Cj7 fuel issue

Garrett Benson

New member
So when my jeep gets hot after I've been driving a while it tends to stop sending fuel, any ideas? It's like it's getting vapor lock but I put heat reducing tape on my fuel lines, what do y'all think it is?

what year and engine? Possibly fuel filters? make sure all lines are away from heat source. This may not be fuel related at all, and may be the coil going bad. when they start to go they can lose the ability to deliver 12v all the time and will exhibit symptoms as you describe. Jeep runs fine until engine warms up then starts cutting out. if you let it sit a few minutes will it start right back up? Possibly ignition module as well.
Hei has a module or coil (don't recall the name) but it acts the same way when going bad. had to replace mine in my HEI but honestly don't remember the symptoms it had.. the coil or module is under the hei cap, should be black with I think two wires pluged into it. I would check all filters, make sure fuel pump had proper pressure (5-7Lbs), check carb to make sure you are getting a good steady stream of gas when throttle is applied, and if all checks out ok I would replace that module under the cap. I really doubt this is fuel related. It runs fine until warmed up, then starts cutting out, clogged filter wouldn't do that and bad pump wouldn't do that only when warmed up. sounds like heat sink in the coil under your cap. They work fine cold, and as they heat up they lose the ability to deliver the 12volts needed to run the engine and begin to cut out.
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but vapor lock could still be an issue. rare, on a water cooled engine but still possible. are your fuel lines run near your exhaust?

wrapping the lines never helped a bit when i used to have my karmann ghia vapor lock issues, almost daily. i had to reroute the lines to fix it.
I agree totally! vapor lock could very well be the cause. If your fuel lines are to close to a heat source it could be boiling.