You know you want one. Train horns for sale.


Active member
I really gotta get me one of these. They are air horn kits made for your car. Too cool.


They have sound samples also.

i'd get the "AAOOOOOOGAH" horn before that thing. come on, seriously now...
If I heard those blowin at me I would be looking for a guy stickin his head out the window blowin a harmonica.

Holy Crap! That thing would break the windshield......

Note to self: do not have your computer speakers turned way up
Hey thanks for the link. I've been searching everywhere for an electrically operated switch that'll operate an air horn instead of a lanyard valve. They have what I'm looking for.
The hillbilly in me fully plans on getting air horns when I've got some cash to waste, a sixer of Pabst, and a 3-day weekend.