Who wrote Carter carb fix?


New member
The Carter carb fix in the "how to" section looks like it is just what I need. I was wondering if I can find out who wrote that so I can ask them another question about the carb.

Just want to add that I did this procedure last night and it was effective. Many thanks to whomever is responsible for putting it up...Thanks!!!
i was about to post the same thing lol. i went by a friends yesterday and did my alternator then decided to clean out the venturi's and wow! what a difference! it was so noticeable my buddy immediately did his on his cj also. MY JEEP IDLES!!!! :)
so add a second thank you to this post.
if you havent done it,so it. it is simple(just be careful pulling out the cluster,it's like playing the game "operation" lol)