Big Box Mart

You know the article I posted to bump the topic back up, was about yet another company who has committed to supply Wally with cheap products, below their cost to make the product.
IMO, any company who signes a contract with Wally at a very close profit margin and thinks that large quantity orders will make up for it is STUPID.
Ask Vlassic, Levi Jeans, and Rubbermaid how that played out for them.

Now to compete with the Chi-Coms, Wally puts a knife to their throat to cut manufactuing cost since many have geared up production to meet the Wally orders, their debt obligations prevent them from just quitting selling to Wally, not the mention the legal contracts they sign with them.

American Layoffs because of cheap imports. Wally is the chief American Economic Terrorist, bringing in cheap imports from countries with poor working standards, and forcing American companies, with legal work standards to go out of business.
Sparky-Watts said:
That's the typical response I should have expected from you......a little testy in our arrogance, aren't we?

Folks this is just another example of him taking it to the personal level.:?

Many of us are not innocent when it comes to flamming here myself included. But I present to you that Sparky has acted innappropriatley over the last few weeks.
I've got enough conflict in my life as is with raising children and life in general and when I get a minute to set down an log on to the boards, I want it to be fun, but lately it has not been.

you know, Mingez and me have had many disagreements over social issues, but he knows how to keep it light hearted. I totally respect the little Surrey Driver for his maturity and ability to debate honorably. I wished a certian someone would follow his lead.

If we can't have decent conversations with opinions without the personal attacks and name-calling, then I'm done with Jeepz.
Other boards have strick, theme only threads, that prevent this, I thought that we could handle it better.
We have already lost some members to other boards because of these personal attacks. I know, I've been checking out the others boards also.
And it seems that Sparky is always involved in these arguments. Whether he is the instigator or not I don't know.

Let's stop the personal attacks.
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yeah it's getting pretty hard for me to enter any thread without getting singled out.

I refuse to be run off of Jeepz. Stick around guys... I have a feeling this will be addressed soon.
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Sparky-Watts said:
I'm apologizing because I am sincerely sorry for disrespecting the community here....

...I will try my best to keep from being an ******* anymore in the forums. If you see it happening again, please let me know. If I see it happening, the moderators won't have to worry about chastising me, as I will remove myself from the forums until I can get my head on straight again.

So please accept my humble apologies. I am truly sorry for subjecting you all to the "real" me.


looking for someone to follow through here...
Yet another example as to how Wally World is tearing everything apart. Why bicker over this kinda junk, it gets us/everyone no where. I can see if someone has a different opinion than another, let that be known and then leave it be (IMHO). Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and they's why we are able to live in this great counrty, it's called freedom. We have the freedom to go to Wally World or not. or to bicker for that fact. If you agree with WW's business practices or not, it doesn't really matter, they are going to continue what they do best. That is making money. Yea I work hard for what I have and I want the most for my money. Do I go to WW? As little as often, but there are some things that I would rather buy there. Everyone has made their opinions known. That's why we are here, to discuss, compare and to make friends. I don't post much here, but I still like to read up on the ongoings of others and learn what I can. I don't want to be seen as the one pointing fingers or keeping a flame going, not what I wanna do. I just thought that I would post what I thought..............Mikey

Just because you see a trainwreck coming does not mean you have to just sit back and watch it happen.

Taxpayers don't deserve to pay for the healthcare cost of a several hundred billion dollar per year company, it just ain't right.:evil:

The standard of living and jobs of our workers must be protected, or we will be the ones in grass huts making trinkets to send overseas..