YJ/w SYE, Custom Rear Driveshaft Suggestions


New member
So I want to buy the JB Super Short SYE kit.
I noticed that there was a combo for about $600 that includes a new CV style driveshaft.

I read some where that a guy made his own driveshaft by taking parts to a driveline shop (out of an old Montecarlo shaft and Parts from a 70's bronco or something like that)

Just wondering if any of you have chosen to go about making your own.

By the way I have about 5-6 inches of lift


You can take any XJ or TJ front driveshaft and have it shortened and balanced for the rear. It's a great inexpensive option that runs about $65 around here.
I took the driveshaft off a XJ and have been running fine, The machine shop kinda messed up when shortning the driveshaft and gave it to me a little bent but it has not failed. I have a pic under my profile if u wanna check it out