What to do...


New member

Alright. Here is the dilemma. I drive a pick up right now, but want a TJ without a doubt. The question is, what year do I get? Another is, do I go with a YJ, or a CJ? Sahara? I'd imagine everyone has their opinions, and I would love to hear them!




CJ-7's made 1976-1986,overpriced,IMO(some deals out there),lots of aftermarket,rough ride.....

YJ's made 1987-1995,reasonable prices,aftermarket,better ride then CJ.........

TJ's 1997-now,$$$$,aftermarket,better ride then CJ & YJ

I have a CJ-7 always wanted one now I do.Less emissions to worry about(1 more year for me)

TJ's Fuel injected,better mileage.

also depends on what you will do with it.

100% street

75% street 24% off road 1%air

75% off road 25% street.

depends on what comforts you want too.[addsig]

(CJ-7's made 1976-1986) expensive, but worth it. All classics are. Yes, it gives a slightly rough ride, but what do you want?! It's a real jeep.....

(YJ's made 1987-1995) dime-a-dozen (This is when Chrysler took over and the downfall of the Jeep began)

(TJ's) Trying to recapture past glory by adding round headlights. Nice idea, but you know what? uht-uh.

I've been restoring Jeeps for 10+ years now and you can probably tell that I prefer the CJ for its classic styling, simplicity of engineering, extensive aftermarket parts supply, and they are becoming rare. You'll get a lot more notice in a CJ than you will in a YJ or TJ.

Just my opinions....[addsig]

Dont get me wrong P.T.A.,I like my jeep and the everything about it and would love to own more then 1........but some people do not like the ride quality of the CJ as compared to a TJ or even the YJ.

YJ's may be a dime a dozen which just means you can get a good deal on a used one and build it the way you feel it should be.

What defines a real jeep by the way??



No, I know some people don't like the ride quality of their CJs..... Hell, I'm not crazy about it either for that matter, but that goes with the territory. It's not only the positive points about a vehicle that make it special, but its flaws as well.

For example, people who drive old muscle cars with solid lifter cams deal with having to adjust the valve lash all the time, but the sound they make and the performance is worth it.

For people who want a 4x4 with a nice, soft, smooth ride, I say get a grand cherokee.

In my opinion, the term "real jeep" refers to the classic styling cues that the first civilian Jeeps had when they rolled off the line back in the 40s and 50s. They had a good thing going and stuck with it for 40 years give or take until Chrysler got their hands on them. Change can be a great thing, but some things are better left alone.

We're all entitled to our opinions and I was just giving him mine. Another positive thing about the CJs is because they are older, they are "grandfathered in" as far as emissions inspection, etc goes. The laws got stiffer with each model year introduced. That goes a long way here in NJ where we have the second strictest emissions laws in the country.

Just my $.02 I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers. [addsig]


:::::Smoothing down his ruffled Raven's feathers:::: lol

I would go with a CJ. No offense to you TJ owners but I think they look a little too plastic. YJ's are nice but they're no CJ. so i'd go with the classic if i were you.[addsig]

just my 2 cents.. I would go with the CJ... This is my 3rd one. Finally got the model I always wanted.. Laredo!!! now onto the restore..


I've had my CJ-5 now for 20yrs (come jan 03) bought it basically new (from an insurance company. It was stolen from the orignal owner, and found/recovered, after the claim was paid.)

It work's fine still! Although, if I were to "do it all over again" I'd go with the CJ-7. If one could not be found, my next choice would be the the YJ.


I have a pickup and a CJ, and that turns out to be a good combination. Whatever Jeep you do get, be prepared to have no storage space at all. If you get a Jeep that doesn't have full locking doors, know that you can't keep anything of value in it (depending on where you live), as people will always be breaking into it.

On a lighter note, I'd advise anyone who doesn't know how to work on cars, or isn't willing to spend a good amount of time on it to get a TJ (maybe a newer YJ). Most CJs are rust buckets now, and if they aren't then the owner usually wants a fortune for it.

It I were new to Jeeps, and it was my only car I'd probably go with a TJ. If it was my only car I'd also think about air conditioning. Some people my think that Jeeps should not have AC, but it's no fun to show up for an interview in a sweat stained suit.

I'd just find the style of Jeep that you think looks the best, and if it's an older Jeep, just ask yourself if you're willing to constantly work on it (if you use a mechinic it can get very expensive)



I got my 85 CJ7 after looking for over a year. I found a lot of fixer-uppers, but not quite what I wanted. I finally found one in Mobile AL. A real jewel.. a city-jeep that had never seen a mudhole! That was in '98. Has barely seen a paved road since. Last Saturday, I put the first dent in her. Coming out of a deep hole in 4L, I shot the gas to her and wound up in some saplings. The right front fender was bent down some not bad but still oh well ...had to happen. My advice, keep the pick-up and get a CJ for offroad.


I say go with the CJ's

They don't make them like they used to![addsig]

I have a 94 YJ and it's a lot of fun. I'd suggest you go with a newer Jeep unless you really have the time and patience for a CJ. I wouldn't buy the CJ as it's old and will have things go wrong with it more than a newer Jeep. The new Jeeps (TJ) I'm not too fond of... go take a look at the dash... if you look hard enough you can almost see a Honda logo. I would suggest a 4.0 YJ... i wouldn't get the 4.2 as it may give you more problems... the newer YJs have better suspension also. -Mike[addsig]

it all depends on what you want!

I've owned a '63 CJ-5, a '95 YJ, and now I have an '02 TJ...

I'm not gonna get into what one is better.. we all know where that goes...

but if WesternStar says he wants a TJ, he probably meant it for some reason

so as far as which TJ to get it there are some issues to consider.. earlier models have some problems to say the least... noisy transmission, all the guages on the dash will stop working, prone to spontaniously combust
.. '00 is a good year to get if you're looking for cheaper, it's when they started using the NV-4550 and alot of the orignal problems have been fixed after the 1st 3 years of production.


Does any body know of a jeep club in Capetown South Africa? I will be filming a commercial in that area in the next month and we need a jeep wrangler that looks tricked out with alot of goodies. The scene we would be filming would be a jeep driving down the beach next to the surf in the sun. It's going to be fun, but it won't be if we can't find this vehicle.[addsig]