Not sure about the quality of the aftermarket steel tubs, or the fiberglass ones for that matter, I do know that they will not have the jeep stamped into the side. I did notice that they are starting to stamp the replacement tailgates though. There are some aluminum and stainless tubs out there if you have the money. I put an 88 yj tub on my 79 cj7 and lined up pretty good with my fenders. You will need to make some modes to the frame though cause not all the body mounts match up. Also had to have the defroster vents modified to match up with my cj hardware. Lets see what else....if you're going to use the same tailgate, then of course you will have to weld in the supports for the cable and add some bolts on the body for the hinges. The gas filler locating will also have to be moved. Then just fill in all the extra holes on the back. good luck!