96 Cherokee just stopped running

Bucks Friend

New member
New Here: Yesterday, just driving down the road the engine acted like it was starving for fuel and finally it stopped. I could not get it started again. I an wondering if the fuel has gone bad. Can anyone tell me where the fuel pump is located. I hope it is not in the fuel tank. If this is the problem, any idea of the price of a new fuel pump.

Thanks for your help.

Yeah,in th tank,but its easy to remove.

Sorry to say but thats the last of the good news I have for you.

I have the exact same problem and its been about 2 wks now.I am not a mechanic,far from it,but if you want I can let you know what he problem *isnt*.

Welcome to the Z. Try replacing the fuel filter first.

You can also check the fuel pressure at the fuel rail during cranking to see if the fuel pressure is even the problem.