What ever happened to...........


New member
What ever happened to Pasmokeater, dingus, and bigtlilodd and some other guys? I haven't seen a post from any of them in months.

Dingus bought a Neon, PASmokeater is living here in Tennesse right now He and his daughter are bunking at my house while they looks for a place of his own, Big T was on not to awful long ago. There are a bunch of folks MIA though. I sure do wish they would come back as well. However we keep getting all kinds of new folks to seasonthis ol Jeep stew. Takes em all to make it work. Tug
Sorry that I have not checked in lately. Between getting a new job, getting married and moving 400 miles away I have been a bit busy. It looks like there are some other people who are AWOL besides me. Has there been any more talk about a Jeepz.com ride #2? Would love to get together and make it happen. Jeepster, I moved to Raleigh so lets get together and ride. Tug, you have done two mods that I am interested in. The carb and front axle disconnect. Send me an e-mail and let me know how it is going. I would like to pick your brain on both items.

I know i ask more questions than answers but I'm still here. Just kind of hard with school and all for me. Finally got a break. I'm here tho just so ya'll know.

Hi from one who has been MIA!! I still check in, I just having been posting much....I will try to change that though!

- Patti
Quinters back This is a good thing. I got your PM and will do what you ask! Good to hear your voice or see your type rather. Welcome home gal! Don't go off so long again or I might have to go to the texas coast and shake a finger at you. tug

I have been in China on business. Just got back but I am so tired from the time change I have been falling asleep every night. :p