Your Favorite All Time Jeep Photos

Besides my GF maiden, I always either invite others or folks ask to come and I welcome everyone/anyone. Very fun and always is.


Here is one of my favorites. My last TJ (should a kept it).


Another good one to me. Nothing like riding with a pile of other Jeepers!
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Robert_Stephens said:
So true. As well, after 46 years of these, I also blame a lot of things; people, climate, location, foreign government rules, environment, etc. With that, I've noticed over the years I'v become more and more faultless in all ways and areas. Almost genius in my abilities and my Jeep's abilities as well. Almost a my own mind.......Tragic.

So sad....


It's not how many years you live, but rather how you live in those years! Live each day like your dying, because the second we come outta the momma we start that exact process my friend ! Lifes too short, best buy a jeep and drive them buggers like wild fire !! Lol
I understand. I was kidding and love to make fun of myself. I love my antics and screwups. Hilarious. Looking down the barrel of 60 in 11 1/2 months is sobering as well.....

I love it all, however........


Favorites in my phone

One of them is in my old YJ "Big Red"


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I see the long one, but I don't see them on the corners so I am assuming that it is not a hinge in the middle.

I took some of the pics and some were from other Jeep forums and some r from a pc game.


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ScubaDude said:
I see the long one, but I don't see them on the corners so I am assuming that it is not a hinge in the middle.

The jk's don't have hinged corners like the TJ and previous. You have to remove both entire brackets.
Well either way, that window isn't coming down, maybe it can but it can't so story over.

Sorry I thought this thread had lost its purpose in life.

[announced like I am doing for a living]

Mikekaz1 said:
Did anyone else notice that the lower forty jeep has a hinged-foldable windshield. BUT is hard welded to the roll cage. Thus not allowing it to fold.

I see them after zooming in on my iPod but it looks like u can take the windshield off and not the frame cause of how spaced out it looks. I'm just guessing here.
Midnightsecurity is that a khaki colored top? Other than mine I haven't seen any other black TJ's with a khaki colored top.:beer:
nice picture

Roundeye can you resize that last picture of yours, it is messing up the alignment of the whole thread because it is so big.