How is that right?

How's the weather?

firemanharry said:
Oh, and speaking of rights, what rights does a child have after they've been buried in a shallow grave?
my point was not dont cry wolf because i dont feel people need protection from sexual offenders. my point was not to cry wolf for the wrong type of "protection." like i said before, sex offender registration does not work. and they cannot be cured. and as much as you would all like to, you just cannot lock sex offenders up and throw away the key. so what do you have than? a bunch of offenders, and you need something to do with them. like i said before, only 3 states offer a satisfactory program while in jail that greatly reduces the risk of them re-offending. this also includes intense supervision and weekly psychiatric visits after release.

so i urge you, if you're so concerned about this. vote right next time. dont vote for the guy who sounds like he's leading a lynch mob saying "we're going to make them all register! so you all know how close they are to your kids!" or the guy that says "we're going to lock them all up and throw away the key!" because as good as that sounds to you, its nothing but a waste of your tax dollars. vote for the guy who says quietly, we're going to do this right. sex offenders are going to undergo intensive treatment while in prison, and they are going to be released only when they are deemed safe for society, and then they are going to be assisted after as well. this sounds like a lot more of your taxpayer dollars, but at least they're going to go to something thats truly going to work.

let me ask you, hi-lifts are dangerous enough when not used properly, would you spend a fraction of the price for say a wal-mart brand, but sacrifice the quality and reliability to save some bucks? while this may not be the best analogy, i'm simply making the point that one is a much better investment than the other.
LadyJeepFreak said:
Sparky-Watts said:
firemanharry said:
Oh, and speaking of rights, what rights does a child have after they've been buried in a shallow grave?


and again, like grae said, keep in mind all sex offenders are not child molestors. obviously children, and their safety is the first priority, and i do not disagree with that. but the fact is that violent sexual crimes against children, especially those resulting in death, are hardly the majority of the cases. they are the most gruesome in your mind, therefore the focus of all you think that is wrong, but, crimes that result in death, especially in a manner such as that, usually end up with someone going to jail for a very long time, and those arent the people you have to worry about anymore.

RE: How

bchcky said:
are you going to stop leaving your 6 year old home alone? or stop allowing them to walk around alone outside after dark?

If they're 6.. I should hope not.. sex offenders or not... thats too young to be alone at home, or out at night,.... (sorry, couldn't resist)
judge09 said:
I cant believe taking a piss behind the bar can get you registered as a sex offender.

Sad but true.... you'd be surprised what they consider a sex offense. I bet better than 50% of the people on this board qualify as sex offenders under the law - but I doubt if there is more than one real sex offender on here.
RE: How

Good input from most everyone on this topic.
Still my main point on this thread was that a non violent blue collar ex-con is being tracked by the justice system, which is a deterent to her not to violate the conditions of her release. While Chester the molester is running wild having a molest-fest with our children.

When somone breaks the law the reason they go to prison is for punishment. This whole bunch of liberal, psycho-bull of rehabilitaion came along later so some college professor making 120K a year can have a job and write books. Quote all of the stats you want from any book or author you want to. Punishment first, rehab second.

They have molested, hurt and killed children....get it??

If they are still dangerous, keep in mind the crime they commited in the first place,keep them locked up, if that cost too much go to a penal colony like the French did. A nice island about 50 miles off the coast should do it. If someone is a RSO, I will consider them a threat to me and my family, unless circumstances permit otherwise. If I find out that they took a leak in a parking lot, that is a whole different story. In Texas , they list the crime and time served. That gives me a lot more info to base my bias towards or away from them.

SO what if it cost more to lock some one up, we are spending way too much per year per inmate anyway. Cut out the computers and color tvs and cooked to order breakfast. What is the real cost of letting them go, like someone already said...shallow graves with little corpses inside..

first off, graewulf, the 6 year old comment was in jest :lol:. i know good parents wouldnt leave a 6 year old alone, but anyways...
90Xjay said:
When somone breaks the law the reason they go to prison is for punishment. This whole bunch of liberal, psycho-bull of rehabilitaion came along later so some college professor making 120K a year can have a job and write books. Quote all of the stats you want from any book or author you want to. Punishment first, rehab second.
and i must say, that is a very asinine way of looking at things. the crime problem in america today is out of control. they cant build prisons quick enough. yet people still commit crimes. prison is not a deterrent. people still kill people, obviously the death penalty is not a deterrent. prison sentences do not last forever. even for a murder conviction, 20 years to life, that person is not spending the rest of their life in prison, and that is the harsh reality of it.

so that college professor writing his books is right. the focus should be on rehabilitating prisoners while in prison, and keeping them on the straight and narrow when they are released. the recidivism rate in america is very very high. so good idea, you put someone in prison to punish them. they DON'T learn their lesson, they get released, and they go out and commit another crime. they get convicted and sent to prison again, and you can see where this becomes a vicious cycle.

if you want to see prison as a punishment, thats fine. but something needs to be done to make sure that when someone goes there, they're not going to end up back in there 3 months after they're released. you sound like you're all about an eye for an eye and making sure these people learn their lesson. how about sending them away, rehabilitating them, and having the possibility of them becoming a contributing member of society when they return. or we could continue to go your way, which is the current method. we'll put them in prison for a few years, and then we'll find the key, and we'll let them out, and because of the nature of prison, they're no better off than they were 7 years ago when they went away. so now there must be another victim, while this person commits another crime, only to get sent back to prison, and it doesnt phase them at all. it sounds good to be the pitch fork toting "lock em up and throw away the key" ring leader to get people on your side, but its by no means the best option.
Flame me if you want, I don't mind. 8) BUT look at it like this:

I'm old school. Rehabilitation to me (for serious offenders) is just a bunch of wussy stuff that someone sitting up in an office had a pipe dream about one day.

If someone has tendancies to rape, maim, or kill anyone else.....They should be given no way out of thier past disgressions.

I mean come on? Regular society abiding people like myself can't kick regular old tendancies (tobacco, etc.) every day and you seriously think you can rehabilitate someone with a mindset of a serious sex offendor or murder?


Also, there should be NOTHING GOOD about prison. NOTHING! Not TV, Not Food, Not Entertainment, Not outside contact, Not socializing time...NOTHING!

You should go there to be punished and it should be so bad you'd never want to go back.

I would put myself up to those same standards. If I ever rape, maim or kill anyone Please lock me away until I learn my lesson or kill myself first.

Oh and BTW, Martha was railroaded BIG TIME. I think it's because she's a woman but that's probably because I'm a woman too. She does not deserved to be tracked 24/7 over the kind of thing she did.

RE: Extra Gas tank

i agree with you that there should be no fun in prisons. and believe me, there's not. i've taken tours of maximum security prisons here in mass. and as far as it being for punishment, thats fine, thats obviously part of it. the original idea of prison wasnt for punishment though, because long long ago, when you went to prison, you didnt come back. so prison was simply there to separate the law abiding citizens from those that broke the law. and i'm old school too, i agree with that. i miss the old days of lock them up and throw away the key. but the reality of today is that that doesnt happen. there are too many human rights groups, and it even says in the constitution that there shall be no cruel and unusual punishment. that said, i'm also a realist. i'd like to throw away the key. but i know its not going to happen. so instead of bitching about a method you know society will never adobt but you would like them to, how about making educated votes when state elections come around again. how about voicing an opinion with a VIABLE alternative or solution instead of, bah, prison, throw him in and throw away the key.

though i dont disagree with anyone's views here. some of them are skewed. and i understand children are always the main focus, and the worst crime you could commit would be that against a child, but there are other factors here. and there are limitations. some of the things everyone would like to happen, will never happen. and some of the things that already happen, are useless.

Idoling too low

i miss the old days of lock them up and throw away the key. but the reality of today is that that doesnt happen. there are too many human rights groups, and it even says in the constitution that there shall be no cruel and unusual punishment. that said, i'm also a realist. i'd like to throw away the key. but i know its not going to happen. so instead of bitching about a method you know society will never adobt but you would like them to, how about making educated votes when state elections come around again. how about voicing an opinion with a VIABLE alternative or solution instead of, bah, prison, throw him in and throw away the key.

I was getting ready to post pretty much the same thing. You're completely right.

The attitudes that some of you have taken in response to bchcky's posts is the reason we will NEVER fix the drug problem, gang problem, child abuse problems, etc......You can argue all day long about how you want things, but we really need to let our brains lead our hearts a little and work on how it really is.
The sex offender registry is a complete waste of time. It isn't updated like it should.......and you only register ONCE a year anyway!! What about the rest of the year?
Ohh when little johnny grows up and rapes a 12 year old, we should give him an evaluation and find out the real cause was that his parents didn't buy him the "frosted" mini wheats over the regular ones or his math teacher failed him for not doing homework.
He lost his job at the factory and could not afford his weed anymore.
Boo hoo. Gutless liberal retoric.

Some people are just evil some are good, law abiding citizens.
You can't rehabilitate evil. You can't have an intervention with a Ted Bundy to confront his bad choices and destructive behavior.
You try it and he will leave behind a trail of pain and innocent dead people whose blood will be partially on your hands.

I am not slamming you bchbky, any harder than you me, just your liberal mindset.
Re: RE: Speedometer not speedometering right

junkpile is the only one so far who actually understood what i said.

you complain about my liberal views, or disagree with them. yet i have yet to see any better ideas come from you. go check the sex offender registration in your town, oh good idea. it doesnt work. thats not a 120k a year professor's point of view, its the truth. it doesnt do a thing.

and you can rehabilitate evil. i said that sexual offenders are not cureable, but other criminals are. most crime, other than specifics you mentioned like ted bundy are committed from necessity or opportunity, not for passion. and you say "leave a trail of pain and innocent dead people" well what do you think happens when these guys are just released? someone serves 10 years of hard time for armed robbery. he gets out of prison, he's got no job, no house, nothing, he re-commits, and becomes a statistic.

the truth is that people get released, regardless of their crime. so you punish them while they're in there, and they become even worse human beings. then they're released, with minimal supervision (parole) and a dead end job. and you expect that person to become a functioning member of society? PLEASE. while i see your views, you still dont see mine. someone rapes a friend or family member of yours, and they get out in 7 years, what then, because of the poor penal system, he goes right back to his previous ways. whereas with a proper intervention program while in prison and post release, the chance of them re-offending drops dramaticly.

so i ask you. if you dont like my liberal view, what is a better REALISTIC solution? you cant get them to throw away the keys. and sex offender registration obviously does not work. so good, punish them while they're there, keep them in solitary for 7 years. and then release them. i'll let those people go live in your community, with your children. but me, in my community, i'm going to spend my tax dollars towards rehabilitating them, and instituting an intensive post release program. i'll live there. your place, as you're putting it, sounds like its out of the 19th century, and you're the one leading the lynch mob. well, unfortunately, society has changed, and that is no longer tolerated. you lead that lynch mob, you kill a sex offender who has just been released under your system, and has re-offended, and you get to pay for it now.

i share the same distaste for sexual offenders and criminals that you do. and while your method sounds good, sounds like a great idea, it doesnt happen that way, and it doesnt work. i'm being more realistic than liberal here. because i understand society is not going to let you throw away the keys. convicted murderers get released after 20 years, armed bank robbers get released, and you expect to sell the notion that everyone found guilty of a sexual offense is going to get locked up for life without the possibility of parole? please, you'd have an easier time convincing them your sh!t doesnt stink.

I just ordered a new top and was wondering

you complain about my liberal views, or disagree with them. yet i have yet to see any better ideas come from you.

Kill those that murder, and don't wait 15 years to do it either so they can have a jail-house conversion and write best sellers. 6 months, one auto appeal and you fry. Public on national TV

Castrate rapist and sexual predators the first time, then if they do it again, kill them too.

20 years for armed robbery, if they get out and do it again, amputate both of their arms and let them sit on the street begging for food. At least they could only rob again if they used their feet to hold the gun.

And like LJF said, if prison was bad enough, they would not want to go back. Forced labor, minimal food and water. If you cause trouble you die.
No indivudal cells, no protective custody,no contact with the outside, let them all fight and kill each other if they want to.

Petty thieves, lose a hand the first time, then the rest of the arm the next time and so on. Same goes for corporate theft.

Banishment to penial colonies where they live or die among other thieves and murderers.

About 14 years ago, a 34 year old man and two minors broke in on my grandma (79) in the dead of a winter snow storm claiming to be out of gas, they beat her down, robbed the house and left her for dead. Wood heat only, she was found the next day, house freezing, bloody mess, curled up in the corner of the room with a rug pulled over her to keep warm. They should have all been killed for that. They thought they killed her and nearly did and did shorten her life.

I have no tolorance for that evil. If me or someone I love is being hurt and I can legally act, I will take care of them for everyone else. Evil force needs met with equal force sufficent to stop the threat.

If I awaken at night to some dope head coming down my hallway to hurt my family, they will cease to exist. I have a duty to protect them...and I will.
protecting yourself and your familiy is one thing. going on a manhunt for those that bring harm to others is a completely different thing. i can see this has turned into nothing but a joke. those were far from realistic solutions. those solutions were acceptable in ancient europe/asia, but never have been in america since its inception, nor will they ever be. cut off the arms, you're brilliant, why didnt someone else think of that first.

and like LJF said, wrong. prison is bad enough. i implore that you take a tour of a maximum security prison. you, as a tourist, will fear for your very life. i took one with a class last september, and its not a place you'd ever want to spend a day. but you say if it were bad enough, people wouldnt want to go back? tell me wise one, this death penalty you speak of, how good of a deterrent is that currently? it has no bearing what-so-ever on people killing other people. it does not deter. so if death doesnt phase them, you think prison is going to?

and tell me, what did happen to the ones who broke into your grandmother's house? surely they havent spent the rest of their lives in prison. so you would rather, they get released, and re-offend, bring the same pain to someone else, that they previously brought to you, rather than to rehabilitate them, and to supervise them when they get out, so nobody else has to go through that? your intentions are heartfelt, but your means are foolish at best.
Steering stabilizer opinions?

and another thing. take a petty theif. say you have a guy, been on welfare his whole life. worked dead end jobs every day of his life. he knocks off convenience stores on nights off. stores are always closed. nobody is ever there, nobody ever gets hurt. so he does this three times, finally gets bagged. and you want to cut off his hand? or his whole arm even? you tell me you could do this to someone. they have no relation to you. its not you, your friends, or your family you stole from. no personal ties. the store is insured, its gotten all its money back. you watch as the doctors put the tourniquet on him. and then YOU have to cut his arm off. he's all numbed up, or maybe by rules of your innovative system, we're not wasting morphine on him, so he can feel all the pain. you tell me, that you personally can cut this man's arm off. and that you would do this to criminals everyday. what if it were some 14 year old boy, who was tried as an adult, could you do it to him? because, you have no right at all, to ask that this be done, no right to suggest something like this, unless you yourself think that you could carry out this punishment on a daily basis. otherwise, its not just at all.

Re: Steering stabilizer opinions?

bchcky wrote:
tell me wise one, this death penalty you speak of, how good of a deterrent is that currently? it has no bearing what-so-ever on people killing other people. it does not deter. so if death doesnt phase them, you think prison is going to?

I have never seen nor will you ever see anybody who has been put to death, cause physical harm to anyone after they have been put to death.

I can understand that and I don't even have a degree.

The panty-waist ways of dealing with criminals sure hasn't helped those dead little girls.

And I have been inside of maximum security prisons in more than one state and more than a few facilities, over 30 times for several hours at a time. My job has required me to. I have been in GP and Ad Seg also. I have signed releases and read the signs that say "NO hostage will ever pass though this gate".
And I was Not on a little tour for extra points in class, I have interacted with inmates and convicts. Do you know the difference in an inmate and a convict? I do. Do you know what a "johnny" is? I do. How about a "stinger", how about one of the biggest gangs behind bars, the "Mexican Mafia"?
I am telling you, that as bad as you felt about being inside for your little tour that it is not that bad. I know how relieved you felt when you got back into your car at the parking lot.

Well inside,you get used to the smell of bleach and stale air after awhile. The food, while high in starch, isn't any worse than I have seen at any home-less shelter.

Prisons could be WAY harder and WAY worse.

You keep up with your college class and I hope you get really good grades. This society is full of evil people who will kill you for the thrill of it, steal you children and sodomize them. You and your ilk continue to psycho-analyize the Henry Lee Lucas' of the world and write all of the articles about curing everyone. I will still make every concerted efffort to guard myself and my family.
Re: The final solution to my cj problems

bchcky wrote:
..... going on a manhunt for those that bring harm to others is a completely different thing

I have no earthly idea what board you were on or what post you read when you ciphered that one............That was Charles Bronson and that was just a movie.
Re: bleeding brakes

bchcky wrote:
and tell me, what did happen to the ones who broke into your grandmother's house? surely they havent spent the rest of their lives in prison. so you would rather, they get released, and re-offend, bring the same pain to someone else, that they previously brought to you,

No no no, you did not listen, I told you I would rather they all were smoked for what they did to a 79 year old, 80 lb woman. They tryed to kill her and failed. If she had died, they would have been smoked, should they get out of jail, just because she did not die? They wanted her dead and even cut the phone lines to the farm house so she could not call out while she was bleeding to death. No no no . No rehab for these, why even waste the time? They should have fryed and THEN you could guarantee society that they would never hurt anyone again.

90Xjay said:
And I was Not on a little tour for extra points in class, I have interacted with inmates and convicts.
extra points for class my ass. it was on a saturday, it was on my own time. it was offered to my class, and a bunch of others. it was not for extra points, it was to open your eyes. i have not questioned your education once on here. i never said you were unqualified to have an opinion or anything like that. so why is my tour any less than yours? why is it a "little tour" and automatically just for "extra points in class." thats right. this whole trip at school is just for sight seeing. you're right, i'm spending 38k a year on my education cause i want to go on field trips.

i like how you dodged my question about you carrying out the punishment as well. i didnt say at all that you were a killer. or had the desire. to most normal people, the death penalty doesnt seem inviting. i was merely stating the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrent.
90Xjay said:
bchcky wrote:
and tell me, what did happen to the ones who broke into your grandmother's house? surely they havent spent the rest of their lives in prison. so you would rather, they get released, and re-offend, bring the same pain to someone else, that they previously brought to you,

No no no, you did not listen, I told you I would rather they all were smoked for what they did to a 79 year old, 80 lb woman. They tryed to kill her and failed. If she had died, they would have been smoked, should they get out of jail, just because she did not die? They wanted her dead and even cut the phone lines to the farm house so she could not call out while she was bleeding to death. No no no . No rehab for these, why even waste the time? They should have fryed and THEN you could guarantee society that they would never hurt anyone again.
but the point is that there is no crime that they committed which is going to bring that about. and there is no case that you can make that is going to make a crime they committed a capital case. i dont agree with what happened. but think rationally about it. of course you're filled with rage, and nobody would fault you for wishing they were dead. but the fact is that they're not going to be put to death, and they're not going to be imprisoned for life. so i'm asking you to think rationally, and to think of a good solution once they do get out of prison, because they are getting out. i didnt ask what you wished would happen to them.
I am sorry for belittling your feild trip for an eye opener.
Remember, you drew first blood with the "wise one" and "brilliant" attempts at sarcasm that were meant to discredit me personally.

You give it out, you will get it back. Thats life. Deal with it.
IF you have thin skin, then keep it non-personal.

Like I said, I have spent over 100 hours inside of maximum security prisons, you have spent considerably less. I have worked there, among the prisoners, you took a tour.

you go ahead, honestly and change the world if you can. AT least you have some passion about your opinion and I respect that. I just can't wait for you or anybody in my lifetime to change this while my own kids may be in danger and just shrug my shoulders and wish it were different.

It is obvious that the screwed up system that makes Martha Stewart wear a electronic ankle device to "punish" her can't either keep dangerous child predators off of the street they just make them promise to stop if we give them a second or third or fourth chance.

I will continue to be aware and vigilant and ask God to protect my family.

I'm out.