Well, lil'bit may be out of commision


New member
Lastnight was SOOOOOO scary. I was nearly rear-ended by a Fully loaded Mack Dump-truck. His brakes went out as he cleared the hill comming towards my buttocks that was stopped at a traffic light. The truck narrowly missed plummiting directly into my rear-end. However, he did skim my Driver-side fenderflare. Well, me, being in GA, have about 2.5 - 3" of tire hanging out. BAM!!!! he fully contacten my rear tire, knocking my and my lil'bit about 12-18" forward.

I know it could have been worse, I could be dead along with the folks in the cars ahead of me. Fortunantly the driver was able to get the truck stopped, a 1/4 mile later, without killing anyone.

Now, I have all sorts of squeeks and creaks and scraping. I figure a strike like that would have bent the living tar outta that Dana 35. and prolly tore up more than I can even imagine.

I am taking it to Jeep for a bumper to bumper inspection.

Good note?? it was a county truck that hit me. WOOHOO!!! maybe it will not be too awful hard to have it completely fixed if not upgraded :-D.

either way lil'bit may be out of commision for a while and I am a SAD JEEPER.
already thought about that MUHAHAHAHA

I may trade her in now and let the county pay off the depreciation. WOOT!!!!
Yeah... you need to replace that whole axle. Also make sure your frame didn't get bent in the process. And if it was gov't fault... they need to pay. Hope you reported it.


I have the police report and everything. Even the Supervisor showed up and took pictures. Calling my Ins today to find out who will be paying for the Bumper to bumper inspection.
As much as I think you should get the upgrade, I could care less about that bro. I'm just happy you are OK buddy! Keep us updated.
well, one thing did come of it. I am SOOOO proud of Kumho Venture M/T. Full dumptruck strike, barely notice the strike on my tire, didn't pop the bead, didn't loose ANY PSI.

::edit:: wish I had a pic of his tire. LOL you can see my knobbies all over his sidewall. almos a perfect imprint that was laughable.

OH YEAH the Superviser . . . he will be visiting Jeepz. he has a 65 Keiser. Even made a new Jeep friend out of it WITH a Bro-N-Law that doesn Rhino-Liner WOOHOO

I am glad you are ok! First and foremast and hope if any damage was done to the jeep that is bad enough to replace parts not just band aid them. I also feel for the dump truck driver. I drive one part time and when you 30 to 30 thousand pounds and you loose controle of stoping it is a pants filling experence. tug
glad you're OK... i know what it feels like to get rearended real hard.. you definitely got real lucky!
Well, I would definetely take it to several body shops apart from taking it to the dealer. That will make for a much better check-up and they are more likely to find anything that may have gone wrong.-al

Man o man that would have scared the stew out of me. Glad you're ok dude.

That is very good that you or no one else was hurt. That would be a horrible experience. I'd have heart failure probably.

Did you get pics of the damage?

Its wierd this happened. I just met a guy at my local jeep club last nite who has an 04 willy and he wrecked it last week. Fell asleep at the wheel and rear ended a flatbed! I was like OMG your lucky to be alive, let alone the sadness about the Willy. I had heard he had it and wanted to see it, now I have to wait.

Heck, not sure I want to wheel with a dude that falls alseep at the wheel either.

Anyway, what an event. Glad your okay and Good luck on all your repairs and estimates. I hate doing stuff like that, I'm real good at getting shafted by everyone that comes within 5 feet of me.

Lady :lol:

That was a close one Jason!Glad that you are alright!
Oh man, free stuff cant beat that! :lol:

Yur lucky man... those trucks wouldnt even feel you going under them. Glad yur ok!! Lookin forward to meetin you in June, so try to stay out of harms way.
First off I'm glad you and everyone else is ok!

As far as lil bit, If the drivetrain took that hard of a hit, and they don't total it (they almost never do on a newer vehicle) then I would trade it pronto. You never know what might reveal itself down the road as a result.

If not at least be a real hardcase about having everything and anything in question replaced/repaired.

If the axle is messed up.Ask them to throw a 44 under there!
well, a hit like that on the axle could have messed my whole drive train up. it bent my Control arm. Tire to the axle Axle to the drive shaft to the x-fer then to the transmission and front axle. EWWW the whole drive train could be shot. THEN they will purchase me a Rubicon MUHAHAHA.

Looks like you had a higher power riding shotgun!! Thank God your ok, and good luck with the repairs/replacement!
