I Am So Stupid :(


New member

I figured out why my jeep was knocking and losing power, my oil was bone dry, and i drove it like that for a good 2-4 weeks knocking like that, i cant belive i didnt relize it sooner i was informed about a small oil leak when i first got it and it completly slipped my mind, god i feel like i abused my jeep, im going to go sit in a corner and hit myself in the head :-( ....also the way i figured it out was i was driving down a main road doing about 45 and went to pass a car and got to 55 and the engine just stoped all power and it reved up to about 4k and then felt like it jerked down a gear and slowed down...ok im gonna go hit myself some more

edited by: JeepBaja, Apr 10, 2003 - 02:40 AM[addsig]


Dude That is awful! I hope there is little or no damage to the engin but I can not see how it ran as long as it did! Tug[addsig]

As Far i can tell there is no damage but i dont know for sure my engine didnt seize up either its actually running great now, it took 6 quarts last night[addsig]


yeah, you got VERY lucky... its a good thing jeep engines are built so well! i think you should change your oil after 500 miles just to make sure you revive it properly because when there's NO oil in there it probably builds up a good bit of carbon that doesn't go anywhere... its the least you could do for the poor thing! [addsig]

Man you are one lucky dude. You should pack you and your jeep and head to Vegas NOW!!! Ok just kidding, you were really lucky though, that it didn't just throw a rod out the side of your block. That jeep must really like you. Noew you should return the favor and get it muddy. :lol: :lol: :lol: :cool: [addsig]

I once drove my nissan pickup on a 220 mile trip with under 2 quarts of oil... but that is a 4wd rice motor... those things are not real motors[addsig]


so what kind of oil were you using before it all disappeared?[addsig]

Well, I have to join the ranks of the stupid now...

I had a minor fender bender on Thursday in my YJ. I was going down a two-lane, one-way road the right way. But I was looking for a law firm so I didn't notice that it was a one way road. I'm in the right lane and before I turn left, I look ahead of me to make sure no cars were coming...of course there weren't...it was a one-way road...so I proceed to turn. Of course there was a car coming in the left lane from behind and they run into me on the drivers side. :-(

Luckily, the damage to my YJ is very minor and only cosmetic...thanks to the side runner and steps which took the brunt of the impact and kept the other car from doing more damage to the body tub. The other car sustained a little more damange although it was minor too, I basically sustained a large but probably easily repairable (without replacing the metal) dent where the "Jeep" logo is, scratched the paint and my the plastic runners runner thingys and the rubber step cover probably have to be replaced but luckily that's about it.

Oh, and I got a ticket for an improper left hand turn...and for not having proof of current insurance (my insurance card had expired but the policy is still in effect so I just have to prove that I had/have it). :-x

Oh well. It could have been worse. I didn't run of a sand dune and sustain over $5K in damage. :)[addsig]