Big Box Mart

Walmart sucks more than a five dollar hooker. I don't go there if there's ANY way of avoiding it, and I fuss when the wife does.

If you like it, then fine. Go there and enjoy the savings. I've been told by several people that my views are crazy regarding this, and I don't even argue anymore. There is no free ride in the retail business. Those savings are going to cost you, as an American, in the long run.


What are you doing looking at that site??

I mean no offense, but I know this can be a touchy subject with you.

Have you heard about the movie being released next week?


It's a tough subject for me really. I can see both sides and I have a beloved family member in the middle. Without Walmart, my mom would be on the street. No one wanted her after Monkey Wards went out of business. She had hardly any warning it was going to happen and she had been in retail for 25+ years (20 of them with Wards) but no one wanted to hire her (age). Walmart did.

She'll never make what she did at Wards, nor be treated as well but she has found a spot she can live with and they give her a paycheck every week.

She fusses about thier "policies" and practices too. I have heard it from her and I have heard it in my professional workplace (safety mgr.) as well.

One time last year she fell off a ladder and I just knew they weren't going to take care of her. I was ready to light into them full force with my experience and passion. They did the right thing though and put in a claim for her.

I do shop there, partly because I always did (low prices) and partly because I feel I am supporting my mom and her coworkers. Someone has to do it right?


P.S. I did hear about the movie and the website through an email link. I'm on a list for people trying to save the world, you know. LOL Signed a petition once, can't get rid of them!
LadyJeepFreak said:

It's a tough subject for me really. I can see both sides and I have a beloved family member in the middle. Without Walmart, my mom would be on the street. No one wanted her after Monkey Wards went out of business. She had hardly any warning it was going to happen and she had been in retail for 25+ years (20 of them with Wards) but no one wanted to hire her (age). Walmart did.

She'll never make what she did at Wards, nor be treated as well but she has found a spot she can live with and they give her a paycheck every week.

She fusses about thier "policies" and practices too. I have heard it from her and I have heard it in my professional workplace (safety mgr.) as well.

One time last year she fell off a ladder and I just knew they weren't going to take care of her. I was ready to light into them full force with my experience and passion. They did the right thing though and put in a claim for her.

I do shop there, partly because I always did (low prices) and partly because I feel I am supporting my mom and her coworkers. Someone has to do it right?


P.S. I did hear about the movie and the website through an email link. I'm on a list for people trying to save the world, you know. LOL Signed a petition once, can't get rid of them!

Join the club, my mom worked there for over 10 years until she had to retire.

She worked her butt off while a few lazy 20 year olds spent all day playing grabb-*SS in the break area and hide and seek from the managers...

Like your mom, she got hurt at work, needed surgery and for what it's worth, it worked out half way fairly. My real only two beefs is the big Chinese importing and hurting of American business and what that will do long-term to America and the low-wage 60% workers who are not eligable for insurance and being encouraged to sign up on state-aid. It is like Wally is using my taxes to fund their employee health care benefits. If people want to work or shop there, that is fine by me, I just think corporately they can be more responsible and patriotic.

If they have price issues with american products, then show the american companies how to become more efficent, that is one thing Wally does that is better than any other company, they are masters at efficency and no one can argue that.

My hats off to your mom for sticking it out in retail for that long.. she must be one special lady to be able to put up that long..
God bless her!

How about a Big Box Mart update.

This story out today only goes to prove my point.

Russell to Cut Jobs, Freeze Pension Plan

By JAY REEVES Associated Press Writer

(AP) - BIRMINGHAM, Ala.-Textile manufacturer Russell Corp. will eliminate 2,300 jobs - about 15 percent of its worldwide work force - and freeze its pension plan.

The job cuts, most of which will come in the U.S., are part of a bid by Russell to reduce costs so it can continue selling men's fleece products to Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Russell spokeswoman Nancy Young said Friday.

The company previously said it lost a contract to sell fleece products for boys to Wal-Mart, the world's largest retailer. The loss left Russell with too much manufacturing capacity, making cutbacks necessary, Young said.

Russell stock closed up $1.08 a share, or about 8 percent, to $14.52 in trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

In a statement late Thursday, Russell chairman and chief executive Jack Ward said the cuts were meant to help Russell remain competitive globally.

"These changes will result in our having fewer, larger facilities," Ward said. "We must move quickly to achieve lower costs, both in our operations and our support areas."

Russell said the company will eliminate about 2,300 jobs from its global work force of 15,000. About 1,700 of the jobs cuts will be in the United States, with about 1,250 in Alabama.

Russell said it also would reduce an unspecified number of workers in Chantilly, Va., and cut about 90 office jobs in its former headquarters at Alexander City, Ala. and in Atlanta, where the company has been based since its last restructuring.

About 1,200 of the U.S. jobs will eventually be replaced by hiring in Honduras and Mexico, the company said.

Russell said it also will freeze its pension plan on April 1. The company said it would "significantly improve" its 401(k) plan for employees.

Russell also plans to close a sewing plant that employs about 600 people in Jimenez, Mexico, and said it would move production of Huffy Sports backboards from Sussex, Wisc., to China, eliminating 85 U.S. jobs.

After the cuts, Russell will have 2,000 workers in Alexander City, where it once employed 7,000 people.

Russell said the restructuring would cost as much as $52 million after taxes, with a yearly pretax savings of as much as $40 million.
Well the People's republic of Maryland imposing laws exclusive to them, forcing them to pay a level of bennies to their employees (which got a veto from our Republican Gov but was overridden by the socialists) doesn't help things any.

I hate hell-mart, and don't go there at all anymore. Their policies aside, their stores are cluttered and dirty. Their empl;oyees are ignorant, and there is always a line to stand in (#1 reason I avoid).
I know this probably wont be well recieved but where are all the stories about the former Walmary employee who was fed up with the way they were treating them so they found a new better retail job or went back to school. If I was really unhappy with the way my company was treating me I would leave. And if there are no other jobs in the area, move.

A great motivation for a company to take a hard look on its employee practices is when they have high employee turnover. It costs companies big bucks to hire and train a new employee. Point is, I think alot of people (of course not everyone) are working for walmart making $8/hour because that is about all the effort they want to put out and its a lifestyle they have accepted. Its a whole lot easier to complain then to actually do something about it.

TwistedCopper said:
............. Their employees are ignorant,.............

Well, that's an awfully arrogant statement! :shock:

Judge09 said:
.......And if there are no other jobs in the area, move.

..........Point is, I think alot of people (of course not everyone) are working for walmart making $8/hour because that is about all the effort they want to put out and its a lifestyle they have accepted.

Well, here in the mountains, people don't move.......they love it here, have been here for generations (the lady that sits in front of us at church has lived in her house for 63 years!!!), and I can't say as I blame them. And Walmart just happens to be one of the main employers, now that the textile plants have shut down (thanx, in part, to Walmart!?! So, being limited in skills, you can work for WalMart for $8/hr., build houses (laborer) for $8/hr., work for the government (my good 'ol D.O.T.) for $8/hr., or work in McDonalds or a convenience store for minimum wage. I don't begrudge the employees whatsoever!! However, I do begrude the money-grubbin' corporate types (of whom I believe 90XJ speaks)..........It's all about greed and it'll be the downfall of this civilization if we're not careful........ As Ghandi said, "There's enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."
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TwistedCopper said:
and there is always a line to stand in (#1 reason I avoid).

Really. Having to stand in a line is more of a deterrent to you than dirty stores, corporate ripoffs, "ignorant employees" (yeah, I thought that was a pretty arrogant statement, too), mistreated employees, etc., etc. etc.? That's just sad.
judge09 said:
A great motivation for a company to take a hard look on its employee practices is when they have high employee turnover.

I agree with alot of your post, even somewhat with the part about people only wanting to put forth so much effort to sustain a job. In regards to Brother Mud's post, I must throw in a qualifier on that: it obviously varies from place to place, but as for the Wichita/Hutchinson/Newton area, that is true. The majority of WalMart employees don't have any pride in their work, and are there for a quick and easy paycheck and that's it.

As for the part I quoted, I'd have to take exception. Again, it may be a regional thing here, but the turnover rate at WalMart around this area is astronomical. WalMart employees are a dime a dozen, around these parts, anyway, so turnover means absolutely nothing to the local stores. Again, I would have to assume that it could be just a regional thing, and that some areas are different in how they view turnover.

Although I have to admit, I love turnovers....'specially apple ones.:lol:

Sparky-Watts said:
Really. Having to stand in a line is more of a deterrent to you than dirty stores, corporate ripoffs, "ignorant employees" (yeah, I thought that was a pretty arrogant statement, too), mistreated employees, etc., etc. etc.? That's just sad.

Mistreated employees? :roll: They get paid, don't they? They are there on their own free will aren't they?
mud4feet said:
Well, that's an awfully arrogant statement! :shock:

The last time I went to Wally World I wanted to buy a digital camera. The ones on display were not necessarily the ones they had in stock, and the ones locked under the counter weren't on display. After 10 minutes of finding the guy with the key to the cabinet, the "Camera and film" guy knew next to nothing about them except how to unlock the cabinet. His fault? No. He was thrown into that department by a manager who needed to fill a hole. Employee with ignorance of the product, and ignorance of a manager as to how to run a business.

It's not arrogance, it's the truth. Have you ever tried to buy a piece of electronice like a digital camera or a television there? The employees barely know what is in stock let alone really know the products, I ended up buying the camera elsewhere.

Somehow though, they manage to overcome these shortcomings by selling at low prices. People come in droves, there fore the lines (especially at the electronics area)... and yes, my time is valuable and lines are something I will avoid if at all possible.

Good service and no long lines... that's how they can get me to come back. I don't care what the employees do for health care, that's between them and their employer and none of my business.
TwistedCopper said:
Mistreated employees? :roll: They get paid, don't they? They are there on their own free will aren't they?

The last time I went to Wally World I wanted to buy a digital camera. The ones on display were not necessarily the ones they had in stock, and the ones locked under the counter weren't on display. After 10 minutes of finding the guy with the key to the cabinet, the "Camera and film" guy knew next to nothing about them except how to unlock the cabinet. His fault? No. He was thrown into that department by a manager who needed to fill a hole. Employee with ignorance of the product, and ignorance of a manager as to how to run a business.

It's not arrogance, it's the truth. Have you ever tried to buy a piece of electronice like a digital camera or a television there? The employees barely know what is in stock let alone really know the products, I ended up buying the camera elsewhere.

Somehow though, they manage to overcome these shortcomings by selling at low prices. People come in droves, there fore the lines (especially at the electronics area)... and yes, my time is valuable and lines are something I will avoid if at all possible.

Good service and no long lines... that's how they can get me to come back. I don't care what the employees do for health care, that's between them and their employer and none of my business.

So, of course, they're ALL ignorant..:shock: .....sorry, I don't buy it......still sounds like arrogance to me.

But, of course, I'm just an ignorant hillbilly, so what do I know??:cry:
mud4feet said:
So, of course, they're ALL ignorant..:shock: .....sorry, I don't buy it......still sounds like arrogance to me.

But, of course, I'm just an ignorant hillbilly, so what do I know??:cry:

All I can say is no one there ever seems to know anything about products. Even the guys behind the counter with the guns knew nothing of the firearms they had. this is my experience with the few stores that I have been to. All of them? Well I am sure there are some stores that are run better, but I haven't been in one.

Ignorant \Ig"no*rant\: Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened.

If I go to a store to make a purchase of a product that may cost between $200-$500 and the employees haven't a clue as to the differences between the products they have, then I consider them ignorant. Not unintelligent as in can't read and write, but ignorant, as in ignorant of their job.

It is what it is. If that sounds arrogant then so be it.

Well, I can quote the dictionary too:

Pronunciation: 'ar-&-g&n(t)s
Function: noun
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims

I just don't like generalizations - judging everyone by the actions of a few. Yes, you ran into some ignorant employees....yes, there are many ignorant employees at WalMart (and everywhere else), and, yes, I still feel that was an arrogant statement.

So be it.
TwistedCopper said:
Mistreated employees? :roll: They get paid, don't they? They are there on their own free will aren't they?

That's the best defense you could come up with for that?:roll:

Jeez, if your time is that valuable, why don't you shop from home, or better yet, hire someone subservient to you to go shopping and stand in the lines for you?:roll:
mud4feet said:
Well, I can quote the dictionary too:

Pronunciation: 'ar-&-g&n(t)s
Function: noun
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims

I just don't like generalizations - judging everyone by the actions of a few. Yes, you ran into some ignorant employees....yes, there are many ignorant employees at WalMart (and everywhere else), and, yes, I still feel that was an arrogant statement.

So be it.

Amen, Brother Mud. I've made many purchases of electronics and other "big-ticket" items at WalMart, and have never had a problem with the salesperson not knowing the product, how to use it, or where to find it. Seems to me, all 6 of the WalMarts I've frequented in the Metro Area have always had the display items in stock, and no surprises under the counter. Maybe I've been lucky and gotten a few of the ones who want to make a difference in their jobs, maybe not. To me, even those who are just there because it's a job still know their job and are quite helpful.

I don't think I've ever stood in line more than 5 minutes at a WalMart, either. Those ignorant, inferior boobs will rue the day they make me wait one second over 5 minutes! By golly, if that happens, I'll just take my business to another checkout lane! HA!! See how they like that, I'll show'em!!:roll:

Sparky-Watts said:
That's the best defense you could come up with for that?:roll:

Jeez, if your time is that valuable, why don't you shop from home, or better yet, hire someone subservient to you to go shopping and stand in the lines for you?:roll:
Defense for what? I wasn't defending anything. I don't manage a Walmart. I was hoping you would eloborate on why you describe them as mistreated, that's all. They seem pretty happy in those stores.

Ignorant, but happy.:p

...or is this yet another idea spouted off as fact. Oh wait, let me guess... status quo would have your next post will ask me to prove they are not mistreated and that my statements are in need of support.

And as far as your shopping suggestions I really appreciate your concerns and suggestions. It's nice to have good friends like you to help guide me through life Sparky, but in addition to not liking lines I don't like to pay excessive shipping costs and am too cheap to pay someone. Therefore I must uphold my policy of avoiding the lines at Walmart and patronizing only those businesses that have provided me with good service. I feel my time and money are best spent there. As far as your shopping suggestions I really appreciate your concerns and suggestions anyhow.