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  1. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    You guys are an extraordinary bunch of good people. Thank you sincerely for the invitation to stick around. You can bet I will. All of us over at J Rations love a good sense of humor, and this is the best I've seen in a long time!
  2. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    OK, I'll send one to our friend Sparky as a thank you for his generous spirit. Give me the address (and a real name) and I'll put it in tomorrow's post.
  3. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Am I really going to have to send a free magazine to Sparky? :rolleyes: LOL... You sure that's OK with everybody else here, since he'd get his issue for no money and a lot more quickly?
  4. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Funny you should ask... The short answer is, no. It's a CD-ROM, which means it plays only from a computer CD drive. We've been looking into hybrid media (example: one side is CD-ROM [or DVD-ROM], other side is DVD) so readers could access material both at their computers and from the comfort...
  5. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    LOL...could we have both? Not at all. We're going to be working reciprocal links and the sort with lots of off-road sites. The problem with free copies is that if we gave away copies of Standard Issue 1 to every site that wanted them, we'd have nothing left to sell! Since we're not Petersen or...
  6. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    What we wouldn't give for a fully staffed circulation department!
  7. R

    New Jeep Magazine

  8. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Right now we're shipping only within the U.S. That's because there are customs issues with sending to Canada, and we don't have the staff to handle international mailings. We're hoping to change this in the very near future.
  9. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    We haven't had a chance to speak with Terry yet, but he's already added our site to the Offroad Websites section of this site, for which we extend a hearty "Thank you!" The J Rations site has about 1,000 links to other sites, including this one. So, as our traffic grows, you can expect to see...
  10. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Sure, you can have all the free copies you want...for $10.95 ea./shipping & handling. ;) But, no, really... Your suggestion isn't a bad one, but we can't afford to give away too many copies (it still takes big bucks to publish). Our hope is that Standard Issue 1 will speak for itself and that...
  11. R

    New Jeep Magazine're our first official customer! You know, the Web site copy was changing as you were in there. Your magazine should arrive within two weeks, not four. We need to change that text (sorry). Am I biased? You bet. And I'm sure you can figure out how. ;)
  12. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    You can expect J Rations to mirror the early days of Jp (but even better), because our focus now is on the broadest scope of the Jeep enthusiast world, just as it was then. The only thing that's changed on the publishing side is the technology. Our concept has been to take full advantage of...
  13. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    LOL...yeah, me, too.
  14. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    You got it, except there is no subscription available—yet. As J Rations gains traction in the marketplace, the publishing frequency will increase and subscriptions will become available. We are the same team that launched Jp Magazine in 1995. We've all been gone from that publication for...
  15. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    No, this is not an online magazine. J Rations is a real honest-to-goodness publication (print magazine, CD-ROM and exclusive Web material) that also has a Web site. Just as any most other magazines have Web sites. The difference between us and "them" is that we also produce CDs, and those CDs...
  16. R

    New Jeep Magazine

    Hello everyone who loves a Jeep! I would like to announce the release this Friday of a new multimedia publication for Jeep enthusiasts: J Rations Standard Issue 1. This publication includes a full-color print magazine, rich-media interactive CD-ROM and exclusive Web content. For more...