What do you do for a living?

RE: Buying a 1999 XJ ... Needing lift suggestions

That's sounds like something I would like doing. Is it interesting, or does it just sound like fun?

Well, there are ups and downs like anything else. I know nothing different. I like engineering. Its nice to work on things that help save lives, but at the same time, the conditions of use necessitate more regulations and paperwork than you would probably imagine! The quality side is kind of cool because I get to be involved with more things rather than focus on just a few, but it also means you have to be the bad guy sometimes.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Skiing

Green97TJ said:
College student right now. Work part time on the grounds maintence crew at school. Going to school to be a Conservation Officer (Game Warden if thats what ya wanna call it) anybody know if their state is hiring???


Nathan, check out the NCDOT website - employment opportunities/state jobs/agiculture-conservation. There are always jobs popping up there. And there's good wheelin' all over this state!!
NiteDog said:
Currently working for a telecom company as a fiber optic network tech. I have been in the telephone business for 33 years. Worked as an installation/repair tech, lineman, splicer, central office tech, PBX, and key system tech.

But I am still not sure what I want to do when I grow up! :lol:


Hey Mike,

I may have a deal in the works that would allow me to relocate up to Hunt Valley. Even though I didn't use it, I really appreciate the info you sent me. Great bunch of folks here on Jeepz! Maybe as I move closer to PA with my job we'll cross paths ;)


RE: Re: RE: Another Newbie

beachjeep said:
Junkpile said:
Shop foreman at Wilmington Grill Company

Junkpile, are you in Wilmington? You know Julie and Craig, I think her parents used to own that company, they are my neighors.

Yeah, I know those knuckleheads! Julie is my sister.
I do system and network administration for several local companies and a full time student. Thank God I graduate at the end of this semester, but start my masters degree in the fall semester. I'm thinking of going for an MBA instead of computers again though. Not sure.
Toyota/Lexus mechanic in a Dallas suburb that i cannot afford to live in. Was in sales since high school(shoes, electrical supplies and cars) working with my hands keeps me ut of trouble :)

Nathan, check out the NCDOT website - employment opportunities/state jobs/agiculture-conservation. There are always jobs popping up there. And there's good wheelin' all over this state!!

Appreciate the input mud, but not what Im looking for... thanks anyway

RE: Jeep in the new movie Sahara

Hmm... Well, I sort of fell into the foodservice... Current employment: pending Key Hourly at O'Charley's... I've been on a nice little you-took-me-waaaaaayyyy-too-for-granted-so-I-quit vacation, while the management team that I used to work with at Logan's Roadhouse is being trained, and the building built for our new venture... 3rd O'Charley's in Michigan (go us)... So, basically, restaraunt work, I love to cook, and I am a very organized person...

Wanted to get in with my City DPS (pays SO well, and I love working outdoors)... I like physical labour for 2 reasons, firstly, it keeps me in shape... If I sit, I gain weight, right now, I am not happy... Secondly, it gives me time to think about lyrics, acts, chapters, etc... When I was in an office, I was racking my brain constantly, it was more exhausting than shoveling gravel or patching potholes all day... But the state of Michigan, including all it's cities decided that it was broke, so there's not a chance in hell...

If I don't go hardcore into culinary arts, it's a teaching degree for me :)
RE: Shock absorbers for a TJ

Just graduated with a degree in computer animation, in graduation tradition I am leeching off of my parent until a job comes along...

cherokee_chic said:
Just graduated with a degree in computer animation, in graduation tradition I am leeching off of my parent until a job comes along...

Did that till I was 30!!! Actually, moved out after high school, then back to college at 25 and back with my folks at 26!
Well I drive a truck, I pick up train wrecks and haul them off to scrap yards. I get to off road in an 18 wheeler all the time. It is a blast. I am also a chef, an auctioneer, antique dealer and certified appraiser of the same, and other assorted abilities. But for now I drive the truck! other than never haven time to get a jeep up and going and being able to off road it to death it is a great job. I see alot of counrty and work with some great people. I do how ever miss you all here at jeepz. What are you going to do though spen countless hours reading post of drive around maken money!!! tug

1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee

I am a machinst in a small shop with just my boss and I. We work with mainly just plastic for the 3 major plastic companies in Indy.
Saurian said:
Well, I sort of fell into the foodservice...
Current employment: pending Key Hourly at O'Charley's...
Wanted to get in with my City DPS...
If I don't go hardcore into culinary arts,
it's a teaching degree for me :)

SOunds about as undecided as I was when I was younger :lol:

I'm an internal auditor for a management company. That's the official sounding name. The company I work for has 28 golf courses in 7 states. I worked in one of the shops will I was in school, and when I gradgiated I asked for something full time. They were having problems with golf equipment walking out of the pro shops so they hired me to fix it. Going on year 4 now and still like it ok. I count golf balls and socks for a living....... :lol:
RE: Replacing my fender flares

Those are my two passions, the preperation and appreciation of food, and the use and knowledge of the English language in all it's glory...
RE: Re: Random Poetry...

Sean, don't worry, I'm 31 and I'm as undecided as you are. My degree has done me NADA. I'm thining about a career change and going BACK to school. Argh.

DC power technician as well as UPS tech........and very poor welder :lol:
Saurian said:
Those are my two passions, the preperation and appreciation of food, and the use and knowledge of the English language in all it's glory...

I am with you here Saurian. There is not MUCH (notice MUCH) that is more appreciated by me than language, not just English but language in general. I love words!
