Where are people going for Spring Break


New member
Seems like a lot of people here are either in high school or college, so just thought I would ask. Plus, I always find it interresting hearing about where others are going!

I am going to Mexico with a local church. 4 of my friends are comeing, and we're going to build houses and run a couple church services.

Sounds like you guys are gonna have a blast! I might go out to Lake Havesu, Arizona with my friends and go jet skiing and inter tubing. All good stuff that involves 100+ temperatures. :D
Not to rub it in, but I live 1/2 mile from the beach, so I enjoy spring break all year. Now, where did I put my binoculars?

I work about 5 miles from daytona beach. already got the telescope waiting !

Hey you guys, send me an email or a PM with your phone numbers or emails and maybe we can get together for a day or something down there. Im goin from April 8th till the 17th i think. This will be my third year down there

I live close to Pensacola now. I moved from close to Daytona last year. I just can't seem to get away from beaches. Not that I'm complaining. All my family still lives about 30 minutes from Daytona, so I still get around there pretty often too. It seems like the past 4-5 years more Spring Breakers go to Panama City than Daytona Beach. I think it has to do with Daytona cracking down on nudity and underage drinking. Could be the reason why a lot of bikers spend more time in Orlando and St Augustine than Daytona during bike week too. Man, I cannot wait til Biketoberfest.

I'll be going to work monday-friday 10am-6pm for spring break..stupid work.
I'm going to the dunes in Oklahoma with our local 4x4 club. I've posted in the EVENTS forum a link to this state park which is a fantastic place to play. 1500 acers of trails & dunes as high as 75' tall! Sand drags & hill climbs going on all the time with quads, sand rails, 4x4s etc. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a wet T-shirt contest as on busy weekends it's common.
It's going to be a hoot!

I went to the South Padre Island. We already had our Spring Break. It was a blast. Women get crazy during spring break.I did some wheeling as well-al
I'm goin to either vegas or TJ (rosarita and encenada mostly). vegas would be chill but since im 16 and my fake id isnt top notch, mexico would prolly be more fun. specially since everyone from sd st goes to mexico and parties over spring break well see!!!
After many years of Key West trips I find my old married butt staying home workin on the house. Someone please have one for me. If anyone gets down to Key West, Schooners is the place to be.
I am all graduated from college, but the great part of spending 6 year in college, I got two extra spring breaks. Went to Virginia Beach twice, went to Daytona for bike week back in 2000, went to montreal, went to texas, and stayed home the last year of grad school to sleep!

I had great to play during spring break, but instead my work is sending me to Idaho..... yes, leave here where it is starting to be nice spring weather to go to Idaho, where it looks to be in the 30s and 40s....