XJ Videos

i dont know wheather that site is neering the end of its bandwidth or what but all them vids dont fully load. wich makes them buffer in the middle of the vid and makes it all choppy. i cant enjoy any of them

yes that site is horrible to load sometimes, but sometimes it's fast. Just depends I guess. It has a ton of good videos though.
RE: Re: RE: Random Poetry...

oh yea. thay have about as meny videos as the rubicon has rocks. thats alot. i spent something like 3 hours there one day. if you wanna see some funny, disqusting, horendouse, and just plain interesting videos check out www.big-boys.com lotsa good stuff there.
Those are awesome... I'm still trying to find one up here; some fellow Jeepers managed to talk me into jumping my stocker XJ over a hill... Keep in mind, this is right after we got it running again after I sucked approximately 1/2 gallon of water into the engine. (estimated by the amount of carbon-rich fluid that blew out of the tailpipe upon restart... I am told that I got some good airtime...

I like the one of the guy driving out of the drainage pipe.