Do you read or like JP Magazine?

I hope someone else from can send it some vid also.

On JP, I also have liked the mag, however it seems like last year somtime, they were gettting a little carried away with rauchy photos and the like. It seems to have calmed down a bit though.

I loved the FSJ story. 49's and 2 1/2 ton Rockwells.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
RE: A few Anniversary pics......

i hate to say it but i've never seen it :red: like EVER
but i think to make you guys proud i did purchase this years Sports Ilistrated swim suit edition :D well... i bought it for my bf..... havt given it to him yet.. hope he enjoys it

CONGRATULATIONS 90XJAY *cheese whiz and i thought it was pretty cool to have a picture in the newspaper that i took, but damn buddie, good on yea. :D

RE: Re: My last trail run

i tried to get a subscription but they never started sending me the magazines.... :cry:
Junkpile said:
They need to move David Freiburger from Car Craft to JP for his next editor gig. Car Craft is the best automotive rag in the world thanks in large part to him and Matt King. Either one of those two would make JP what Rick "It's not worth driving unless it has flat fenders" Pewe only dreamed about.

David rules! I always enjoy reading his articles.
He had the bobbed Scrambler, the multi-color Ford truck and something else that does not come to was Lime green I believe....

90Xjay said:
On JP, I also have liked the mag, however it seems like last year somtime, they were gettting a little carried away with rauchy photos and the like. It seems to have calmed down a bit though.

I loved the FSJ story. 49's and 2 1/2 ton Rockwells.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

yeah that and the drug references got quite boring

antsinmypants said:
... i bought it for my bf.....

well thanks for ruining the fantasy :lol:
Never seen it or a website for it. I'll have to check it out 90. A guy from our local club was in the mag last month I think. That's when I learned about the mag but I don't get it and have never known where to get it. I went to one book store and they didn't have it. Oh Well!


When it was first started by the original owner, it was really a great piece of media and a good source. Under Primedia, with all the attitude and gimmicks and such, I've tired of its caustic nature, so to speak.

I subscribe, but won't probably renew after this runs its course.
RE: A few Anniversary pics......

berettajeep said:
antsinmypants said:
... i bought it for my bf.....

well thanks for ruining the fantasy :lol:

sorry to ruin that for you beretta, (and anyone else)
if it helps i reall actually dont know if he's my "bf", i just refer him as that because thats pretty much how it seams... but who knows what he really is... for all i know hes off with some girl tomorrow ngiht.. he just happings to be busy... (okies so he'll be with his buds, and i belive him... but who knows)

RE: messing around

antsinmypants said:
berettajeep said:
antsinmypants said:
... i bought it for my bf.....

well thanks for ruining the fantasy :lol:

sorry to ruin that for you beretta, (and anyone else)
if it helps i reall actually dont know if he's my "bf", i just refer him as that because thats pretty much how it seams... but who knows what he really is... for all i know hes off with some girl tomorrow ngiht.. he just happings to be busy... (okies so he'll be with his buds, and i belive him... but who knows)

Just don't let him hurt you if he is with some other girl...If he does, there's gonna be a lotta Jeeps in his front yard some morning!! :wink:

Sorry, Kimmo, I'm too old to flirt, so just consider yourself my online adopted daughter, okies? :lol: