Witnessed an accident!


New member

Pretty crazy...me and a buddy were out chasing rabbits in my jeep around 1am out in the country in some open fields. Anyway heading back to town we finally get on the paved highway and there is a car about 1/2 mile ahead of us. We see the taillights then headlights go up in the air and its off the road. Driving up upon it we see that its a late model ford taurus and is upside down in the field...pretty banged up.

I told my buddy to try to talk to the occupants and see if they are ok and then I headed across the road to a house that was just conveintly there. I told the guy in the house that there had been a wreck and to call 911. Well coming back to the car I saw that it was a lady and she was not hurt at all...I was quite amazed. She was wearing her seatbelt and I guess that probably saved her from injury. She climbed out of the car and right away I could see that she was very very intoxicated.

Anyway the cops finally got there and we told them what we saw and I couldn't help but notice another cop giving the lady some sobriety tests just a few feet away. After a few attempts of trying to balance on one foot the lady just laughed and said, "I'm sorry I can't do it I'm just too drunk!". We all started laughing.

Well they cuffed her and she will probably spend the night in jail...she said she had full coverage but her car was obviously totaled and I don't think the insurance will cover it with the alcohol involved. I guess it just goes to show you...don't drink and drive. This woman was very very lucky. If you are gonna drink, call someone to pick you up or call a cab. Its just not worth the risk. [addsig]


wow... that's crazy...[addsig]


I pulled a stunt close to that. I went out with some friends one night and being the idiot that alcohol makes you, got in and drove home about 30 minutes. Well I got about 5 minutes from home and fell aleep at 80mph in a 40mph. The gravel on the shoulder woke me and of course I swerved and locked up the brakes and almost went head on with the off duty police captain. I ended up going through a barbed wire fence and three t-posts at close to 80mph. I too did the sobriety tests and obviously failed horribly and visited the pokey for the night. I was charged with public intoxication and still to this day do not know how I did not get a DWI. I got off with a finger wagging in my face, I'm not proud of it at all, not bragging in any way. I just hope this post helps those who think about drinking and driving. Every time I get in the R/T I remember my mistake, the scratches are still there as a haunting remembrance of what should never have been. Please think before you drink, thanks....Michael

edited by: 83CJ701DakRT, Feb 25, 2003 - 02:27 AM[addsig]

Unfortunately for all of us, Insurance will probably replace the car.

I work a LOT of roll-over accidents where the occuants walk away for simply wearing thier seatbelts. Enough to convince me, as these people would have been seriuosly injured otherwise.

Drink and Drive, your day will come, either with your maker or me :-D [addsig]