What did you do to your Jeep today?

Used it like a truck to pick up some bags of mulch, box of fluorescent bulbs and a weed trimmer. Oh, flipped rear carpeted back mat over so the vinyl side faced up.

So been a little busy lately. Got frame all painted with RUST SEAL. Looked fantastic!!!! Left it out in sun for 2 weeks... It has no UV inhibitors in it. Got like a dull look to what was shiny paint. Contacted mfg. He said no worries.. Hit it with scotch brite and mild kleaning solution and put on top coat. Did that put on top coat.. With a brush then read can saying recommend spraying for best results.....lol.. Dried up dull not shiny like it was suppose too...��.. Another call to mfg to ask what I needed to do....again.. No worries just spray on another coat with gun and make sure you get pressure up to get glossy finish. Ok cool product it's pretty dummy proof. Also cut off 6" from bottom of jeep side panel that was rusted out. Got panels from after market company and they were 3/4" too big. So trimming was required which sucks to have to do. Got it trimmed up and installed front part not too bad. Back from wheel well to almost 8" in from door latch side at bottom of door was hard as hell. Had to replace curved door section which wouldn't be bad if I would have made my patches bigger. Stupid me tried to do it in the flat of the bend... Lots and lots of grinding to do. I'll try to get pics up soon.
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About a month ago I found a non-patchable bad spot on my tj's frame, so I parked it till spring when the long planned for frame swap and tummy tuck happens. In the mean time I picked up an 02 Jeep liberty to drive. I got it really cheap ($1800), it has a 60k mile motor and is pretty rust free (for ohio). So far I've replaced some stuck brake pin sliders and the front driveshaft cv joint. I tossed on some dura tracs yesterday and fingers crossed I will be ordering a 2" lift next week.

I got around to doing some maintenance on my Jeep - oil change, undercarriage rust proof, and fixing my super rusty rock slider. It was powder coated, but the rust bubbled up. I sanded it down and shot it a rattle can. I wiped everything down with Isopropyl alcohol after sanding. I've heard this is better than just blowing it off with the compressor (what I've done in the past).


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It's always best to wipe the surface down with a damp rag after sanding and before applying any coating. Preprite is the proper liquid to use but a rag damp with paint thinner also works. Blowing the dust off just redistributes it while a damp rag will pick up the dust, just be sure to turn or replace the rag as needed so you don't just smear it around.

Had to go for a cruise with 60 degree weather in January. Love the roar of a big American V-8. Had to tighten up the bolt on the steering arm where the heim joint goes on the knuckle. Didn't care for that 60 degrees I had to saw the wheel back and forth to go in a straight line. Can't wait for more warm weather, my 79 CJ5 has no top or doors, and I just got it Thursday so I'm still on cloud 9 even though I have lots to fix on her. .
Took a step to get the old girl ready for her 35th summer (20th with me)...


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Took a step to get the old girl ready for her 35th summer (20th with me)...

Now there's a good looking, what I call a Jeep.

Er......uh......... took a step? New paint and rebuilt the engine?
My project plans are typically are governed by fixing or replacing whatever breaks next! Right now that would be finding and fixing a power steering fluid leak.

Early spring she get a wash when the soft top is still on to wash off the New England winter sand and salt, then the top is completely off. I do keep a bikini top onboard. I love this jeep and luckily my wife does too.

Upcoming projects will be replacing the front suspension (rear has already been done). While I do that I'll grind, clean and paint underneath as well.
Also thinking about moving the KCs from the bumper up to the windshield hinge. Nothing crazy :)
I had plans to use my nine inch angle grinder and a cup brush to remove old paint and rust off my bumpers and winch mount. Wound the cord up on the grinder spindle and yanked it out of the handle. Then I tried to repair it and messed it up so I can't ever get it going again. Well, have been using it since 1987. I couldn't even get parts for it. Need a new grinder. One thing about camo paint is, it's easy to maintain. Lost my Jeep at wallyworld one day.