What grade gas do you use?


New member
Just wondering what grade of gas is recomended for the 4.0L HO. I'm sure it would say in the owner's manual but I lost mine. I usually go with the cheap stuff (86 octane) and put in the mid grade once every month or two. Haven't noticed any difference in using a higher grade gas.

If you don't NEED the higher octane, it does absolutely no good. If your combo isn't hindered by regular fuel, using the "good" stuff is a waste.
My YJ manual calls for 87 octane (the cheap stuff) so that's what I run. Occasionally when the tank gets low I throw $10 of Sunoco 94 in there to keep the injectors clean. I don't have a clue if it helps, but I do it anyway :roll:
Junkpile said:
If you don't NEED the higher octane, it does absolutely no good. If your combo isn't hindered by regular fuel, using the "good" stuff is a waste.

Amen to that.

Do some google searches on "octane myths" and you'll see just how off the mark the marketing is. Unless you are running forced induction or can manually advance your timing to take advantage of the longer burn cycle, it does no good at all.

That being said, i always use premium in my jeep for 2 reasons.
1) more additives. I use petro-canada super-clean premium which has lots and lots of detergent additives to help clean up my 21 year old 258. Of course you can get the same result with gas additive.

2) I have the weber carb and i have advanced my timing as much as it will go. Carbs are good with premium because its all manual config... If i use regular gas i'll probably get pinging unless i re-tune my engine for regular gas. I'd probably save a bit of money if i were to do that too.

If you've got a stock fulie, i'd recommend sticking with the regular blend unless its got some additives to make it worthwhile.

my 97 4.0 pings with 87... so i use 89 and run a bottle of injector cleaner every now and then (and use Zmax regularly).
I always put in the cheap stuff,(87 octane).
It's all I can afford here in Phoenix where even the cheap stuff
is $1.59 a gallon!!! :roll:

hey i try to use 92 but that gets kind of xpencive here in NY its almost 2 dollars a gallon of 92 and thats the mid grade stuff!!!!
1.75 here for 87 octane... every engine is different... and works different at different altitudes and temperatures... all you need is the lowest octane you can run without ping... if you ping, raise the rating... if you don't ping, you don't need anything more.... as long as there is no detonation... you're fine
87 all the way. It is about a buck 50 here, but less than a month ago it was only $1.34 :shock:

4wheelNeal said:
I always put in the cheap stuff,(87 octane).
It's all I can afford here in Phoenix where even the cheap stuff
is $1.59 a gallon!!! :roll:

87 comes in around $169 in mass. I also get a ping in my 94 with 87, I run 89 and it runs great. everynow and then I throw in 93 but thats cause it is the same price as 89 some times (a little promotion the local petrol dude has called thrifty thursday)
1.49 for the 87 octane here as of this morning. The Jeep likes the 87 so that's what she'll get. The 442 however required 92 AND some octane booster. I couldn't find any 93 around here although every now and then I'll see it in my travels.

My Jeep Likes it Cheap (87)

1.47 a gal. but last month it was 1.37 a gal :(
The Jeep gets the highest octane gas I can find, just because it only gets run once or twice a month but very hard. I nee the extra oomph.
The Suburban gets 87 for daily use. For towing, I put in 92 and a can of Outlaw Octane booster. You wouldn't believe how well that makes the Vortec 5.7 run. I need it pulling an HD 16' dovetail trailer with the Jeep and all my gear.
I can't bow up and get the Powerstroke just yet.
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Wow when I saw the title for this post I thought I was going to come on here and see everyone praising the high octanes, but right from the first respone the words were taken outta my mouth. I try to convince everyone I know that talks about this of the same thing..... all octane does is prevent engine knocking! if youre engine ant knocking dont worry about the rating!

That's what I thought too. After I posted, I figured everyone would come in and tell me how wrong I am.

Redrooster-- Sophisticated computer controls can mask pre-ignition. When it pings, the computer adjusts the ignition to compensate. My parents run regular(87) in their Navigator even though it plainly says "Premium Fuel Only", and you can't tell.....until you put in some premium and feel all the power come back! If you have a noticeable power difference when you run a higher octane, then you need to run the higher octane.

I forgot to post what gas I run. The 4.0 gets the cheaper mid grade(89) or even regular when my wife fills it up. The 304 gets 12 gallons of premium(93) and 2 gallons of 110. I can run just premium, but the 110 is insurance. Shaved heads and steel shim head gaskets. Last year the 110 was $3.48/gal. I think