Double WHAT ?

RE: shackles question (spring over)

TwistedCopper said:
Tell your grandson that if he puts a roll of quarters in... oh nevermind :lol:

HAHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: PLEASE, don't give him any ideas!! :lol: :lol:
RE: Finding results of my poll

okay, i usually don't get in on debates like this; but twistedcopper really hit a nerve with this comment:

"Why is it it is legal for a woman to do it and no one else?"

because the woman carries a baby for 9 months :twisted: . enough said.

RE: Saturday morning chuckle

TwistedCopper said:
Well I own a tv, but never even watched the news coverage. I have no interest in making a spectacle of someone else's tragedy.

Maybe this topic should of never been brought to Jeepz.

Hey everyone I have an Idea ( kinda crazy) Let go drive our Jeeps !
RE: Re: RE: HowdyHo!

randomjeeper said:
okay, i usually don't get in on debates like this; but twistedcopper really hit a nerve with this comment:

"Why is it it is legal for a woman to do it and no one else?"

because the woman carries a baby for 9 months :twisted: . enough said.

My point was to show that both cases cause an innocent life to end, and that in one case it is legal, and the other illegal. It is legal to abort a child that a few months later it is illegal to spank him or her!?!?! The laws are ridiculously contradictory.

Now, your suggestion that a woman should have the capability of killing an unborn child for whatever reason, simply because she bears the child is the ultimate example of a lack of personal responsibility and selfishness that is spreading through this nation like a plague.

Today,no one should have their feelings hurt. No one should have to work harder than someone else just because their situation in life is different. No one should have to think for themselves, compete, struggle, or do anything that may cause humility, discomfort, or in any way shape or form threaten their freakin' happiness. Everything should be fair. This mindset is destroying our country and weakening us.

That strike a nerve too??? Well how 'bout a few other thoughts:

The greatest way to destroy greatness is to reward mediocracy.

The caliber of a person can be measured by their deeds which are a result of expressions of what is truly written on his or her heart. By our deeds we show our true character.

Sometimes life is hard. People are different. Men and women are different. Races have differences. Working hard for something, especially when someone else got it for free is not oppression, it is freedom and it makes you the better person. Some kids are not good at baseball. There are 12 year olds smarter and better educated then me. Some kids are not smart enough to understand algebra. Some people are just not college material. Boys don't need to be drugged because they are hyperactive, they are just boys. There are winners and there are losers. Competition is a good thing. Most women cannot physically do my job. I would (as would most men) make a horrible nurse. There are many jobs in the world of work that men and women are equals, but there are some that for the most part men can do better and some that women can do better. Fat, calories, and carbohydrates won't kill you, being a lazy, out of shape, MacDonalds greaseburger chowin' television watchin' bum will. You shouldn't need a label to tell you coffee is hot. I should not be taxed to pay for public schools If I choose to not send my kids there. God is in the pledge of allegiance because the men and women came to this country just so they could have it that way. H2's are some of the stupidest things I have ever seen. They call dope "dope" for a very good reason. Sometimes life does not deal you the hand you expected and that is a fact. It is a person's responsibility to themselves and to society to face life on life's terms. Sometimes we need to make sacrifices for others. It is wrong to hurt someone for your own desire.
While it sounds easy for me to sit here and type that I think it is not too much to ask a woman to support a child for 9 months instead of ending it's life, I point out that it is a lot to ask, but compared to what she would be asking of the child it is small. there are many alternatives. No, it wouldn't be easy. Yes, her world will be turned upside down for several months. No, it doesn't seem fair. Maybe it is not. Life isn't fair. She's still getting a better deal than the baby would with the alternative.

How's that nerve now?

RE: Re: RE: 85 cj7 4wheel question

OK- I have kept quiet as long as I can.
Where I stand on the abortion issue is my business, unless I choose to make it public- which I don't. However, I have always looked at it a little differently than you all seem to be. What leads to abortion and what am I doing to stop those attitudes? Why do women think men won't like her unless she's wearing Victoria's Secret and promiscuous? What about rape and incest? If abortion is murder, then it's murder, no matter what the circumstances of conception were. What are we doing to eliminate those things? What part does pornography play in the type of behavior that leads to unwanted babies? What about the women who give birth and then throw the baby in a dumpster or shake it to death? Where was the support network- or law enforcement- that would've kept that baby alive?
To me it's not an abortion/no abortion issue- it's a how do we move into a society where abortion is an unnecessary option issue. It's not a quick fix law, but if we had started on it way way back in the coat hanger days, maybe we would be a little closer to it now.
No time like the present.
There- my sermonette for the millenium is done- now.......back to the trails!
quoting twistedcopper:

" Now, your suggestion that a woman should have the capability of killing an unborn child for whatever reason, simply because she bears the child is the ultimate example of a lack of personal responsibility and selfishness that is spreading through this nation like a plague. "

i didn't even bother reading anything after that paragraph. though after i typed this up and submitted it, i skimmed the rest of tc's reply, but it still doesn't change my reply.

last post on this thread by me, i promise. anyways, i totally disagree, but i'm not going to start name calling or anything. as a girl, i have a right to decide what to do to my body and it is totally my decision and has nothing to do with "lack of personal responsibility and selfishness" :shock: . i won't go any further on discussing this because i have better things to do and you should too :wink: .
Your body is your body. Yours to do with what you will, but a baby carried inside a woman's womb is another person and it is my view that that child should be protected by law just as we are. So when I say what I say, it is about the child and not about you. The most startling thing to me is that a child's parent, male or female, would want it dead. Yes, I view that as irresponsible and selfish and it does not say much for the caliber of people in a nation which makes it legal. I think an abortion is every bit as atrocious as what the jackass Scott Peterson did.

Don't get too worked up about my view. The law disagrees with it as much as you do, at least for now.

RE: Engine Oil Cooler

west747 said:
lol...hulk gloves! Hurry!!!!they are on sale!!! :lol: :lol:

:lol: LOL, no silly. Not those... These!

Put'em up---put'em up---put'em up!!!!

RE: Vid

I am pretty pleased with myself. I am not touching this one. This thread could go on forever.
RE: Re: RE: Spare on the roof made for some excessive roll

Big guy with a hulk hand... uh, I better quit while the quittin's good!

Well I heard about this on email while out of the country and I was just glad to hear he was charged period. Did they sentence him yet? I'm not caught up on the news. I hope we don't have to pay for him to sit in prison his whole life.

RE: Hello Jeepers!

As near as I know, no sentencing, though I'm not exactly the authority, as I work and sleep, or tinker with the Jeep on my off-days. 1 day off a week, I did an OIL CHANGE!!! Oooh... I imagine that it would have been on my AOL news if sentence had been passed, and I usually look over that every day before bed.
The same conundrom bothers me, in a different way, a woman or girl can terminate her pregnancy (most ways) on demand. She is judge and jury.
Some of the same group argue capital punishment is cruel and unusual punishment. No matter what the crime and wishes of a jury.
Seems a fetus (unargueably totally innocent of any crime) is often doomed to destruction by an underaged girl, with an often underdeveloped (or not matured) judgement.
While a sociopath or psyhcopathic killer, should just be locked up (for hopefully ever), as execution is wrong, But often locked up for less than a decade, to be let loose to follow his or her inclinations and do it again.
Think there are instances were abortion might be the reasonable thing to do. Find very few instances where a really dangerous person, shouldn´t be removed from the gene pool, permanantly.