307. You start looking for a garage to rent because maybe the president of the homeowners association has a point........... barely....... I mean its not like I was overhauling the transmission right there in the condo parking lot....... right? :wink:

Minnesota Roll call

You can't sit still at work because your poly bushing kit just showed up this morning and you can't wait to tear into it........ you know, to see if it makes a difference!! :D :lol: :D :lol: :shock: :D :lol: :D
Then i definately have a real jeep...although i did have to retire my nerf bars a bit early (16)
310. You cringe every time someone asks you if you have a "V6"
311. Your roll bar is more comforting than your seat belts
312. Your passengers benefit from having handles on the roll bar
313. You don't need a top, car theifs rarely carry around ladders

Hey Gary, you missed about 13 pages of 'em! :lol: :lol:

edit: he fixed it, nevermind. 8)
unbelievable you people do understand me when you call mode of transpo not a car not a vehicle but a jeep!!!!! can someone tell me what what timezone were on

RE: Low on gas

314. You swerve toward obstacles rather than avoid them.

315. You yell "Hooray" when it rains... mud rules.

316. You photoshop larger tires onto a pic of your jeep to see what it would look like.
317. When you go to bed at night you cant sleep because you have jeep on the brain. (Usually occurs when thinking about modifications or the work you will be doing the next day)

Wanted for a 94 Wrangler:

mingez said:
314. You swerve toward obstacles rather than avoid them.

::Starts swerving off to the right::
Sean: Puddle!
Mom: WHAT?!?
::mud and rocks fly all over windshield and hood::
Sean: Puddle.
Mom: Puddle??? That was a hole of mud!
Sean: No, it was a puddle.

And I'll tell ya, the look on her face was priceless... Love poorly maintained dirt roads.

Wish I had a camera!!!

321. every time you hit a bump in the road, the radio thinks you're popping a cassette in and tries to play it
(*yeah no cd player over here, i'm old school!)
Just for fun and foolishness, because MichiganJeepers started this thread up, and I linked ours, because it was outstandingly complex and long, I, Sean, AKA Saurian, AKA please don't chop me up in the meat room and serve me to the customers, AKA the Threadmaster, do hereby and forthwith bring this buried thread, for the pleasure of all of our new Jeepzters who have joined the board, this day, the First of February, being a Tuesday in the Year of the XJ 2005...

Saurian said:
Just for fun and foolishness, because MichiganJeepers started this thread up, and I linked ours, because it was outstandingly complex and long, I, Sean, AKA Saurian, AKA please don't chop me up in the meat room and serve me to the customers, AKA the Threadmaster, do hereby and forthwith bring this buried thread, for the pleasure of all of our new Jeepzters who have joined the board, this day, the First of February, being a Monday in the Year of the XJ 2005...


Actually, you posted this on the second of February :D
Anyone ever used leaf springs with off center mounts?

Says it was posted on the 1st, but indeed you are right, it was a tuesday... Whoops... Well, that sort of takes the thunder out of it...
RE: For the Bored

I would like to read all these but the post is so big that I ran out of time. It would be awesome if someone could maybe go thru and make one list of all the "you might have a real ifs" I have one to add that happened to me last weekend but I don't know if it might be here already.

321-If you have ever been banned from a carwash!

Owner showed up and was a bit upset about the huge mess I was making.