WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My son called yesterday morning (actually my step-son, but we don't ever use that word) with some great news: I'M GONNA BE A GRAMPA!!!!!!! They're due in December or January!!!!

Congratulations Grampa! Now the fun really begins! We don't use the "step" word either- I prefer to think of them as my bonus children.
Re: RE: Favorite song(s)

His mom and I had been dating for about 5 months when he went into the Navy. We went to Chicago to watch him graduate from boot camp, and he introduced me to all of his buddies and the staff as "my dad"...that was so cool, especially since Vickie and I weren't even married yet. I don't have any children of my own, so he's my only son, and now that I've known him for just over 6 years, he is my son.......

So, if I'm going to be your daddy (re: your Mother's Day post), then that makes me a GREAT-grandpa!?! :shock:

Where did the years go?

(BTW - I would prefer a black rubicon)
Congradulations :D I know how excited your getting, I'm going to be an auntie this summer (end of august) and since i was the baby in the family i'v never gotten to be around a lot of babies myself. only ever held one newborn baby ever... once and it was for like 3 minutes.. SUPER EXCITED :D


What's next? AARP membership?
Hey, Sparky, all kidding aside.....mucho Congrats!!!! I am a grandpa by the same route. Son, step-son, "bonus" son.................................SON!!!!! Have a great little grandson (Brody) and am hoping to acquire a couple more (through son's marriage??!!??!). Once again, congrats!
mud4feet said:
Hey, Sparky, all kidding aside.....mucho Congrats!!!! I am a grandpa by the same route. Son, step-son, "bonus" son.................................SON!!!!! Have a great little grandson (Brody) and am hoping to acquire a couple more (through son's marriage??!!??!). Once again, congrats!

Maybe you can email Sparky your AARP contact number. Do you get a free month's dues for referrals? Im just asking... :lol:

Re: RE: WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mingez said:
.................Maybe you can email Sparky your AARP contact number. Do you get a free month's dues for referrals? Im just asking... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Very funny, Mingez. I actually get an extra discount at McDonalds for all referrals (and I'm kinda hungry!) :lol:
WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! AARP discounts!!!!!!!! Oh, wait.....I'm only 40.....dang. I am getting gray hair, and 30% of my beard is gray, too.......