Yet Another Problem


New member
Is there anyway to just do away with the [consarn] PCV system....I have an 87 YJ I6 258 carter carb and i keep finding oil in my air filter...someone told me its because the PCV is worth crap now and doesnt work....any (perferably cheap) ideas??

Capt Cox
yea...i've replaced it twice....that leads meto believe its not the valve itself but something else...i dont even know if its the PCV system at all
optima red tops

Something is causing your PCV system to run in reverse, the hose opposite your PCV valve is allowing oil to get sucked up into your airbox, instead of allowing your crankcase to suck fresh air from the airbox. You've got a collapsed vacuum line or the small plastic orifice in one of the vacuum lines is clogged. Look for a plastic splice in one vacuum line, there'll be a small hole in it that's easily clogged.

any ideas to where the vacuum line or plastic orifice are???
Make sure the crankcase breather is not stoped up going to your breather on the carb. Make sure the line from the PCV to the breather is clear. Remove all of the vacuume lines from the carb one at a time makeing note of where they go and chc for cracks holes and ect.. It is not very costly to just replce all of them while you are in there nad you might be able to find some cool colors to use. this may help but it will not hurt. tug