How is that right?


New member
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: What is the difference

I heard this point made by a Florida congressman last night and it hit me pretty hard.

Fact #1: Martha Stewart was convicted of a non violent, blue collar crime of lying to federal prosecutors and did 5 months in federal prison. She is now forced by the court to wear a electronic leg braclet 24 hours a day so they can keep track of her movments. Is she dangereous to others?

Fact #2: These paroled convicted child molestors, rapist etc that are out hunting down our children and raping and killing can't be tracked by a system because they are supposed to notifiy everyone when they move on an honor system. They can roam around as they please. Who should be wearing electronic monitoring devices? Martha or the molesters

Our justice system seems to fresh out of justice.

Disgusted and dismayed,


PS: for those of you with kids, please go you your states DPS website and check your ZIP code. You may be shocked at how many registered sex offenders you have living in your neighborhoods. Be aware!

I entirely agree with you 90. I have checked my states website (months ago) and found a many people on there I had no idea were located in my area. Even worse, I found people that I KNOW and didn't KNOW they had a SEX related offense charge against them. I even found people I went to school with. I always hear about these abducted children that finally get found when they track down a registered sex offender in the area and go question them. The last two children I heard about abduction/killings were due to released sex offenders. It's scary.
90Xjay said:
You may be shocked at how many registered sex offenders you have living in your neighborhoods. Be aware!

A neighbor 2 doors down.

My son is never out of my sight when we are outside
From what I have learned, it seems that the likelyhood of an sexual offender repeating the crime is very high, while the rehabilitaion/cure rate of the same person is very low.

The professionals have written that folks who are hooked on drugs, or alchol or gamblimg addictions all have far better chances of being restored than a child molester does.

We have to do a better job of protecting our kids. I myself don't totally rely on the government, ie police to do it, but if these predators are out running in our neighborhoods, why can't they be tracked like poor ole Martha?

The best cure I can see for some of these animals is hot lead at about 1200 fps.

wow, there's no "registered" sex offenders in my zip code. I'm sure that has to be wrong though....I live in the 2nd biggest city in Oregon :shock: :shock:
Re: RE: 2.5 swap to 4.2 what is involed?

Wow, I went to Midschool with one in Albuquerque, and there are about 10 walking distance from my house!
Sadly, they are allowed to roam free because they have been tried, convicted, and released after serving their time, and to monitor them in the same way as that lying, sleazy, skanky Martha would be a violation of their rights. Martha, on the other hand, has been tried, convicted, and is still serving her time. That's the only difference.

And you're right, it's scary to think about how many of them there are running loose in our own neighborhoods, and it's more scary that they most likely will never be rehabilitated and will continue to prey on children. Hot lead sounds dang good....too good, too fast.
90Xjay said:
PS: for those of you with kids, please go you your states DPS website and check your ZIP code. You may be shocked at how many registered sex offenders you have living in your neighborhoods. Be aware!

Keep one thing in mind.. not all of those "sex offenders" are a danger or even guilty of a sex offense. Everyone assumes a "sex offender" is a child molester or rapist, but the law is so broad that you can be a sex offender for wearing clothing that is too revealing in the wrong environment. You would be surprised.. things that most of us do with our S/O would classify us as sex offenders.... I have a relative that, when he was a teenager his cousin accused him of fondling her... he was terrorized by the police into admitting it.. he was innocent (she even admitted it to the family years later) and must now register as a sex offender. I'd trust him with my daughter any day. Get to know the people that are around your kids for who they are, not what the court says they are.

Speedometer not speedometering right

graewulf wrote:
Keep one thing in mind.. not all of those "sex offenders" are a danger or even guilty of a sex offense

Well, graewulf, I don't see myself having a neighborhood bbq and inviting all of the registered sex offenders in my ZIP code over to the house one saturday to get to know each of them and then determine if they are really dangerous or not. Sorry.
I don't think anyone should have to wear an electronic device. Sex offenders, if they are still dangerous, should be in jail.

As for Martha, she was railroaded in a big way. She was completely innocent of the crime she was being investigated for ("insider" trading). It's very questionable if she actually lied or merely made an uninformed mistake. I actually feel sorry for her.

Graewulf makes a good point. A very good friend of mine got caught urinating behind a bar because the bathroom in the bar was unspeakably disgusting, feces on the floor, etc. He was arrested and convicted of indecent exposure and he is on the list in Maryland. He can never have that expunged from his record and will always be a "sexual offender".

That said, I still think the list is a good thing. I just think that it should be more specific as to what the charges are. In Maryland they list the charge, but it is my understanding that not all states do.
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: What is the difference

graewulf said:
Get to know the people that are around your kids for who they are, not what the court says they are.
very well put....

now, how about a little education. what do we really know about sex offenders? or what do you know about sex offenders? fact, 80% of the victims of sexual offenses know the offender. a sex offender is defined as: individuals who are ultimately convicted for committing overt acts for their immediate sexual gratification that are contrary to the prevailing sexual mores of their society and thus are legally punishable.

fact, there is no cure for sex offenders. think about it, do you get off to anything that a sex offender does? public nudity, children, rape etc. no, because its a mental problem. but with proper education and psychological help in prison, the recidivism rate drops dramaticly. the problem is, there are only three states in america that currently practice a satisfactory sex offender treatment program.

as far as sex offender registration goes. it doesnt mean squat. it sounds good, especially when politicians say they're going to make it work this time around so they can get elected. but really, sex offender registration doesnt make a significant enough difference for its cost to be beneficial. because before this thread, how many of you actually took the time to find out where sex offenders in your neighborhood or zip code lived? i'd venture to guess not very many of you. and great, so you found out that a sex offender lives 3 houses down from you, what are you going to do differently? are you going to up and move? are you going to stop leaving your 6 year old home alone? or stop allowing them to walk around alone outside after dark? this is not to say anyone here is a bad parent, but its to say, you should be doing the right thing in the first place. like beretta said, his son is never out of his site when outside, now i'd like to think that that has more to do with him being a good parent than the fact that there's a sex offender living two houses down.

90Xjay said:
Well, graewulf, I don't see myself having a neighborhood bbq and inviting all of the registered sex offenders in my ZIP code over to the house one saturday to get to know each of them and then determine if they are really dangerous or not. Sorry.
i think you took what he said very literal. i doubt he wants you to have a picnic with them. but its to say that you should know the sorts that your children are having interactions with. and if you do, you should feel safe about them.

one more bit of facts for you guys, 16% of sexual assaults actually get reported. in a year in massachusetts (2003 i believe)
- 13,000+ sexual assaults were committed
- 2,500 reported
- 1,400 arrests
- 870 convictions
- 1/3 of 870 released under supervision
- 1/3 of 870 spent 6 mos. in a prison release house (halfway house)
- 1/3 of 870 actually go to prison
so, i ask again, how big of a difference does it make when 16% register, you actaully think they're more dangerous than those that werent caught? like graewulf said as well, people's thoughts of sex offenders are skewed by whats on the media. some guy gets arrested for public exposure, he's a sexual offender. peeping toms are sexual offenders. there are people who gets jollies from "brush by's" on public transportation. it takes all sorts. we automatically assume that all sexual offenders are child molestors and rapists because thats what we hear about. this is not to say that any form of sexual offense is right, but its something you have to consider if you want to take a stand.

like i've said before, i'm a criminal justice major, so any topic like this i'm sure to have an opinion. but far too often i see people jumping to conclusions about the correctional, judicial and policing system in america today without being fully educated. so before you cry wolf, make sure its worth it.

Re: RE: What is the difference

You know what...I think a registered sex offender BBQ might just be the ticket to cure the small town boredom I've been suffering from.

Thanks for the idea guys!
bchcky said:
as far as sex offender registration goes. it doesnt mean squat.

About as worthless as a PFA order.....not worth the paper it's written on. The two most recent murders of young girls by registered sex offenders is proof positive of that.
bchcky said:
before you cry wolf, make sure its worth it.

Probably just a poor choice of words but I'm going with it anyway.

At what point does expenditure become "worth it"? Who's child has to be attacked or killed before the money is spent "wisely"? I'm not saying that EVERYONE that's on those lists should die (or that they even deserve to be there) but I think anyone who attacks a child should have their brains massaged by an electric chair which, by the way, has been proven to be 100% effective in preventing reaccurance.

Oh, and speaking of rights, what rights does a child have after they've been buried in a shallow grave?
RE: Back to the drawing board

Sparky-Watts said:
bchcky said:
as far as sex offender registration goes. it doesnt mean squat.

About as worthless as a PFA order.....not worth the paper it's written on. The two most recent murders of young girls by registered sex offenders is proof positive of that.

So then whats the alternative. I dont think I would go scrapping the idea of making sex offenders register with the state.

I cant believe taking a piss behind the bar can get you registered as a sex offender. Man thinking back to college, I probably would be on americas most wanted. The dangerous urinator!
firemanharry said:
bchcky said:
before you cry wolf, make sure its worth it.

Probably just a poor choice of words but I'm going with it anyway.

At what point does expenditure become "worth it"? Who's child has to be attacked or killed before the money is spent "wisely"? I'm not saying that EVERYONE that's on those lists should die (or that they even deserve to be there) but I think anyone who attacks a child should have their brains massaged by an electric chair which, by the way, has been proven to be 100% effective in preventing reaccurance.

Oh, and speaking of rights, what rights does a child have after they've been buried in a shallow grave?

Judge09 said:
well put. I like the list, but it should have more detail.
I cant believe taking a piss behind the bar can get you registered as a sex offender. Man thinking back to college, I probably would be on americas most wanted. The dangerous urinator!

you and me both!