on my leg prevents em from driving longer. My jeep was at the PD until yesterday. Sucks.

MC......... I am sorry you had the run in that you had, but we are not all like that. I am an educated gentleman and no one influences me. And further more i am a very laid back person had i been at yuor scene i would have helped you get your dog back. Don't think i didn't get my share of bad cops as a kid, i had a cop who would sit across from my house and wait for me to leave for school to pull me over. I had been illegally searched several times, and evem had an officer write me a ticket for something that was legal, and still had to pay the fine in court because he lied.

Fireman Harry............. I was no longer sitting on my reserved stool at the D&D, but i did have a D&D coffee in my car, which i never got to finish. I should charge him with malicious disturbing of my coffee.

dropseys said:
............Fireman Harry............. I was no longer sitting on my reserved stool at the D&D, but i did have a D&D coffee in my car, which i never got to finish. I should charge him with malicious disturbing of my coffee.

Well, it's good to know that he didn't take your sense of humor :lol: !
Bad knees suck ('tho I got mine with no assistance from others), hope you're feelin' better soon.
That's bad news about your knee. Sounds like you might be headed for surgery, but it should be a relatively quick recovery if you do have to have an operation. At least it wasn't your ACL!

Sure there are bad cops as there are also bad doctors, lawyers, linemen, white house interns, CEO's, and every other workplace out there but where would we be without the good ones!

Like I said before, keep that heart in the right place, the dope man will get his due sooner or later! I know it's hard seeing the guy made you miss out on a hot cup of Joe :) I am no good without my coffee!
YEah me neither. I just want to get my knee fixed and get on with my life. I haven't been able to run or bike and its driving me crazy. The time off is ok, but not being able to drive really sucks. I wish workmans comp worked at a faster pace. Its like they punish people for getting hurt at work. I actually got a letter from them today asking what happend and how we could prevent this incdient from reoccurring in the future. I wrote in what happened and also wrote, "make criminals stop resisting arrest". Thanks for all of your support. P.S. For anyone who read about the warning to wrangler owners ref to thefts, i think i have my suspect, just waiting for prints to come back from FBI. I think we got him.

Dropseys, I am so sorry to hear of all this and wish you the best holiday season. Get some rest and enjoy your family. I'm thrilled to hear you have the break in suspect on the jeepz. Now if we could get the peeper we'd be doing something. Seven reports this week! I think they are hot on his trail too though. Only thing is, I don't think mine was the same one because I started having problems months ago and these all are reported in the last two weeks. I still plan to move in Jan/Feb...to the more rural area outside town. Anyway, I'm thinking of you as all the jeepz peeps are. So sorry being a cop has to be such a crappy thing sometimes. I respect you and others on the force and have never had one problem myself.

Dropseys, just think of it as a gift from God. Perhaps it was His intent to have you home with your family during the Christmas season. Maybe that is just His way of keeping you away from work where something bad (worse than a knee injury) may have happened to you. Who knows, maybe there was a bullet with your name on it out there, and God isn't done with you yet, so He's taking you out of your routine until the bullet passes that point in time where you might have been, and falls useless on the ground in a vacant lot.

I'm a firm believer in fate and destiny, and I think there's a very good reason you were injured when you were.

I can give instances in my own life where a seemingly inconvenient happening changed my destiny. If you'd like to hear them, let me know.