How is that right?

90Xjay-- I don't think he is really trying to argue what should happen. I doubt any of us having this conversation would like to see a sexual predator let go in general society.....but it happens. It's going to keep happening too. The only two realistic choices we have are to either go along on our current course or to try and make what we have as effective as possible. The reluctance of those on your side of this issue to fund post-release programs is really confusing though. How would that be a negative thing? How would a state run rehab program be a negative? I'm sorry man, but making a child molestor do general hard labor all day in no way reduces his chances of repeating his offense, but a logical rehab program MIGHT. It's better than nothing. If you can figure out a way to rewrite history and make it so we can execute the bastards on sight, I'll support you. Until then, we need to concentrate on what's actually happening.

While I'm normally one of the first to start throwing around the liberal label, there is no need to bring the liberal vs conservative thing to this.....the pig headed thinking of the extreme wings of both sides is to blame for this problem.
RE: Re: The final solution to my cj problems

90Xjay said:
I am sorry for belittling your feild trip for an eye opener.
Remember, you drew first blood with the "wise one" and "brilliant" attempts at sarcasm that were meant to discredit me personally.
honestly, those were sarcastic comments based on your opinion of the subject matter. it seemed to me that your opinion on the matter was based on a miniscule collection of events. if i were taking a personal shot at you, you'd know it. but alas, if thats how you took it, to each his own.

and still, no rebuttal to this?
bchcky said:
and another thing. take a petty theif. say you have a guy, been on welfare his whole life. worked dead end jobs every day of his life. he knocks off convenience stores on nights off. stores are always closed. nobody is ever there, nobody ever gets hurt. so he does this three times, finally gets bagged. and you want to cut off his hand? or his whole arm even? you tell me you could do this to someone. they have no relation to you. its not you, your friends, or your family you stole from. no personal ties. the store is insured, its gotten all its money back. you watch as the doctors put the tourniquet on him. and then YOU have to cut his arm off. he's all numbed up, or maybe by rules of your innovative system, we're not wasting morphine on him, so he can feel all the pain. you tell me, that you personally can cut this man's arm off. and that you would do this to criminals everyday. what if it were some 14 year old boy, who was tried as an adult, could you do it to him? because, you have no right at all, to ask that this be done, no right to suggest something like this, unless you yourself think that you could carry out this punishment on a daily basis. otherwise, its not just at all.
RE: Re: RE: Idoling too low

The only thing i can say is that rehb for repeat offenders in a crock. I guess no one remembers last year in Delaware when a repeat sex offender in jail took his COUNSELOR hostage and while he was holding her in the jail, he raped her and was about to kill her before a sniper managed to kill him. The only thing i can say is that 1 time you try rehab, repeat offenses and stakes increase each time by 10 fold. I know this will not happen, but i feel rehab does not work and is a waste of money after a 1st offense.
RE: Re: RE: Speedometer not speedometering right

[quote="90Xjay]Castrate rapist and sexual predators the first time, then if they do it again, kill them too. [/quote]

Here's another outright assumption based on media attention... they're not all males you know.. there are quite a few female sexual predators out there too. Most never make the press....
RE: Skid Plate - Cat Help

and still, no rebuttal to this?bchcky wrote:
and another thing. take a petty theif. say you have a guy, been on welfare his whole life. worked dead end jobs every day of his life. he knocks off convenience stores on nights off. stores are always closed. nobody is ever there, nobody ever gets hurt. so he does this three times, finally gets bagged. and you want to cut off his hand? or his whole arm even? you tell me you could do this to someone. they have no relation to you. its not you, your friends, or your family you stole from. no personal ties. the store is insured, its gotten all its money back. you watch as the doctors put the tourniquet on him. and then YOU have to cut his arm off. he's all numbed up, or maybe by rules of your innovative system, we're not wasting morphine on him, so he can feel all the pain. you tell me, that you personally can cut this man's arm off. and that you would do this to criminals everyday. what if it were some 14 year old boy, who was tried as an adult, could you do it to him? because, you have no right at all, to ask that this be done, no right to suggest something like this, unless you yourself think that you could carry out this punishment on a daily basis. otherwise, its not just at all.

Just so you know I do not have to respond to every little sentence you post. This isn't debate 101. You can sit around drinking bottled water and dream up scenarios all day, fine if you want to. Maybe the prof will add a chapter to his latest book with one of them. I don't care.

You dared me to take a prison tour, I answered that.

You said that death is not a deterrent, I said dead criminals can't hurt anymore. The death penalty is no deterrent, it is a solution. Maybe you can understand that, maybe not.

You said prisons are very hard, I say that they can be made worse.

I said I will protect my family. You said I was going out on a vigilante hunt for bad guys..??

Heck, I even gave you a compliment on my last post showing some respect for your viewpoints and you still had to return fire because I don't respond to one of your moronic fanasties you cooked up while you were clipping you toe nails and eating that day old subway in your fridge and thinking of ways to make everyone who reads this think how smart you are and how stupid that other guy is for being realistic about how screwed up the justice system is.

Say all you want, post all you want, I am done with you. I have my opinion, you have your college class and a world to change. Now put down the toe nail clippers and get busy.

Re: RE: Re: RE: Extra Gas tank

You want someone to pull the handle on whatever contraption to kill violent criminals then I'm your man. I'd have no problem or guilt with the job as long as pictures of what they did to someone else were pasted in front of me.

I was going to put up a post with all kinds of quotes and such but I just don't have the time for it right now so here are some thoughts from my partially burnt brain.

I don't know how many of you folks have children but I've got 3 little girls and the thought of something happening to them terrifies me beyond description. When I grow old and my girls have grown with children of their own.....they will STILL be my "little girls". The latest sexual predator events hit very "close to home" for me as my oldest girl is about the same age. I had never felt as adamantly about the subject as I do now and I don't beleive anyone else can, or will, until your flesh and blood becomes a possible target.

We all know that there are people on death row who's sentence should be carried out. Theives don't deserve death or disfigurement but violent thieves do. I think it has been proven in the past in THIS country that public executions DO work as a deterrent.

I'm not highly educated, religious, and in no way perfect. I grew up watching bugs bunny, the three stooges and the rest of the "violent programming". I got my a$$ beat more than a few times and was taught right from wrong.....that when I wanted something I had to work for it....that stealing was wrong......that bringing harm to another person was wrong. I was taught to respect life and be honest in whatever I do.

How many defense attorneys take clients on knowing that the client is guilty but see the $$$ of defending them? (maybe we should hang the lawyer too)
How many violent criminals are in jail because the were "framed"?
How many people in prison actually shouldn't be there?

You want to know why prisons are horrible places? I'll give you a little hint......because they're filled with horrible people.

MY .02
RE: Re: RE: Question?

90Xjay said:
I have no tolorance for that evil. If me or someone I love is being hurt and I can legally act, I will take care of them for everyone else. Evil force needs met with equal force sufficent to stop the threat.

If I awaken at night to some dope head coming down my hallway to hurt my family, they will cease to exist. I have a duty to protect them...and I will.
if some dope is coming down your hallway, shoot away, call me, i'll come help you. that was not the point. i have no problem with anyone protecting their family.

the point was only that what you said before that was fantasy. there is no world where you can legally act. no judge is going to say "sir, you stole 90Xjay's car, it was found stripped and sold, his insurance will cover that, but i am releasing you to him for punishment." so you can then, what? cut off his arms? maybe you should castrate him too, cause i think he has sex in your car with his girlfriend on the way to the junk yard.

and actually, i was going to say maybe you could change the world. your views are a lot more radical than mine are in comparison to what the justice system currently has. you could tell them you have a vision of amputation for all offenders, no matter how lowly the crime. because, all the things i said, are being practiced already, albiet not nationwide, but they are practiced in some facilities. so me going out would only be to kick the others in gear, but you, you could start a revolution here!
RE: Re: how can i get better gas mileage?

Sounds to me like you guys just need to get over the fact that you have different opinions. :wink:
I thought this was supposed to be a pleasant, family oriented Jeep board..........I must have typed in the wrong URL.

Personal pot shots aren't what we're about here and that's what makes this place so fantastic.

Can't we all just get along?

RE: Re: RE: Question?

Personal attacks will not be tolerated, they will cause the thread to be locked and/or deleted. Let's respect each other's opinions, even if it's different than your own.

Re: RE: New Pope

deleting it is going overboard. just lock it. nobody else needs to contribute anything here. that way if i ever do anything stupid in the future, all you guys can bring this back up and be like "see, you have always been a jerk"
here we go again. dont' lock or delete. You guys who got personal just edit your posts. If you don't the mods could do it for you. Locking these threads just plain sucks.

by the way, Martha was guilty Sparky. Guily of false testimony, but innocent of insider trading. Kind of strange they sent her to jail though don't you think? Seemed like a witch hunt to me. Maybe I'm wrong I dunno.
LadyJeepFreak said:
Flame me if you want, I don't mind. 8) BUT look at it like this:

I'm old school. Rehabilitation to me (for serious offenders) is just a bunch of wussy stuff that someone sitting up in an office had a pipe dream about one day.

If someone has tendancies to rape, maim, or kill anyone else.....They should be given no way out of thier past disgressions.

I mean come on? Regular society abiding people like myself can't kick regular old tendancies (tobacco, etc.) every day and you seriously think you can rehabilitate someone with a mindset of a serious sex offendor or murder?


Also, there should be NOTHING GOOD about prison. NOTHING! Not TV, Not Food, Not Entertainment, Not outside contact, Not socializing time...NOTHING!

You should go there to be punished and it should be so bad you'd never want to go back.

I would put myself up to those same standards. If I ever rape, maim or kill anyone Please lock me away until I learn my lesson or kill myself first.

Oh and BTW, Martha was railroaded BIG TIME. I think it's because she's a woman but that's probably because I'm a woman too. She does not deserved to be tracked 24/7 over the kind of thing she did.


OMGoodness Lady that was an excellent post!!!!!!!!

Cold hard reality is that criminals weigh their options. If the risk is one worth taking they will take it. If a punishment is severe enough to not make the crime worth it then crime will go down. For serious crimes I say get da baaastads out there breaking rocks in the desert all day. If they make it through their full sentance with good behavior then turn their skinny dehydrated butts back into society knowing how to work hard!

...and before you make reference to "cruel and unusual punishment", remember them men who wrote that document lived in a time where public hangings were held. If it happens every day it is not unusual. If it fits the crime it is not cruel ;)

RE: Re: bleeding brakes

Seems like decent talk on the subject minus the personal attacks, hopefully it will continue as such.

Myself, I think every Jail and Prison should be run like the one run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, Arizona. Pink underwear for male inmates, and the Sheriff strictly controls all piped in TV, including running only one channel at bedtime when the Sheriff reads the inmates a bedtime story :lol:

They wear pink underwear and black and white striped uniforms. Around 2,000 inmates live in tents under the blazing Arizona sun in temperatures which last summer often exceeded 120 degrees Fahrenheit . Even in mid-October, it was over 100 degrees.

"I got meal costs down to 40 cents a day per inmate. It costs $1.15 a day to feed the department's dogs. Now, I'm cutting prisoners' calories from 3,000 to 2,500 a day," the sheriff said during a recent tour of his tent city.
Bounty__Hunter said:
Seems like decent talk on the subject minus the personal attacks, hopefully it will continue as such.

Myself, I think every Jail and Prison should be run like the one run by Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Maricopa County, Arizona. Pink underwear for male inmates, and the Sheriff strictly controls all piped in TV, including running only one channel at bedtime when the Sheriff reads the inmates a bedtime story :lol:

They wear pink underwear and black and white striped uniforms. Around 2,000 inmates live in tents under the blazing Arizona sun in temperatures which last summer often exceeded 120 degrees Fahrenheit . Even in mid-October, it was over 100 degrees.

"I got meal costs down to 40 cents a day per inmate. It costs $1.15 a day to feed the department's dogs. Now, I'm cutting prisoners' calories from 3,000 to 2,500 a day," the sheriff said during a recent tour of his tent city.

I agree! No more "luxury suites" in the state pen. I say bring back the chain gangs and 5x5 concrete and iron cells. No more TV, no more magazines, no more spa and workout rooms. Make prison a prison, not a retreat.