What did you do to your Jeep today?

^^ dang girl, you do something with your jeep every day.. Of course you are in the sun shine state so, I guess I would too. lol enjoy! oh, by the way we got snow here yesterday.

^^ dang girl, you do something with your jeep every day.. Of course you are in the sun shine state so, I guess I would too. lol enjoy! oh, by the way we got snow here yesterday.

I have no friends down here, which means no life and spending a lot of time with my only companion, my jeep.
Comp cut my tub today getting ready to stretch the rear axle back about 6 inches or so. Unfortunately once I was done cutting I realized I dislike the Comp look. Grrr, guess that means armoring up the rear after the stretch to give it wheel wells again. Live and learn I guess.

Got the obd2 scanner in, I'll play with it tonight...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz

Got new tires at a steal, BF Goodrich Mudd Terrains 15k on them. They are load range C , how long will they last on the road ??
What did i do to my 2006 x to day , well after many days of flashing check engine lights and all kinds of suggestions, from clean the thottle body to chnage and gap the plugs to check this and check that and fuel injectors checked and knock sensor check and retork many bolts check for vacuum leaks
i unbolted the exsaust pipe with the two precats waited for it to cool down and filled them with dawn dish washing soaP filled them with water let em soak and hour or two them squirted water down each of the precats till it came out the tail pipe clear then did it agian
bolted the pipes back up started the engine heard some rattling noise for a few min then then
belive me it works wash your cats

i unbolted the exsaust pipe with the two precats waited for it to cool down and filled them with dawn dish washing soaP filled them with water let em soak and hour or two them squirted water down each of the precats till it came out the tail pipe clear then did it agian bolted the pipes back up started the engine heard some rattling noise for a few min then then IT RAN PERFECT NO ENINE LOIGHT NO MISFAIRES NO ROUGH IDLE AND DIDNT HAVE TO TAKE IT TO THE STEALERSHIP belive me it works wash your cats

I've never heard of this - what was the original problem - were your catalytic converters plugged up, or just restricted?

Removed all te bumper caps on the xj today and fretted over a grinding sound coming from somewhere behind the back seat :P oh well my cherokee sure is ugly without the trim gonna paint it all black again :)
Did this work for you? Did you interface with a I phone or ?? Mine never sent a WiFi signal. DOA to teh door.

Yes it worked on the Jeep and on my Chevy Uplander no problems...
Didn't pull any codes or anything of the ECM but...

I have an Android phone, Samsung Galaxy S3
I only bought the free torque Lite app to try it but beings it works I'm going to buy the 5 dollar app it supposedly has more options.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
Played with the obd2 scan tool and the torque app on the drive to get my son from school probably 8miles total(still trying to figure it out)

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz

I drove 12 hours to buy full doors from my cousin for 200, he said they need some work, all they need is locks paint and a good lube.. I got tired of not having heat, flushed the system yesterday. Well now my radiator and heater core both leak. I ordered radiator, heater core, and a fan motor. I figured i was in there so I am upgrading the fan motor. I also ordered a tstat and new hoses.I figured I am in there. Thank god for income tax. Now I need to order 2 tires and a new front bumper. And I will be back to broke.
Pulled P0201, P0203 and P0204 codes...
Checked all the wires and connections all seems fine so I cleared the codes, we'll see if they return.

Also went and picked up a replacement exhaust manifold to replace my cracked one.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
Installed Aussie front locker and G2 diff cover with drain plug


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ran out of gasoline in the garage while letting it warm up! lol. I have a fuel tank at my house so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Started replacing the exhaust manifold and the dorman exhaust manifold doesn't fit for sh**
I had to file to get the bolts to thread in...

Then had to grind the flat bars between the tubes to make room for the intake to fit....

Look how much I needed to grind off to make it work...

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz