Digital cameras???


New member
I know a lot of you use digital cameras to take pics when out on the trails. I'm going to buy my first digital camera this christmas and would like to know if anyone knows of any good sites to compare cameras. I have it narrowed down to two cameras unless I find something else. These cameras are the Kodak DX6490 and the Olympus C750. I like these two because of the 10x optical zoom. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
i have a fugi 3,0 mega pixal diggy cam and i found that for the price and what i wanted to do with it i should have bought a video camera with digital capablites. then it would be possiable to take digital pictures as well as make video's.

We've been really pleased with our Nikon CoolPix, I think it's the 750.

I personally have a preference to Kodak because I grew up in Rochester, NY where Kodak originated. Keep it in the USA. Plus I have always had good luck with their cameras. But besides the actual camera, you should think about buying from Best Buy or another place that offers an anything goes warrenty. I take my camera out with me mountain biking and you never know when you are going to crash or drop the camera. Best Buy will it replace free of charge. If you are going to take the camera out wheeling, there is always a chance for mud to get in it or dropped or something. Just something to think about.
I have an old Sony Mavica that has been the hard road many times and still clicking off the pics. I too like in a Kodak area two towns over is Tennessee Eastman Kodak one of the largest emploments in the area. Still I shamed myself going Sony. I like the pics being on the common house hold diskett. tug

i just lost my minolta camera and posted a similar question on a kayaking website i belong to. the overwhelming vote was the olympus 740 or the updated 750. the members stated to purchase at least the 128 memory card and bring along an ass load of batteries. but the pics, especially with the zoom feature, were very nice.

Bounty__Hunter said:
We've been really pleased with our Nikon CoolPix, I think it's the 750.

Our Nikon Coolpix eats through 4 batteries in about 30 minutes, its pretty rediculous. Check There are reviews for pretty much anything.
I have the Kodak LS443, its been a great camera, and the dock system that comes with it makes everything easy
Still trying to decide here. The Olympus has a lot more options available to it such as a remote and a plastic, waterproof case which is good for scuba diving and a great feature if I take it 4 wheeling. The Olympus is supposed to take better pictures with more resolutions available but the Kodak has other features that I like also such as unlimited video length (up to the limit of the storage card) and a camea dock. Just wish I could find a camera in this price range that has all these features.

Unfourtionately, it seems that manufacturers are more concerned about packing features into the cameras than they are about the cameras having a good battery life. I've found on most digital cameras, if you always use the LCD screen as a viewfinder, the batteries never last very long.

Of course then there is the difference between cameras that use AA batteries vs. cameras that use a special rechargeable battery. :mrgreen:

BTW, I've always stayed a way from Sony's cameras which have microscopic control buttons and come with a billion features you never use. :roll:

-Nick :!:
In my opinion, I would stay away from the Kodak line. I have the CX4300, very basic, but I have found out that they do not have many accessories for any of their digicams. Something as basic as a waterproof case would be nice, but that is not available. They are also pretty slow as far as taking the picture, and getting ready for the next pic. All the olympus I've seen, including the one you want worked pretty good. -al
I just bought the Kodak Digital Zoom Camera, Easy Shareâ„¢, 3.0 MP and I think it works great. I see no lag in taking the picture or setting up for the next one. We have a 256MB memory card which has been great for making mini movies. I do enjoy the unlimited movie function. Plus on this kodak camera it has 16MB of internal memory so if you forget your memory card your not entirely SOL. You can still grab 15-16 pictures. The rechargeable batteries are definitely the way to go too. They seem to last alot longer than the regular kind.

it is recommended to use rechargeables, they can handle it better