Yea the super bowl is over!!


New member
RE: newbie questions

Now that, thats out of the way get out of my town. For all the northerners that complained about it here. Have fun going back to your 40 degree weather. Just hit the 70's here again today. And for the Bostonians. Just remember when football season starts again and its cold out side, which I am sure it will be there. I will be out on my patio drinking margarita's and rubbing in more sun tan lotion while you are staying warm inside.

Ooooooo. Such hostility. I'll just sit back while the 'Chowds respond. (This outta be good)
No hostility. Just tired of all the whimpering about the weather on the sport shows and the fools who dont now how to pull over and read a map or ask for directions. Damn tourist. Maybe they will enjoy the freezing cold in Detroit next year better than the 60's we hosted for them this year.

Just in case some of you come back I have added some need to know info.

This pretty much says it all -

1. You must learn to say the city name correctly. It is usually
referred to as "Jax".

2. You must be a Jaguars fan. It is a requirement for citizenship.
Also, you are either a Gator or a Nole. You have no choice. If you abstain,
you will be assigned a team. There are no other schools. It's better to learn
that sooner than later.

3. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. No one pays
attention to them here. Merging, yielding, and right-of-way are completely
foreign terms. No turn signals in cars, either .

4. To find anything in Jax it is required that you know where
Regency Square is. It is the Alpha and the Omega: the beginning and the end.

5. Directions to anywhere may, and usually do, make a reference to
"the old Pic and Save".

6. The morning rush hour is from 6am to 10am. The evening rush hour
is from 3pm to 7pm. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.

7. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear-ended,
cussed out, and possibly shot.

8. East Rd. meets West Rd. on Beach Blvd, but they both run North
and South.

9. Normandy Boulevard, State Road 228, Cecil Field Road, Maxville
Road, and Post Street are all the same road.

10. On the southeast side of town, Hartley Road, Shad Road, and Hood
Road are all the same road. Hartley Road is the western part of the road,
and Shad Road is the eastern part of the road. Now don't be confused about this
Hood Road. This is theWest-East part that is in between Hartley and Shad, not
the North-South part that starts out as Old Kings Road South, changes into
Hood Road South, and ends at Losco Road. Got it?

11. Construction is a permanent fixture in Jax. The barrels are
moved around in the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit
more exciting.

12. Watch very carefully for road hazards such as deer, skunks,
dogs, barrels, cones, cows, horses, pot holes, cats,pieces of other cars,
a single shoe, opossums, truck tires, raccoons,squirrels, rabbits, crows or
vultures feeding on any of these items. Oh, and those pesky ladders that
seem to find themselves laying on our bridges.

13. The minimum acceptable speed on J Turner Butler Blvd is 75
mph. Anything less is considered downright sissy. This is Jacksonville's
version of NASCAR.

14. Never honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously.

15. If you are in the left lane, and only going 70 in a 55 zone, you
are considered a road hazard and will be "flipped off" accordingly.

16. Ground clearance of at least 12 inches is recommended for
city driving.

17. If it's 100 degrees, Thanksgiving must be next weekend.

18. There are really only two seasons here: Summer and January.

19. There is actually a Westside high school that has a confederate
battle flag as its school flag, an image of a slave plantation owner as
its mascot, and Dixie as its school song. Just accept it. Please don't make a
fuss about it, for your own safety.

20. Ponte Vedra is to Middleburg as oceanfront is to doublewide.

21. If you choose to live in Orange Park, or, God forbid, Middleburg,
plan to leave for work at 4am and return home around 11pm. Otherwise you may
get caught in what can only be described as "the world's longest
left-turn lane".

22. Don't get here late and expect something to eat. After 9pm,
your choices are Famous Amos, Village Inn, Krystals and Waffle House.

23. You can buy a million-dollar condo downtown on the river, but you
have to drive 10 miles for a loaf of bread, and never after dark.

24. The Landing is an interesting place. Every time you visit, there
will be a whole new set of restaurants, fewer stores, and less parking.
Hooters, however, is a permanent fixture.

25. All city council decisions must be signed off on by First
Baptist Church.

26. You can't drink alcohol and see topless girls at the same time.
But, if you agree to drink Diet Coke, you can see them fully nude.

27. North Phillips highway. Don't go there. Ever. Unless,of course,
you are looking for motels that charge by the hour.

28. Learn all of the lyrics to every Lynyrd Skynyrd song. Trust me on
this one.

Re: RE: Re: RE: Signature pic requirements

Anyone Notice?

dont even talk to me about traffic rules and road rage in the such. i lived in the city where right lanes turn left and left lanes go right. so many one ways giving directions to out of towners are virtually useless.

and please, enjoy your margaritas, i'll take my super bowl champion new england patriots whether its 90 degrees or 9 degrees out. i'm a new englander, born and raised, i love the cold and the snow. maybe its cause i'm a hockey player too, but i welcome it. hell, its been 40 the past few days here, its like a heat wave, people are walking around without jackets.

ps-thanks for letting us use your "city" to establish our dynasty.
RE: Anyone Notice?

i figured it pretty much summed it up. and i'm within the sig pic requirements!!

It is funny to sit and watch these fans go at it. What is even more funny is that I quit watching football, and just about all stick and ball sports, about 4 years ago and the Pats were winning all the titles, now 4 years later, they are still winning everything. Each town has the best team money can buy it guess. I am not knocking anyones talent, that is just how it is.
Money talks.

They way I look at it, I got tired of watching a bunch of crack head, whinning, millionaires running up and down the football field or courts and why should I care about them, they don't care about me right? Why should I spend $80 on a jersey with their names on it?
These "players" will tell a reporter at the end of the season how lucky they feel to be living their dreams and how they would play for league minimum if they had to and next thing you know, they sit out training camp over a contract dispute. I am not putting down anybody, that is just how I look at it. BTW, I never saw the game only about 30 sec highlight film on GMA this morning.

"The opiate of the masses!"
90Xjay said:
It is funny to sit and watch these fans go at it. What is even more funny is that I quit watching football, and just about all stick and ball sports, about 4 years ago and the Pats were winning all the titles, now 4 years later, they are still winning everything. Each town has the best team money can buy it guess. I am not knocking anyones talent, that is just how it is.
Money talks.

They way I look at it, I got tired of watching a bunch of crack head, whinning, millionaires running up and down the football field or courts and why should I care about them, they don't care about me right? Why should I spend $80 on a jersey with their names on it?
These "players" will tell a reporter at the end of the season how lucky they feel to be living their dreams and how they would play for league minimum if they had to and next thing you know, they sit out training camp over a contract dispute. I am not putting down anybody, that is just how I look at it. BTW, I never saw the game only about 30 sec highlight film on GMA this morning.

"The opiate of the masses!"

Very good point, 90! I watched it, but without passion. When they cancelled the World Series ('94, I think?), professional sports lost me as a fan. I'd rather watch the amatuers.
pushead said:
.......... Damn tourist..........

Yeah I live in a tourist town with a lake.....hell during the summer 90% of the people here in Heber Springs, AR are from Shelby County TN!

I'm getting a personel plate on the Jeep:

IH82RST == I HATE TOURIST :twisted:

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
pushead said:
.......... Damn tourist..........

Yeah I live in a tourist town with a lake.....hell during the summer 90% of the people here in Heber Springs, AR are from Shelby County TN!

I'm getting a personel plate on the Jeep:

IH82RST == I HATE TOURIST :twisted:

Getting directions to Heber Springs.... bringing all of my Japanese relatives.... NOT taking a map!!! :lol:
mingez said:
_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
pushead said:
.......... Damn tourist..........

Yeah I live in a tourist town with a lake.....hell during the summer 90% of the people here in Heber Springs, AR are from Shelby County TN!

I'm getting a personel plate on the Jeep:

IH82RST == I HATE TOURIST :twisted:

Getting directions to Heber Springs.... bringing all of my Japanese relatives.... NOT taking a map!!! :lol:

What, you don't like the Smokeys? :lol: :lol: :lol: EVERYBODY else does, especially Floridians!
90Xjay said:
It is funny to sit and watch these fans go at it. What is even more funny is that I quit watching football, and just about all stick and ball sports, about 4 years ago and the Pats were winning all the titles, now 4 years later, they are still winning everything. Each town has the best team money can buy it guess. I am not knocking anyones talent, that is just how it is.
Money talks.

They way I look at it, I got tired of watching a bunch of crack head, whinning, millionaires running up and down the football field or courts and why should I care about them, they don't care about me right? Why should I spend $80 on a jersey with their names on it?
These "players" will tell a reporter at the end of the season how lucky they feel to be living their dreams and how they would play for league minimum if they had to and next thing you know, they sit out training camp over a contract dispute. I am not putting down anybody, that is just how I look at it. BTW, I never saw the game only about 30 sec highlight film on GMA this morning.

"The opiate of the masses!"
money talks, but there is a salary cap, so theoretically, for opening weekend of football, everyone starts with the same chances.

and its hard for regular people to relate to people like them (athletes). they're no different than rich business owners or doctors. it is simply the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to. does it make it right? no. but you can honestly say that if you won 5 million dollars in the lottery you'd be happy, but you cannot say you wouldnt want more. its human nature.

and also, however politically incorrect you might think this is, it was never an athlete's job to care about you. you go to the games on your own free will, you leave it on the station on your own free will. it is just as much the fault of sports owners as it is the players for the salaries they make. fans are willing to pay to see them, and owners are willing to pay athletes to play for their team. its a vicious cycle. so i'm not sure your "why should i care about them" argument is the right one. i mean, do i like tom brady? sure, as much as the next fan. do i care about him? well i hope nothing bad happens to him, and i'm sorry that his grandmother died, but beyond that, we're not attatched in anyway.

hey, its fine that you dont watch sports. many people dont, you're not exactly alone. but i just cringe when people try to put themselves and athletes on the same level, its a different world they live in, obviously they're pampered, but NOBODY can say for certain they wouldnt be like that put in the same situation.

The NFL has drug testing, a salary cap, and overall parity making it a much better league than in the past. I feel much the way 90xjay does about baseball, but I love the sport and hope to watch those same changes happen there.

Back to football though - there has never been such a level playing field as there is now. As for the Patriots, there were a whole bunch of close games this season, they just seem to get it done when the pressure is on. No "bought" championship there, just an outstanding team with a genius coach.

Boy McNabb sure coughed up some ugly ducklings didn't he? I was kinda surprised he lacked poise as he did. Todd Pinkston sure made some incredible catches though!!! It just wasn't Philly's year... again.
RE: Time waster

bchcky wrote:
and its hard for regular people to relate to people like them (athletes). they're no different than rich business owners or doctors. it is simply the lifestyle they've grown accustomed to. does it make it right? no

You're right about that and when they are 50 years old, bald and making themselves look stupid doing Hooter's commercials, it appears that they are trying to squeeze every last dime out of their dwindling fame. was never an athlete's job to care about you...

Some of the older guys actually cared about their image and how they were percieved by youth. They knew how powerful their influence was over kids and felt responsible about it.

About 10 years ago, I had a good inside friend in NASCAR and me and the wife would fly out to the track, go to the NASCAR trailer on Friday morning and pick up our garage passes. We had a friend who was the head engine builder for the #30 Pennzoil car. We spent alot of time in and around the drivers and teams and being a huge fan, it was kind of a let down to see how some of these guys were just stuck-up jerks. But for every jerk there were about 2 or 3 genuine nice people. We followed a driver into the track one morning from the interstate and watched him rip the sun visor out of the brand new car the dealership loaned the track, because he could not figure out how to snap it back up. And if I told you who it was, you would not believe me, because he is such a nice cool guy on TV.
So it is not just Football that has the issues for me. I still watch the races, if nothing else is going on, but I don't make time for watching sports like I did 10 years ago.

RE: Time waster

bchcky said:
ps-thanks for letting us use your "city" to establish our dynasty.

Glad to have ya. Our team will never make it to even one bowl before they leave this city.

And for the carolina's. You can have your mountains. I only went to them one time because a friend wanted me to go as a side kick. Havent been back since no matter how much he begs. I dont like the cops up there and they love my wallet about as much as Georgia.