YJ Power Fading Away

TwistedCopper said:





What are you trying to tell me here, TC? Is there something I'm missing? I get the feeling there's something, but not quite sure what....quit mincing words and just spit it out, bud!:lol:

O2 sensor does not sound like your prob, because you are saying that your mileage doesn't suffer much cel won't come on for o2 unless it's really bad, put my buck one the cat, you know i have 157k miles one my cat, think i'm going to kill mine today. :sawzall: :flamethro
Yep, Killing the cat for sure now, just got done checking it out it is WAY to freaking hot, only drove 1 mile and let sit for an hour, muffler is cool to the touch but the cat is hot as a skillet, just sprayed wd40 on the bolts going to fix the ****er after awhile then enjoy :)
just cut the cat out, hollow it, and put it back.

My jeep has been intermittently running like crap a lot for the past 3 years. I'll step on the gas one time, it will take off like a madman... 10 minutes later, it gets a flat dead spot from 1500-2100 rpm, then power... next time i hit the gas, power the whole way... minute later, dead spot again... there is no rhyme or reason. all temperatures, all types of gas, all seasons... I've replaced nearly every sensor on the thing. The only thing I've found that does work is turning the key off and back on while it is still running. It never ever has had a dead spot right after key on/off.

If yours is like mine, then its just that magical "don't wanna run right" syndrom.

Snitty said:
If yours is like mine, then its just that magical "don't wanna run right" syndrom.
That can't be very encouraging for a tornado chasing friend :lol:
well I lossened the clamps... ok one broke the other lossend but anyways the thing will not pull apart beat on it and everything, got so mad at it that I looked online and send a message to kolak and got a price on the magnaflow large muffler, Magnaflow Cat, and his tailpiece with a stainless pointed own tip for 390, now I just gota scrape a few buck for that, it funny I didn't even thing anything was wrong till I read that and the THe light bulb clicked on and I relized that I was having the prob and didn't even know it, esp when I did check the temps. oh well Everything going good once I get it all thrown on.

spray it with liquid wrench and let it soke in for 24 hours it should loosen all the rust and lube it enough to get it to come loose
Hazrider said:
spray it with liquid wrench and let it soke in for 24 hours it should loosen all the rust and lube it enough to get it to come loose
Once you try PB Blaster you will use no other.
TwistedCopper said:
Once you try PB Blaster you will use no other.

Heck yeah!!!! Love that stuff....especially on pancakes!:lol:

Seriously, yeah, it's great. I've been shooting the bolts on the exhaust for a few days now, and this morning I'm gonna try to get it out of there.

Ok, I've been at it for 3 hours now, and still don't have the damn cat off. The PB Blaster did the trick on the clamp nuts, those came off without much effort. The front end of the cat slid right off the pipe, even with the clamp still on it....don't know what's up with that, but oh well. I've got the rear of the cat pulled 1.5" or so out of the muffler, but it still won't turn loose. I cut slits in the muffler pipe and pried the tabs out, but due to the tight space and diameter of my cut-off wheel, I can't make them any bigger. I can wiggle the cat all over the place, turn it 360 degrees, but it just won't come the rest of the way out! I'm taking a break in the A/C because it's gone from 70 to 95 degrees while I've been under the Jeep. My shade on the drive is slowly slipping away....

One other thing: I had to drop the skid plate under the T-case a few inches on one side to get to the cat....when I go to bolt it back up, is there anything I need to be concerned about, as far as the T-case alignment? I didn't loosen any bolts to the T-case, just loosened the three driver's side bolts for the skid plate, and removed the three on the passenger side and let it down with a jack.
Sparky-Watts said:
One other thing: I had to drop the skid plate under the T-case a few inches on one side to get to the cat....when I go to bolt it back up, is there anything I need to be concerned about, as far as the T-case alignment? I didn't loosen any bolts to the T-case, just loosened the three driver's side bolts for the skid plate, and removed the three on the passenger side and let it down with a jack.

Shouldn't be a problem, just remember to torque tham back up before you're done. :)

Sorry, don't know about the cat. Only thing I can do is wish you good luck and good common sense.
Finally got the cat off after 5 hours of wrestling with it. Took all of 5 minutes to gut it, and another hour to put it back on. Just took it for a test drive, and it didn't help a damn bit, other than to quiet the noise from the airbox and give it a bit more of a deep tone to the exhaust. Now I'm totally lost on where to go. Any suggestions? I've got some Sea Foam that I'm going to try tonight, as it's now back up to 105 and I've had enough heat for my day off.


Seriously ****ed now,


If you like PB Blaster, you'll fall in love with KROIL

It is amazing stuff. I got some from a friend one time, he had it in a gallon jug. I put it in the wrong kind of container to bring some home. A week later it was all gone, it krept out of the container. It is said that it can penetrate into 1/1,000,000 of an inch
I put in the Sea Foam awhile ago, sucked it through the brake boost line as directed, and still no change in performance. :cry:

I don't know what else to do next. It still runs very smooth, idles perfectly, and has decent acceleration so long as I don't go past about 1/4 throttle. If I push the pedal down any more than that, it starts to bog down kind of, and acceleration is very, very slow. I put it in 4th gear with the RPM's around 2000, and a 10 mph tail wind, and floored it. It took a full mile to get to 55 mph! That is not acceptable. Prior to this problem starting, I could hit 55 in a quarter mile from a dead stop. Even after wrapping the engine out in 3rd to 4500 RPM's and shifting to 4th, I could only push the RPM's up to around 3500. Then, when I hit 5th, I couldn't even keep it up to 65 mph with the tailwind.

Somebody here must have some idea of what to do next....PLEASE!!!!

Contemplating suicide,

Snitty said:
It is said that it can penetrate into 1/1,000,000 of an inch

Wow, that stuff might even be able to break loose Sparky's wallet!!! :purple: :lol:

SW - Man I thought for sure the cat was your problem. I'm feeling pretty bad about what you went through to gut it.


TwistedCopper said:
I'm feeling pretty bad about what you went through to gut it.


Yeah, me too!:cry: I got an owie because of it!!


Almost had to call LifeWatch and be flown by helicopter to the local trauma unit!:p I was using a crowbar to lift part of the front pipe out of the way and lost my grip, falling backwards onto the driveway. If it hadn't been so hot, I would have probably bled to death or worse, but the heat helped cauterize the wound and saved my life!:lol:

Here's what I got out of the cat:


I've seen people gut their cats before, and all of them I've seen came out like coal dust, all black and sooty. Mine came out a real light shade of gray. Is that normal? I looked at some of the larger honeycomb pieces and could see daylight through them, no blockages. Maybe they weren't plugged at all or at least a little and all the banging around cleared them. I'm guessing there wasn't any blockage, though.

Here's what a hollowed cat looks like, for those of you with emission testing that will never get to see it:


Before this, my airbox was really, really loud. Almost embarassingly loud. But now it's just as quiet as when it was stock, but the exhaust sounds really good. It's not loud or anything, just a nice deep tone.8)
If you ever get to figure out what it is, let me know. I've been dealing with it intermittently for the past couple years. Today, I went for a ride. It was running very strong, then it just happened to start crapping out on me and I got a few backfires. Then it came back to life.
I'm just waiting for my pb blaster to come in so I can hit the Exaust lines with it, how long should I let it sit before I start to try and pry the cat and muffler off?