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  1. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    90Xjay, If you go to our site (, in case you lost that in your nap :o), you'll see that you can order SI2 magazine and CD or just the mag or the CD. You can also order a subscription to the magazine only. The CD is going on hiatus for a while as we settle into our new bimonthly...
  2. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Sparky, let me explain a little deeper the challenges we face at J Rations. We have a vehicle that spans more than 60 years. We've got the military jeeps and the civvy Jeeps. We have all the early civvies, the various Wranglers, the full-size Jeeps, the XJs, the ZJs, the Liberty, the Commander...
  3. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    90Xjay, we didn't start offering subscriptions until March of this year, so if you bought anything before then, it was a single-copy order. If you PM me with your real name, I can check to see if you're on the subscriber list. But since you haven't gotten SI2, I'm betting you bought a single...
  4. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Hi Sparky, I try to keep up with several Jeep forums, but it's pretty time-consuming, so I don't get to everyone as often as I'd like. But, no! I haven't forsaken the Jeepz boards. You guys are too fun to forget. SI3 is going to the printer this week. We'll be adding a newsstand locator to...
  5. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Sorry, fellas. I fell out of orbit for a while as we were working on Standard Issue 2 and evaluating feedback and such. Yes! J Rations is still around. Standard Issue 2 has been published with a mag and CD, and Standard Issue 3 (w/o a CD) is right on its heels. We've also decided to take the...
  6. R

    Everybody do me a favor...

    Hey, WickedYJ, I'd send you some pix of where I am (southwest Florida), but they'd be boring 'cause this place is as flat as, I won't say it. The most fun we have down here is running over tourists. We're moving to north Florida later this year so we can at least get out of swamp country...
  7. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Thanks Sparky but I can't take credit for the article. That one was from our editor. That's for sure! I remember when the TJs were so criticized for being a "girl's Jeep." Too cushy, too comfortable. And now look, they've been morphed into the Rubicon, one (I say, one) of the best...
  8. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    I'm sure the TK is going to have its critics, but I'd like to see one parked in my driveway. 8)
  9. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Thief! :evil:
  10. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Terry has been very generous in posting our news release in the Links section of this site and letting me talk with the members on this forum. We're not offering subscriptions yet, so I don't have any to hand out. I haven't had a chance to contact all the people who should be receiving comps...
  11. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Being media, I'm not allowed to say. :rolleyes: But you can check our site in less than 10 hours and get the full boat on the new Wrangler. At 12:01 tonight, go to: http: //
  12. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    You guys are awesome. Jeepers like you are a big part of why I love this sport. Now, about the test drive... I'm starting to get concerned that the Florida Jeeper's Association might catch wind of this. If they do, I'm in seriously deep dirt 'cause they helped us as a focus group on our Web...
  13. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    LOL... Gotta hand it to you, that's creative. My editor's as stubborn as a West Virginia mule with both front legs stuck shoulder-deep in the red clay—I don't think he'd go for the two-hour deal. Tell ya what...I'll throw the idea at him and let you know what he says, OK?
  14. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    We've switched over completely to digital photography. Like you, there was great hesitation on our part to do it, but now we're very glad we did. No more film and processing costs, and instant gratification, too! We've got software here that can take high-res digital pix and enable them to be...
  15. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Good pitch, Utah Jeepster, but I'm afraid you'll have to get in line behind all of us at J Rations. :-) I personally can't wait to get behind the wheel of this new model. It looks to me like the perfect combo of rugged capability, creature comforts and style—all without taking the "yuppie"...
  16. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    Maybe check out Tom Wood's Custom Drive Shafts. I'll let you in on a plan of ours here at J Rations. We're working with a large (read: huge) manufacturer to give away Jeep parts to our readers. You know how most (all) magazines keep the parts from their advertisers for...
  17. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    I don't know, Sparky. That's a pretty tall order, dealing with DC. They're very accommodating to the media, but I don't know how they are with the general public. We'll have press vehicles throughout the year as they become available. Just don't have a firm schedule yet.
  18. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    I gotta tell ya...what I'm seeing looks pretty darn good from here. Wish I could buy one! Of course, we'll know more about its worthiness when the press drives happen later this year.
  19. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview :redface: Well, we're in the business of Jeep news, information and entertainment—free or not! :p
  20. R

    2007 Wrangler Preview

    At 12:01 a.m. Monday, January 9 (late Sunday night), the moment the media embargo is lifted, J Rations will publish an in-depth first look at the 2007 Wrangler. We'll have all the photos, specifications and more on this newest incarnation of the Jeep Wrangler. So, please mark your calendars to...