Great News!!


Super Moderator
Our son was born Friday afternoon and mom and baby are doing well. He came 3 weeks early, so he's got a few days of development in the Nursery before he'll be close to going home.

Check out the pics here:

Keep us in your prayers that Evan improves and will be able to come home as soon as possible. Talk to you all soon.

Hi Bounty,

Congrats and best wishes! Fantastic pics! My friend just had her baby three weeks early too, she stayed a few days as well but is doing just fine. I will keep your family in my thoughts.

Hey, congrats, Bounty!! It is good to hear good news for a change!! My son also came 3 weeks early (she was scheduled for a C-section, but he didn't want to wait). He spent a week or so in infant ICU (oxygen tent, IV's in hands and HEADa(?) He's great now (just turned 21) and your's will be too!! Once again, congrats!!!!!!!

the muds

That is great news!! Is this your first?

We'll pray for the little guy's progress and for Momma too ;)

Congrats Bounty.
Wonderful to know all is well. Your on the minds and in the prayers at the Keplinger House! Good lloking kid and what a head full of hair! cool beans. Tug
RE: I have a problem

Congrats!!!! Hope everything is going well. The kid sure is a hairy little bugger......and big sister is sure a cutie. (can't forget about big sisters). Take care.

Congrats, Good lookin baby...Good pick on the name, same as mine seems like someone on the board is having a kid every week. We are going to have to get some more bandwith soon.

For the electrical experts...Christmas Lights

Evan had some issues early on, Pulminary Hypertension to be exact, that he'll be dealing with for a while. He's on a ventilator and lots of other equipment, very scary for mom and I but the Dr. says he has turned the corner towards improvement and is doing better every day.

There is now a second page of pics if you go to the link in my first message of this thread. There's also a link to send him messages that get hand delivered to Mom and I.

HE may not be home for Christmas, but we still hope he will. Good news is that this condition is more common than we first thought, and there will be no longterm effects or risks.

They transfered him to Children's Hospital in St. Louis which is where his mom and I now spend most of our time. The level 2 NICU at the hospital he was born at had done everything they could for him and he needed to come to the level 3 NICU here at Childrens.

THanks for all the prayes and well wishes, they mean a lot to all of us. Great to have such a caring extended family. I'll keep everybody updated.

Both of my boys were premature babies the first one (Dougie) came home as a well baby but ended up having Lung problems for the first two years of his 6 he is now healthy as can be. The second (Logan) stopped breathing at birth and spent the first two weeks of his life in intensive care again now he is 4 and is healthy as can be.

I know what you are going thru and my and my family’s prayers are with you and your family.
