Yet another crazy and overzealous Jeep seller on Ebay...

Lots of nice work, but what a joke of a price! At least it doesnt have the typical "spinners" and low profile street tires that most jeeps on ebay have!
RE: skyjacker lift

Its gotta be a typo. Maybe he meant to but 17k instead of 57k. This guy is definitely smoking crack if he thinks someone will pay that for his jeep.
RE: What do you guys think?

No' way is he going to get that price. He has more money to spend than brains if you ask me.

I saw that one the other day! and ya, pass the pipe!
RE: i

What gets me is he spent all that money on the Jeep and yet the flares are stock.... they look sucky. For $57K, put some freaking tube fenders on there. Notice that it has an Atlas II t-case, but the stock transmission.

And the only way I'm dropping $57K on that Jeep is if he swaps in a corvette LT1 motor, with an appropriate transmission, cuts the fenders up to fit 40's... BFG Krawlers, and there's a surprise $30,000 in cash sitting in the gold-in-laid console.

I think that's a monkey flying out his butt...

Re: RE: Re: RE: the eagles are going to jacksonville

He spent over $70,000 on that? Man, did he get screwed! And, it's a 2000 with only 2000 original miles?!? What's up with that?
Something just isn't right there. It must be nice to have 70 large laying around to throw into a rig and then be able to say "awww, I'm bored with it. On to the next toy."
If I wanted to drop serious cash like that on a jeep, Id give AEV a call...

Speaking of AEV did yall hear that they are going to make a run of 25 Brutes?


Re: Cherokee purchase, what model is best?

now that is rediculous!! There is absolutely no way he will get that much.

I don't really see where $70,000 could have gone into that????
i can see where all the money went, mechanics goofing off when he wasnt there. granted it looks like a very capable rig but im thinkin 20k max, and you know what else, whoever actually wheels it is gonna be in for a surpirse. that wheel base lengthening wasnt done right. when they flex the back wheels move up and backwards because of the motion of the long arms, the rear fender is gonna be ripped of and theres gonna be a hole in that gas tank the size of a paint can. all this guy did was buy whats hot right now instead of buying for him. yea of course he lost interest in it when he paid someone 70k to build it for him, thats the biggest part of jeeps, building them. i vote that it should be parted out as an abomination and advantage to rock crawlers everywhere. i got dibs on the mt/rs!

RE: Re: Cherokee purchase, what model is best?

I'll give him the fact that he probably spend sickening amount of money on that TJ.

I'll give him that it looks to be done right and built likle a brick craphouse.

What I nor anybody else will give him is 57 Grand.

It can't hurt to ask, but what a maroon.
currupt4130 said:
i can see where all the money went, mechanics goofing off when he wasnt there.
, whoever actually wheels it is gonna be in for a surpirse.
all this guy did was buy whats hot right now everywhere.

I figure he did by whats "hot"...looks "COOL".....pieced it together, THEN found out it's not worth 2 cents for wheeling and is trying to salvage some of his money back from his Street Queen!
From that list of mods, he used some quality stuff. I'd love to take that thing to play, but again the $$$ is just unrealistic

RE: Frankiefire

It's got ALOT of good parts. But for 60k? I dont like how they are all put together on that jeep. The super charger is not at all my taste for a 6. I'd just do a V8 swap or something along those lines. Transmission is still stock, and I dont like the axles being that wide. Still cool though.
RE: Are we in China? The USSR? What the...

I wish I owned it. I'd have fun tearing that up.

I don't get the front fenders?.....Why leave the full fender hanging down below the tubing? And whats up with the tubing running through the flare? That thing was built to do exactly what he has been using it for.....riding down the highway, making poor bast*rds like me jealous.
For all the money he put in it, he forgot to include stove, refrigerator, washer/dryer, bathtub and toilet, woodstove, roof, etc......................