WHICH IS BETTER- old or new?


New member
A rusty, old Jeep that you can work on and 'personalize' for cheap cheap
A brand new, state of the art, complete with everything you need blah blah blah Jeep that costs big bucks


Gerbils, anyone?

New Jeep. IMHO

Why, you ask??

Nice, ride on the trails, not, some butt numbing vibrator.
Through my shopping I have found that Upgrades aren't THAT much more expensive.
Also, I have a neat little thing that will force the Stealership to fix my rig. warenntee
as long as the engine runs and the frame is solid i would take a beater to customize prolly 9 out of 10 times. its just more fun and you really enjoy the Jeep when your done making it the way you want it to look CJs and XJs the two best Jeeps

They're all good as long as they're Jeeps :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
nothin like an old beater jeep that you can bring new life too! :D gives ya a good feeling of accomplishment.
RenegadeChic77 said:

You are just determined to start a fight! Here is the way it works! There are many Jeeps, There are many Jeepers and all see the Jeep that they love for what ever reason to be the best. The best way to make a Jeeper mad is to tell him or her that another Jeep is better than their personaly preferred Jeep. Just for instance I love the YJ series Jeeps 1987 ~ 1995! I own a CJ and that is my second choice. TJ falls in line next but untill I can no longer find fix and drive one of the first two there is no way I will own the third. As for the long wheel based Jeeps I have no desire to own one at all. So this what jeep do you like best and which is better is just a good way to get things stired up. tug :wink:

i'm sure she's not looking to start a fight, just looking to see what people's opinions are

IMHO, you have to determine what you are going to use your Jeep for.If I was going to use my Jeep as a daily diver and primary car, then you may want to invest in a newer model, but if it is going to be a toy, then I would go with an older model that I will not mind using it like it was intended. -al
I'm partial to CJ's, I've always wanted one sice I was little. I saved up and got one when I was 19. I totally stripped the layers of paint and re-did everything. It still lacks a lot, but it will be the first true love of my life, but don't tell the girlfriend, lol. I was going to get rid of it to get married, have to afford a ring some how. But after thinking about it for a few days, the CJ's staying to be finished and marriage is still in the works. I dunno what I'd do with out "Spanky the CJ7."
Hey 77, stir the pot all you want. Since you asked, the older CJ's are a sweet deal. You can cut'um, bash'um, then weld'um back together. They're not too expensive (well, at least they weren't) and, for the most part, ez to take a part and put back together.

But, if someone is happy with his or her XJ, TJ, Willy's or FSJ, that's all that matters.

For my sake, and tug's, I just want to say that I am not trying to stir things up, just wanted to know what you guys thought was best. Sorry if I did make you mad, it was completley unintentional...
I like my 1977- it is always clunking around, and has a unique personality of its own. Around our church and home, and town, too, it is known as the beast machine hahaha.
sorry again, and thank you guys for stickin up for me if you did
Lordy gal I am not mad! I gave you an honest answer! I am a YJ person. As has been said before here it is hard to type an inflection in you words as you can your voice. I did not say dont ask these questions all I said was it is going to start a fight. "My dog is better than your dog cause" type of a thing. The fact that you are here and have a Jeep at 13 makes me proud. I remember Sully in the early days and look at him. He has been nomanated by more than a few to be a moderator at this time would make him the youngest moderator on Jeepz if he were chosen and he is your age. Little Gal I am an old Fart with a kids your age and I am use to speaking my mind. Please don't feel I have come down hard on you with the will to hurt you. I am glad you are here and post anything you wish at any time and I will answer your post as honestly and personaly as I can. Hang in there and Jeep to the beat. WE aint that far apart so get you folks to come along and come wheel with us any time. Jeez I would never do anything to hurt your feelings but I will always tell you what I think if ask! tug

dont worry, tug, i speak my mind a lot too hahaha and it has landed me on my teachers 'non favorites' more than a couple times, but never (so far) at the big guy's office lol

Somewhere in the middle. We've got a CJ and a TJ we are working on. If I run out the door with both sets of keys its a toss up, both are a blast to drive.
Tug-n-pull said:
RenegadeChic77 said:
The best way to make a Jeeper mad is to tell him or her that another Jeep is better than their personaly preferred Jeep.

Hey Tug... My Jeep IS better than yours! Hehehehehe JK. :lol:

I Love all jeeps, but My personal prefs are XJ's and TJ's. All of them have definete advantages over others. But they all have their niche.

For example, my jeep is far superior to the CJ and YJ in it's ability to haul groceries!! :wink:

Seriously, I've always loved a modified XJ, just something about it!